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Is it possible for players to access commands like setElementData , and that way set their HP ? Because I've seen players hacking MTA ... Hackers are rare , I don't ussually meet them, but how do they do it o.O . I really frkin' hate them. They are pretty annoying on DayZ servers..

Can they hack MTA and access this command ?


So they type their name in there , use the command to change their blood to example: 9999999 ?

Or do they just do it with a program or what ? I know that MTA holds an anti-hack , anti-trainer and all that stuff... But those guys are freaking insane. I've also seen doing things like unbanning themselves... This is impossible to me... :D Also is there a way to stop them ... ?


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Yeah , of course they will come back if you ban IP. IP is the easiest thing to solve. If I ban serial , TamTam can still come back :D. They format their computer and install MTA again with new serial, also using some kind of a program.


How do they hack element data ? Program name ? I've never seen the program. Who knows what they do to hack this thing...

Thanks for replying. :):D

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I am trying to find the program , and that way somehow make another program/resource that will block off hackers. :):D

The only problem here is that they block the in-built Anti-Cheat/Anti-Trainer resource.I need that program, so you can set your server to kick the player who has that program using some scripting knowledge.

*Hackers need to END*

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use this for antibloodhack:

function hackerS(thePlayer) 
    local Blood = getElementData(thePlayer, "blood") or 0 
    if tonumber(Blood) >= 12001 then 
       kickPlayer( thePlayer, "Hack: Blood Hack" ) 
setTimer(hackerS, 40000, 0) 

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