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B.L.A.S.T.A - Bullsh*t Lame-Ass Spam Thread Addicts (Invite)


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Welcome people, to the new BLASTA thread. Thought Id start fresh, and post rules, members etc etc.

BLASTA is one of the oldest gangs in MTA (started back in the shockrealm forum days and i would say only second to -=OMG=-), and is made up of the MTA regulars and spammers. Entry is on an INVITE ONLY basis (see below for details members =)

Moderators/developers if they wish to join are the ONLY ones exempt from the invite only status! Talk to Mr.Bill or myself if you wish to join =)

Our aim is basically to have a little fun. Don't take this group seriously, as we all talk more sh*t than the rest of the forums combined =)

Currently the members are as follows



Mr Bill

Griff "honorary leader" (aka Bengriff from the old Modstack forums)

Members - in no particular order


Newbinator *Honorary*

Gtatari *Honorary*

TheBigJ *Honorary*

T2k2 *Honorary*





Warlord Archon *honorary*




*Honorary* status means that the member has been inactive on the forums for some time, once they start spamming *oops* i mean posting again they will go back to being active members.

Now the all-star list above may be in other gangs... people in BLASTA are allowed to be in one other 'proper gang', as it was.

ALLIES - Loyal allies of B.L.A.S.T.A

VCK - Vice City Killaz

-=oMg=- - Official MTA Gang

Our official skin will be the spanked up madmen, and the car of choice either the stinger or the patriot. (or both =) Our vehicle choices in VC will be the PCG900, hunter, undercover cop cheetah and the cop-boat whatever that's called. One for each class of vehicle. Our VC skins of choice will probably be that film director guy ;-P

The gang is purely on an invite only basis. Gang members shall decide on new entrants etc before invitations to join are sent out. (PM me or bill with possible candidates - or preferably, add them to the topic in IRC)

Some entry provisos are that you are active in the forums and/or irc, have a minimum of X posts (i decide it as i go... nice of me eh? =), and not stink of lameness :twisted::P:twisted:


8) Don't Piss me off =P

:D Don't piss anyone else off (especially the other moderators and developers)

:) Don't Spam the forums (blast thread excluded =)

:o Don't flame (much =)

:lol: Respect other gangs (we will beat them on the battlefield, and then spam them into submission, off of it =)

:twisted: Anything else i can think of that i can't be bothered to post =)

Once again, this is not overly serious... we are here as a bit of a laugh, but we will at times (if provoked - not a smart move =) enter the fray as a gang, out to smash all oppostion etc etc etc (insert usual rant about how good we are. 'blah blah blah')

The official B.L.A.S.T.A channel is #BLASTA on irc.multitheftauto.com, join and be merry everyone =)

And be warned people... as of 03/10/03, we own over 25% (1/4) of the forums =) - so total forum dominance is nearly ours :twisted::twisted::twisted: muahahahaha j/k =)

B.L.A.S.T.A - Owning all your base since 0.1a!

WARNING - B.L.A.S.T.A is right for everyone, may cause demensia, hallotosis, sktizophrenia, spam, addiction, ebola, sars and haemeroids (all at the same time). Please consult a psychologist before trying blasta or any other gang substitute.

Edited by Guest
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yes I agree with all those then...

but why isn't my name first on the list? I mean, M comes before X anyway right?

and on another note with out my mod's I can go around freely spamming and flamming like never before! I dont have to worry about a image (well I didn't before either but this time more so) so watch out HAHAHAH!!

oh by the way if theres a forum you need spammed just ask us! JK!.. or am I? ;)

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lol - ive said it before.... your ties are to your real gang first. Considering a lot of blasta members are part of -=oMg=- its hard to have a war like this, but im sure that there are enough numbers in each to get something going.

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hmm - triple post =P, since they are about important things and done days apart im fine =p

Im going to go ahead with what was planned , if the applicant's activity stay high since i havent had any people say no yet.

thanks =P

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bah - all these multiple posts - but since im making announcments and stuff i cant see the problem (biggest double standard ever i know ;-P )

I would like to hold a general meeting with ALL B.L.A.S.T.A members at some time (probably after 0.3b release) as to the direction blasta will be taking, and other general crap.

We will cover war, member entry, member activity (please be more active, although i wont be kicking people for not attending etc).

I want the gang to be involved in playing, and even more involved in causing havoc =P... hense where bill comes into play (be more involved bill, you have free reign to run blasta as well you know - dont over-do it though =P ).

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:twisted: time to SHINE!!!

first order of bussyness


there :)

I'll jusst post to hhelp xerox with like 100ing posting, anyway yeah, as soon as .3b comes out I wanna test a few things (mainly how to crash a server with spam, considering the clan I think it should work pretty good if possible).

but yes when .3b I will start talking about my plans of world dominat- plans for the clan and where were going :)

I have more stuff to say but ill keep it for the meeting :)

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