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Playing just 1on1?

Guest izo

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I'm new to MTA:VC. Me and my friend just want to play 1on1 is that possible? What do we need to do that? Do we login to a server an create a game there or has one of us to set up a server?

Are there any special ports that need to be opened?

Thanks for your help.

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one of you should setup a two player server

download the server from mtavc.com, edit the config file with notepad or a similar program so that the servers max players is two, save the config file. run the server and it should be up.

youll need to have port 2003 (usually)open to allow the other player to connect.

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Erm... I think we've confused the matter far more than was necessary.

If you're running it across a LAN

On the host PC:

Go to Start > Run

Type cmd and press enter

Now type ipconfig and press enter

Your LAN IP will be listed, and you just enter that into the other PC's MTA dialog.

If you're running it across the Internet

On the host PC:

Go to http://www.whatismyip.org

Your external IP will be listed, and you just give that to your friend to enter into his MTA dialog.

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Thanks for the help. We'll play over the internet, I will have to host. I have a router, but I know how to handle it. I have the port and I know my IP (it's always the same cause I use cable ;)

The only thing that may cause problems is to understand how to make up a server for 2, but if I've any further questions I'll aks them here. :)

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If I try to play it with other PCs on my LAN through the Internet; it's unbelievable crappy and unbearable.

(Lag, etc)


It's also inefficient and somewhat pointless when you have a high(er) speed direct connection to the other machine :roll:

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It's also inefficient and somewhat pointless when you have a high(er) speed direct connection to the other machine :roll:

That's true, but just to give it a test run, I've tried it using my internet IP and it's not something I'd like to do often...


hehe then ust dont do it :wink:

lan speed is way faster than through the net :)

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It's also inefficient and somewhat pointless when you have a high(er) speed direct connection to the other machine :roll:

That's true, but just to give it a test run, I've tried it using my internet IP and it's not something I'd like to do often...


hehe then ust dont do it :wink:

lan speed is way faster than through the net :)

Unless you have an ultra-fast connection (1Gbps+) 8)

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