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Sorry Mr.Bill...

Guest alf717

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Sorry for not using the search engine but you gotta chill out dude. I only asked one question, no reason to spaz out, even if it was asked/answered a "thousand" times. A reasonable reply then locking the thread would have been better. The only reason I signed up was to ask this question. Sorry this was the only active GTA 3 forum I found. Anyway I wont be using this forum anymore so you can delete my account(if you have those special privelages to). Don't get me wrong i'm not mad cause of your reply to my thread though. Just figured I'd say something cause lots of people get pissed off at people that act the way you did. Anyway good luck to you MTA guys.


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gah, do I have to say it again??

I'm only kidding if I yell or freak out at you, it just gets to more people (like yourself, by the way 100 points for you, apologizing, your cool ;) ) so they dont do it again, just take me as a joke, if I lash out at you again, sorry, im part to blame too, but enjoy the rest of the forum. and don't worry about

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