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[REL] Firewall System (Non-Allowed Players)


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Ok man, this needs some serious updates. Also no offense, but the way you are doing it isn't the most effective way, take note of the modifications below, also this has the same ability as normal bans...



Server =

--------Made By Ops1 = Yasser 
--- xxx = serials not allowed players you can put 10 serials  
firewall =  
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
   ['XXX'] = true, 
addEventHandler('onPlayerConnect', getRootElement(), 
function(playerNick, playerIP, playerUsername, playerSerial, playerVersionNumber, playerVersionString) 
    if firewall[playerSerial] then 
        cancelEvent('You can\'t enter the server, your serial blocked.') 
end ) 

Also in the client, you are using onClientPlayerQuit, this might get in the way of other peoples codes, so you might wish to block it.

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I am with Anderl, I also said in my post that this is just like banning a serial, it could at least be updated to using a database or a webpage of blocked serials and you can update it regularly. Also hackers? WTF I swear there is no such thing as a hack on the updated versions of MTA:SA, I've played lots of Race and Weapon Deathmatch / Basemode servers, I am extremely pro at this and have good ranks in certain servers and I never have seen a hacker, the only thing I could think of coming close to a hack would be someone with 1000 ping or more, or 6 FPS or less.

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yes there is Hack on the new update


the mta ban system if player get out fast you cant ban him this well not let him enter again.

Are you SERIOUS right now? Wtf, Anderl I know your pain everyday.

/whowas PlayerNameToBan

Copy the serial

/banserial SERIAL

^^ DUHHHHHH.... Plus Anderl my code addition above does that lol... I'm still with Anderl.

P.S Send me the hack in a PM, uhm just for testing so I can develop a anti-hack code for it... Yep anti-hack :S Quick send it.

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Honestly speaking your resource makes no sense. It made more sense if you had, for example, a global bans list which is used by multiple popular servers. The original ban script works perfectly and if there's a problem with it, you simply report it to the Mantis and let the developers fix them. Nothing is impossible.

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