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MTA 0.4, MTAmA, Admin+ and a revolution in gang warfare.

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I dont think the possibilities we have with admin+, the reasons i came up with it in the first place, have occured to people yet.

Genuine cops v robbers modes. Admin+ knows your coordinates, set the script to trigger when a robber enters the bank vault, set admin to /msg the cops when it happens. Admin+ knows what vehicle you have entered, Set the armoured car as the getaway vehicle.

Pistol mode, uzi mode etc. Admin plus knows what weapon you just killed someone with.

Defend and Attack (as seen in 'standard' gangwar rules) Admin+ knows your coordinates, it can be pre-programmed with an area that the defending team must stay within, or possibly the EU league rules (at least ONE defending player must be inside the boundaries and alive or the defenders have lost). The pre-programming is easy, simply walk around the house/building/area that is the base and '!set' to store that coord.(mtama needs to be scripted to do this, but thats easy). At last its a real possibility.

General: Admin+ knows what you are doing, if you died, and you respawn and start to move around, it knows and can boot you. If you stray from the starting position too early Admin+ knows and can boot you.

Roleplay: Along the same lines as cops v robbers above, you can trigger events using coords, (albeit text events, but this is rpg remember :P ), you can enforce them with kicks and slaps, you can ensure players spawn as the career they have chosen, again with coords...

And these are just a few of the more obvious uses.

The possibilities are endless, and YOU have the power to make these game modes, get scripting people :)

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believe me bump as soon as i read about the features i staretd making new scripts for it. Its a fantastic improvement to the mod, one i certainly couldnt do without.

Im already working on a cops vs robbers script :)

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Doea Admin+ have the ability to warp a player to a specific spot?

If so then you could have a cop role play script where anyone in a cop uniform can say

!jail and anyone not in a cop or SS skin within a preset radius and not in a vehicle gets warped to jail (or another specified location).

Another use would be to a script based WMD. An authorized player types !nuke and everyone within a specified radius dies. Perhaps the nuke could only work at certain times or certain locations/vehicles or some other limitation. This could lead to a whole terrorist/anti-terror role play mode

Capture the [vehicle] scripts could be more complete with Admin+

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certainly possible, ive already made several test scripts for these situations, banning certain weapons and cars and banning ceratin "boxed off" areas of the city seems to be relatively easy to do.. now ive gotta work out how to get a script to recognise an area that isnt rectangular shaped.. like say the airport for example

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