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mta 0.4 no boats

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Boats are possible, but would require such a massive alteration/rewrite with the current core than it would be akin to starting an entirely new one, and as we have an entirely new core on its way with Core 0.4 it is safe to say boats are unlikely to appear until that core is completed. Meanwhile the next release or two featuring gta3's other islands (among other things) will still be boat-less im afraid.

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also have you ever noticed how when you go on water with a car it explodes ?? well it would do the same with a boat because they are both vechels so they would have to redo that !because usally it is not like that and also they have said that in 0.4 it is really likely like they will not have boats. an d who told you there woul be any way ?

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also have you ever noticed how when you go on water with a car it explodes ?? well it would do the same with a boat because they are both vechels so they would have to redo that !because usally it is not like that and also they have said that in 0.4 it is really likely like they will not have boats. an d who told you there woul be any way ?

Search around, I'll only say yes they can do it.

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