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Top quality jobs + must have people walking.


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Anyways I was thinking about having jobs like taxi driver, police officer, bank robber, car jacker, medic, wat ever u name it. (that will be post 4 new ideas on jobs only). And I had a second idea on having people walking around like the game called midtown madness and midtown madness 2. They will have no people driving and people will just walk everywhere. If u like that suggestion tell me. Otherwise if no1 likes it then who cares.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This guy joined November 16th 2004...

Is he supposed to search the archives to find out the question was answered? Maybe but just maybe it bears repeating... If you dont' have the time for it don't post a sacastic non answer... This type of "kill the noob" attitude isn't really helpful in attracting new intrest.

The answer is that it's too much to sync every little thing you would want in this mod.

Even thou you see trash flying around and a million other things.. the only things that are synced are people, cars, bullets and health spots... the rest of this game is run off your machine and it's assumed that you have the same map as anyone else unless you are using map mods (those are prohibited and are cheating at this time)

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the only things that are synced are people, cars, bullets and health spots...

"health spots" are not they run off your machen

nope not off your machete, of your machine :roll:

Curly if I wanted to hear from an asshole I would have farted...

My point is take the time to explain these things to the few new people who care enough to ask

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Agreed. The time it takes to make a saracastic remark towards a new player who clearly has a positive attitude towards the game could be used to reinforce that positive attitude and merely point out/suggest where to read to find out that topic if has already been suggested, shortly put.


P.S. laugh.

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Agreed. The time it takes to make a saracastic remark towards a new player who clearly has a positive attitude towards the game could be used to reinforce that positive attitude and merely point out/suggest where to read to find out that topic if has already been suggested, shortly put.


P.S. laugh.

Fair enough not making sarcastic remarks to people, but "positive attitude towards the game"?

This guy has been showing off his health cheats and giving out links to trainers.

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