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Safest LUA compiler?


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use SciTe or LUACGUI by FabienWang

and put this code up your script


Both softwares you mentioned use the official Lua compiler.

You can try to make your code harder to decompile, but it is still decompilable and there's no compiler that will protect your code 100%. Search about the 'Meta.xml' on the wiki and you'll find a good way to protect your files.

What about the code?, is it good enough to protect my lua files?

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use SciTe or LUACGUI by FabienWang

and put this code up your script


Both softwares you mentioned use the official Lua compiler.

You can try to make your code harder to decompile, but it is still decompilable and there's no compiler that will protect your code 100%. Search about the 'Meta.xml' on the wiki and you'll find a good way to protect your files.

What about the code?, is it good enough to protect my lua files?

That may crash the official Lua compiler, but doesn't mean it is impossible to decompile.

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The best way to compile your files and make it unable to be decompiled is to create your own lua compiler...

I don't know C++ :/ but, is there some sort of thing i can do, so it calls another resource, and if the other resource dosn't return, it will stop the stolen resource? lol, i know that is kinda hard to understand.

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The best way to compile your files and make it unable to be decompiled is to create your own lua compiler...

I don't know C++ :/ but, is there some sort of thing i can do, so it calls another resource, and if the other resource dosn't return, it will stop the stolen resource? lol, i know that is kinda hard to understand.

What will stop who steals from editing the code and make it work without the other resource?

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The best way to compile your files and make it unable to be decompiled is to create your own lua compiler...

I don't know C++ :/ but, is there some sort of thing i can do, so it calls another resource, and if the other resource dosn't return, it will stop the stolen resource? lol, i know that is kinda hard to understand.

What will stop who steals from editing the code and make it work without the other resource?

Like, make it use some sort of an export, and if the export dosn't return, then it will stop resource.

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Like, make it use some sort of an export, and if the export dosn't return, then it will stop resource.

Man I think you could do this also with some trigger between client and server, but if someone copies this resource and decompiles it, these code lines can be easily removed so this kind of security will be totally useless.

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Like, make it use some sort of an export, and if the export dosn't return, then it will stop resource.

Man I think you could do this also with some trigger between client and server, but if someone copies this resource and decompiles it, these code lines can be easily removed so this kind of security will be totally useless.

yea, i guess so :S

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Well, i made this script:


function stopStealers() 
    return "returned to stop stealers" 

Other Script:

    function () 
        if (exports['[ROG]MySQL']:stopStealers(source) ~= "returned to stop stealers") then 
            outputChatBox("THIS SERVER IS STEALING SCRIPTS FROM Revolution of Gaming!!!!!! LEAVE THE SERVER NOW!",255,0,0) 

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