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Are there any?

Occasionally I can see RPG servers in ASE, but the players usually dont roleplay even there.. So, if you like to roleplay: what servers do you use, when and where? :)

I really like roleplaying, its actually the only reason why I play MTA (a good reason though). I dont see any sense just shooting people around when everyone lags so much.

Would be cool if the roleplayers could get their own forum section or something to organize everyone to one server at the same time.

I have tried sometimes to keep up my own server, but I can only host about 7 players, and I always have to wait for at least an hour before theres enough players. Here are my server rules: http://koti.mbnet.fi/obc/mta

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I dont have a script, but I still host. Better something than nothing.

If any moderator/someone who has the right to create forums looks at this, could they consider the Roleplayers forum?

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The only problem is that MTA is a horrible arena for Roleplay. At least as I define it, anyway. Sure you can play a cop all you like, but all you can do is kill someone or beat them down with your nightstick. You can be a robber, but there's nothing to take. What purpose is it to be a vigilante VCC if all you can really do is kill someone else? I won't even get into the uselessness of a Sailor aside from their keen fashion sense! :zombiesmile:

The closest thing I've seen so far as a Roleplaying script would be Panther's server running DJ-Mills script on it (THere's a topic around here somewhere "DJ-mills server closing down" that has the IP in it). Now this allows robbers to rob and cops to be police. You can sell and scrap cars for money which can then be used to buy houses. However, this is where it ends.. THere's no real REASON to buy a business or own a house. THere's no way to tell if someone is on your property for you to !fine them and get money from them. If they would enhance this already impressive script with some functionality to the businesses, it would be far better and give MTA more of an MMO feel to it, which I think is what you're looking for. Persistant worlds of MMO's are MUCH MUCH better platforms for Roleplay, and this script is a step in that direction, but they need to enhance it further. I have some ideas, but I don't quite know who to contact about the actual code for it (Which I do not know how to write). If someone out there that codes for this script is reading this, drop me a PM or something.

And before you ask, no, they won't give it to you ;)

EDIT: I found the server in a DJ-DAN post...

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I like roleplaying in MTA from time to time.

Sometimes I am the hardass officer bro, out to bust anyones ass who dareth speed over 55 in a 55mph zone damnit! :evil:

Sometimes I get promoted to Chief officer Bro, and I bark out orders to my officers while smacking officer joe for bringing me the wrong damn doughnuts! :twisted:

Sometimes I really loose it, and become a druggy dooped up dropout loser, hellbent on wild parties at exotic locations whistle snorting up some really bad chronic $#!T.

Why more players don't roleplay is beyond me. We have an entire city of possibilities, yet everyone wants to jump around with stubbys all day. :lol:

NOW HIRING-- Pizza delivery boy,, excellent pay, must sign release forms and provide own pizza delivery bike(found on island 1). :shock: Submit application at - Bro's Phat Ass Pizza Shack, downtown Vice City!

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I dont think that GTA is so horrible for roleplaying, because I have had some very fun hours roleplaying it. I understand that theres not much to actually do, BUT, most of the time roleplaying is just talking and walking, and for that GTA:MTA is just fine.

So, you want to rob a bank?

Get your gang together.

Make the plan.

Drive to the bank.

Take the cash. (Use /me takes the cash bag from the vault. You can use this for almost anything.)

Run away and hope you get away from police. (Police could have had for example an "anonymous call" about robbers.)

Share your loot in your hiding place.

The truth is, that if everyone knows what to do, there wont be any need for actual "Take the cash" button. Use your imagination. One of the advantages of roleplaying is that the ones who lose are also having fun.

Think about live roleplaying in reality. They are quite in the same situation. Actually, they cant even beat each other nor shoot anyone. So its even more limited than GTA. Still it works and is fun.

About the MMO feel. I have played MMORPG's quite a lot, and I think they are too much skills, numbers etc. so that it actually restricts roleplaying. Roleplaying is about imagination. You wont need a text indicating that you can rob a bank by going into this blue spot and pressing your action key.

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I dont think that GTA is so horrible for roleplaying, because I have had some very fun hours roleplaying it. I understand that theres not much to actually do, BUT, most of the time roleplaying is just talking and walking, and for that GTA:MTA is just fine.

So, you want to rob a bank?

Get your gang together.

Make the plan.

Drive to the bank.

Take the cash. (Use /me takes the cash bag from the vault. You can use this for almost anything.)

Run away and hope you get away from police. (Police could have had for example an "anonymous call" about robbers.)

Share your loot in your hiding place.

The truth is, that if everyone knows what to do, there wont be any need for actual "Take the cash" button. Use your imagination. One of the advantages of roleplaying is that the ones who lose are also having fun.

Think about live roleplaying in reality. They are quite in the same situation. Actually, they cant even beat each other nor shoot anyone. So its even more limited than GTA. Still it works and is fun.

About the MMO feel. I have played MMORPG's quite a lot, and I think they are too much skills, numbers etc. so that it actually restricts roleplaying. Roleplaying is about imagination. You wont need a text indicating that you can rob a bank by going into this blue spot and pressing your action key.

The problem is... Hrm.. how to phrase this...

Let's say you play DAOC, and you've been Roleplaying on Nimue for years. Head on over to a NON-RP server and try the same thing, people are going to completely miss the point or worse still, mock you for doing so. There's so few people who actually have a clue as to how to Roleplay that you've got more killers then Roleplayers and killers have no time nor patience for Roleplayers.

MMORPG's are one of the best places to RP, though I agree, they are limiting in their own ways.. If you want true Free role playing, I suggest an IRC channel called #BlkDragon*Inn... I was an addict to that room for years. It's gone down the path of cheese (last I saw anyway) so it might not be the best place, but it's a place to start. I think they're on irc.sorcery.net now

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The only problem is that MTA is a horrible arena for Roleplay. At least as I define it, anyway. Sure you can play a cop all you like, but all you can do is kill someone or beat them down with your nightstick. You can be a robber, but there's nothing to take. What purpose is it to be a vigilante VCC if all you can really do is kill someone else? I won't even get into the uselessness of a Sailor aside from their keen fashion sense! :zombiesmile:

Another problem is that due to a skin bug, a cop could look like a robber on everyone else's screens, making it difficult to form teams by class alone.

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Yes that bug is irritating, but its also so rare that it doesnt really matter.

An irc channel could be nice yes, but with my limited english and experience in roleplaying it could be just a little bit too hardcore for me.

But, as I have staited before and despite all of its bad points I have still had fun roleplaying GTA. And when Blue comes out, it will be even better, I hope: better communications, better sync., propably bye bye to a lot of bugs...

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you dont need material to role player, you just need an imagination....

if u guys want me to make a permanent role playing server i will, here in the USA, i got plenty of connection to spare....

your all probably out of my country but ping doesnt matter much for role playing

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you dont need material to role player, you just need an imagination....

That is exactly what I mean.

About you making the server; its good that there are people ready to make roleplaying servers. But, if someone makes one, it has to be moderated almost all the time, otherwise it wont work very well (based to my own experience).

Most important I think, would be getting a communication tool for MTA roleplayers, so that roleplaying could be organized better; to plan when and how + other stuff. That would be cool... You could also make announcements of your own roleplaying server (what the rules are, when the admin is online, events etc.).

So please, if someone who make decisions about these forums here reads this, could you answer (about making forum for roleplayers)?

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So please, if someone who make decisions about these forums here reads this, could you answer (about making forum for roleplayers)?

I don't really see enough demand for an entire forum section devoted to RPG, Perhaps simply rename this thread and allow people to congregate and discuss rpg in here.

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