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Clear Table


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I've a table (like a matrice of 2 columns)

I store the online players' name and element (table.insert(myTable,{playerName, theElement}))

But then, how can I clear it?

if I use a loop and do table.remove(myTable, i) it doesn't work. I mean something crashes there and the table is not really cleared but all messed up.

I'm currently doing myTable = { }

But is that a good way to do it? I want to save memory space.

So how can I clear the table properly?

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myTable = {} is the same as myTable = nil. The garbage collector at the next cycle will clear the memory used by the table in both cases. The only difference is that if you used nil, and want to use the variable again as a table you have to declare it again like myTable = {}.

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