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Strange problem maybe new bot?


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I have a little problem with a server i'm admining every now and then this happens.

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #1 The name '[sDs]Grassy' is a registerd name. You have 30 seconds to login.

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #1 To login type "/msg login ".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #0 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #0 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #11 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #11 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #10 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #10 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #9 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #9 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #8 The name '[sDs]Grassy' is a registerd name. You have 30 seconds to login.

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #8 To login type "/msg login ".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #7 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #7 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #1 'Unknown' is not a registerd name.

---> =BDC=DaRk: hop on

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #4 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #4 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #3 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #3 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #1 The name '[sDs]Grassy' is a registerd name. You have 30 seconds to login.

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #1 To login type "/msg login ".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #0 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #0 For more infomation type "/msg help".

---> [sDs]Grassy: WHAT THE FUCK

---> =BDC=Venom: !about 6

---> [RMO]Falcon: ffs

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #10 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #10 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #9 The name '[RMO]Falcon' is a registerd name. You have 30 seconds to login.

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #9 To login type "/msg login ".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #8 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #8 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #7 The name '[RMO]Slasher' is a registerd name. You have 30 seconds to login.

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #7 To login type "/msg login ".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #6 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #6 For more infomation type "/msg help".

***> [M4L]Falcon: Welcome to Ozforces

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #5 This server has Nick-Server enabled. Register your nickname today!

***> [M4L]Falcon: /msg #5 For more infomation type "/msg help".

Its a lot longer then this btw i cut it short..

Any help would be great ..

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I'm not to sure what your actually showing us.

Is this a person flooding the server? from the log it looks like someone is join flooding. Or maybe your script is messed?

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Ok one admin connected, its a combo of scripts old ver of mtama 1.72 that i have added stuff too.

Its beed running stable for over 2 months thou and this has only just started happening.

But it seems to put login into loops like with the people that are already logged in.

And when it happens the server lags real bad.

Hope thats enough info.

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When the script resets itself, it will PM everybody, telling them that Nickserve has benn activated, please login etc.

It looks like that has happened, and there is so much text because it PM'd all the people, so if you had a lot, it would cause havoc.

There are also flooders where if you made it flood:

!stats 1

!stats 2

!stats 3

etc, it will go through everyone. They could be doing something like that, which resets the script, or logs everyone out. As you know, /msg logout logs the user out, they will then be asked to login again.

So if that command is being hacked, it would create that problem.

My advice would be to check to see if it starts to happen when someone joins, and also, check the pings to see if someone is constantly on 0 - some bots never send their ping.

Hope this helps you,


Edited by Guest
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