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"Bitch Packing".. what will happen with this in the new core

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Well as long as aeron can make a irc admin that can connect to a server it should be possible , cause what mtama simply does is read text that come in the chatbox,and from their it does a certain action,this excludes admin + plus mtama ,since this way more info can be read .

But like you say simple things would still be possible, the only thing that is dependant on is that a mtama admin has to be build.

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as far as aeron writing MTAMA in the future, he could possibly write a C++ addon to do some of its features, but it'd be rather different than in the past.. it wont be quite as trivial as a task to hack the netcode as it has been for him in the past.


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slothman: At the stage we are currently the possibility of MTAmA remaining a usefull or supported addon isnt an important question. As we come closer to something that is complete enough to be released then we can consider the pro's and cons, and the alternatives.

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k, don't mean to pry into the inner workings of the mta team.

man this got off topic 8)

about bitchpacking: overall it's fun and harmless, but i would understand why it would be removed to make the mod appear more polished and professional. how about giving us a break and letting us pack the bus up to a limited amount?

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if this feature is removed, would there be a way to make the hunter still packable too (by entering it normal then pressing v before getting in), as there is a space behind the drivers seat, but obviously it's for show).. at least let passengers still board the apache :P (i don't actually know though if "fixing" it someway would prevent it's usage altogether.

(and yeah this went way off topic) :S

- Bungle

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if this feature is removed, would there be a way to make the hunter still packable too (by entering it normal then pressing v before getting in), as there is a space behind the drivers seat, but obviously it's for show).. at least let passengers still board the apache :P (i don't actually know though if "fixing" it someway would prevent it's usage altogether.

(and yeah this went way off topic) :S

- Bungle

that wud mean editing the model and handlingand colision n stuff. thered have to be a seperate mod.

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