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urgent help!!!!!!

Guest ruben

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hi all... I have a big problem... its that for me to kill a person in mta I have to shot 15 times when other persons do it in 2 or 3 times... what can i do??? please help

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Well, it could be the Celeron. Also, you didn't say how much RAM you had, or whether it was a high or low-end FX card.

Your internet connection doesn't seem to be crippling you (unless you have a really low upload rate - you're not using satellite, are you?). It could also be due to a peering problem with your ISP, which can be determined by trying out other servers.

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Well, it could be the Celeron. Also, you didn't say how much RAM you had, or whether it was a high or low-end FX card.

Your internet connection doesn't seem to be crippling you (unless you have a really low upload rate - you're not using satellite, are you?). It could also be due to a peering problem with your ISP, which can be determined by trying out other servers.

LOL... I guess that solves my little problem then... ppl suspect me of modding, because an opponent on a faggio is faster than me on a pcj! I actually got blamed for slowmotion modding (WHAT?!?). LOL... what kind of freak would mod his speed down? :roll: I have a Celeron 2,0 with a Hercules Prophet 9200 (128 mb), 512 mb RAM and a 2 - 8 mbit ADSL internet connection :S .... it's soooo annoying I can't even win a simple race....

By the way.. I tried to race my bro (Pentium 2,4) and he's like 2 or 3 times faster than me (both clean install and no mods except mta). I guess its that Celeron processor after all :(

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It doesnt always have to be the Celeron, i've had problems with sound (try disabling it) before. But since i have a P4 2,8ghz (Celeron 1,7ghz before, big difference between the speeds though) VC seems to run faster.

Or just try to upgrade your drivers or use beta (e.g. omega) drivers for your videocard, and defragment your disk once in a while.

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I've tried all that... nothing helped unfortunately :S Also I have this weird texturing problem... Sometimes it seems I'm driving on glass or something. Also walls, poles and fences seem to appear after I crashed into them :S. Most of the time I have to wait before a level part has build up. Instead of the nice looking graphics I should get, I get blurry, undetailed textures for like a minute or something. Wait, let me show you some screenshots of these half-builded areas I have to drive in practically all the time: http://mtatubbie.741.com/index.html

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Also I have this weird texturing problem... Sometimes it seems I'm driving on glass or something. Also walls, poles and fences seem to appear after I crashed into them :S. Most of the time I have to wait before a level part has build up. Instead of the nice looking graphics I should get, I get blurry, undetailed textures for like a minute or something. Wait, let me show you some screenshots of these half-builded areas I have to drive in practically all the time: http://mtatubbie.741.com/index.html

ive had this exact same problem before and it was due to instability caused by my power supply. the voltages were way off and i would get alarms in motherboard monitoring programs. i got a new 400 watt power supply (old one was a ceap 430W that came with my case), and it solved ALL of those problems.

if you dont already have a motherboard monitoring utility, you can find your motherboard at your manufacturers website and look for one under the files section. or you can use a third party utlity like MBM 5 (http://mbm.livewiredev.com/) to check your voltages. i think its worth a try.

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Thank you guys, for all your suggestions :D

I scanned my pc... no nasty things found (unfortunately??? ;))... well, some tracking cookies, but that's all.

The frame rate limiter is always on... when I check my framerate, sometimes it's not even higher than 5 :( Most of the time it's around 20.

I have an Asus motherboard. Asusprobe was in the box, so I took a look. Well, here are my stats (5 minutes after booting):

CPU Temperature: 42C/107F

MB Temperature: 35C/95F

CPU Fan: 3341

Power Fan: 1730

Chassis Fan: LOL, I don't have one!

+12V: 12,096

+5V: 5,08

+3.3V: 3,376

VCore: 1,616

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