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Max 2014 ruins the rigging


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Hi, i wanted to try some rigging for model in gta-sa. My first step was just open a working GTA ped model and then save it, to try if it even works. Well, it does not. If i do a simple open-export-open the exported model rotation is different from the original. Basically i cant even export a character normally from max. Is there a solution?

"The game does not crash, basically the problem is the character bones are not working correctly. I see a "monster" ingame, every part of the body moves in the wrong direction.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Sorry for the necropost, but since i cannot find a 2012 3DS max or something else i want to ask if there has been found a solution to Autofails FailDS max 2014 rigging export bug. Pretty sad that i cannot rig any skin in 2017 tbh, just because Autodesk cannot develop any decent software since 1917.

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4 hours ago, Einheit-101 said:

Sorry for the necropost, but since i cannot find a 2012 3DS max or something else i want to ask if there has been found a solution to Autofails FailDS max 2014 rigging export bug. Pretty sad that i cannot rig any skin in 2017 tbh, just because Autodesk cannot develop any decent software since 1917.


I can edit skins in max 2017, works just fine for me.

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