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Hello, I just finished learning LUA and OOP by myself and I finished my actual and current projects so I'm looking forward to have fun learning other programming languages and their basics.

So my questions are:

-What are the most requested and powerful programming languages in computer science?

-Are they hard to start with?

And my request is the following:

-Can someone suggest me any useful forums or tutorials introducing C/C++?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

P.S: Sorry if it is not the right section.

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I'd say that most used and useful languages are C++(and other C languages) and Java

with basic knowledge of lua, learning those languages won't be so hard but it will take time to learn those languages.

you could've actually googled tutorials by yourself but here are some i found useful:









There are a lot of tutorials for these languages, just google it.

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From my experience, C++ is probably the most powerful language there is, however its a little bit tricky to learn because it uses a very different syntax than most popular languages such as Java, PHP, etc. Java is also very powerful, and really easy to learn because it has a similar syntax to a lot of other languages. It's easy to read and write code in, so I strongly recommond learning Java.

If you're looking into backend website development, you'll definitely want to learn PHP, it's not very hard to learn at all. It runs server-code (meaning the client won't affect how it's ran) so it allows you to control things like files on the server, http requests, and sql.

The best forums to use would be:

Stack Overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/

MSDN Developer Network: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/home

The New Boston: http://thenewboston.com/

You should also check out TheNewBoston on YouTube, he gives tutorials for pretty much every popular language, and his tutorials are easy to follow and he does an out-standing job on explaining whats going on.

His C++ playlist:

You should also learn other scripting-type languages such as Python and maybe Ruby/Ruby on Rails. They're powerful, while being easy to learn. Code Academy has some great courses on this.

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Languages are made to suit a specific purpose, like making web apps or native programs, and all can achieve a lot of things. They are all powerful, as powerful as you make them. And I'm not going to be the asshole who mentions Assembly.

It depends on your goals. Do you want to develop desktop apps? Websites? Mobile apps?

If you want to develop for desktop, then you need to decide between cross-platform and Windows. If your main target is Windows, learn one of the .NET languages along with the .NET framework. Of course, C# is an instant recommendation. If you want cross-platform, learn Java. You could also Google the differences between Java and C#. Read about Python as well.

If you want to develop web apps, you will need to learn the front-end languages, that is, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will also need to learn a back-end language, like PHP or the Node.js platform (JavaScript ran on the server).

If you want to make mobile apps, learn Java (Android) or Objective-C/Swift (iOS).

I would say the easiest to learn for beginners (imo) is Python. It's simple, yet powerful. You can make desktop and web apps with it (with frameworks), and it will teach you the very basics. And just stay away from C/C++ for now, it's not easy to learn, especially for beginners.

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