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i have two questions about replays:

1) is it possible to disable the flashing text REPLAY from the screen, or perhaps edit the text?

2) how do you know how far back a replay will play? for example, usually i get really long replays, spanning about a minute back. but sometimes i get very short ones that only last a few seconds. it is very frustrating when this happens, as i can only view 5 or 10 seconds back - only enough to see me land the stunt ive just pulled off.


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1. I think with a txd editor you can change the text for replay to nothing.

2. A full replay is something like 30 seconds. If you recently replayed something using F3 you have just erased your replay buffer(the one you get when you use F1) and so the new replay you get when you save with F2 will be substantially shorter. Which can be useful in making replays to the point.

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f1: play the last (30) seconds of your game

f2: save the last (30) seconds

f3: play the rep you saved with f2

^i guess you knew that, just wanted to point it out

i think the replay lenght (30 secs) also depends on how much it has to save, a replay only saves locations of peds, cars, shots... so if you get chased by 3 cop cars and other cops shoot like wild at you it might be shorter

mta replays record ALL player and vehicle locations in the game, thus theyre only like 6 secs

and btw, something that nobody really knew is that you can zoom in and out while your replay is running, just hold both mouse buttons and move it forewards and backwards

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Actually replays don't always save the last 30 secs regardless of whether you've touched F3 or not. There seem to be a few "trigger" events, such as getting knocked down from your bike, which if should occur, the system will just flush any action before that. This can be a reason for a replay ending up shorter than 30 secs.

Replays' size also varies (and that's one way to estimate how long they could be) in the sense that they can be of the following filesize format and only that: 100,000*x+8 bytes, 1<=x<=8. The reason for such quantization is unknown to me - and most others probably - but it's still helpful to know, right?


  l2ebel said:
[...]mta replays record ALL player and vehicle locations in the game, thus theyre only like 6 secs[...]

This may not be entirely accurate in a number of ways. What does ALL players means? What if you're alone in a server? Would that suggest the generation of a 30 sec replay is possible? Does that theory imply a replay in MTA is 30/f(players_num, vehicles_num) (f being some function I cannot guess) secs long? If so why do they always seem to end up 5 or 6 secs long and almost never anything radically different?

I think there might be a bit more to the whole MTA replays saving issue than just the players and cars number.

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i dont know if theres anything else involved

actually we could test it if we could remove all vehicles from the mta scm and then see if its still only about 6 secs

i wish my mta reps would be 6 secs, mostly mine are only 1-3 secs :|

might also depend on your pc

btw, a person named no zero tried once to change the size of the replays but its hardcoded if i remember correctly

edit: found the topic: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... ght=replay

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so it seems replays are limited by file size, not duration.

very useful stuff guys, thanks. and no, I2ebel, i never knew that you could save replays :D.

btw, ive fallen off bikes before and still had long replays.

can someone give me more details about my second question? what files do i open and where do i get a TXD editor? has anyone actually tried this?

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  erorr404 said:
can someone give me more details about my second question? what files do i open and where do i get a TXD editor? has anyone actually tried this?

oh sorry i totally forgot about this

download this: http://ftp.justgamers.de/dl.php?file=ho ... texter.zip

then open the file gtavc\text\american.gxt with the tool, table: MAIN, then search for "replay" and type in your text you want (or leave it emty if you dont want any text(maybe you have to make 1 space)) then click apply and save the file....done

edit: i uploaded a replay tool (coz i dont expect to find it anywhere on the web) with it you can save multiple replays w/o switching to windows to rename them: http://loader.schwippy.com/replay_handler.zip

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