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stop gta3:mta development and concentrate on mta:vc :D


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i think that by the time mta:vc 0.3 will be finished, most of the ppl will have bought vice city ( since it is a couple of hundred times better than gta3) and isn't the main concept of democracy: majority rules? anyway, i think that you are wasting your time and effort with gta3:mta.



dont listen to all those ppl who want to turn MTA:VC into another counterstrike, it may have been good for 1998, but were living in 21st cetury for crying out loud! you must preserve gta's unique bizarre bloodfest concept.

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jeez did i offend ne1 in my post, no reason to get all feisty, chill out.




smaller map, more suitable for multiplayer


etc. i asume you already know the things i am going to say.

#2 where the *fock* did u get the idea that im specificly telling them to do something, ever heard of SUGGESTIONS? maybe theyll care, maybe they won't so why not just say what i think? element of democracy #2: freedom of speech.

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"fock" <- coz u cant say f uck coz it will turn into a fuck.

helicopters, bikes, and stuff can be added with gtawo.

team sayd sumting about separating the 3 gta3 islands, thus making it even more suitable for multiplayer.

who cares if its newer? it got the same engine, almost the same graphichs, and many people(like me) like gta3 becouse of its atmosphere and more realistic cars, so dont compain about "newer".

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i think that by the time mta:vc 0.3 will be finished, most of the ppl will have bought vice city ( since it is a couple of hundred times better than gta3) and isn't the main concept of democracy: majority rules? anyway, i think that you are wasting your time and effort with gta3:mta.



dont listen to all those ppl who want to turn MTA:VC into another counterstrike, it may have been good for 1998, but were living in 21st cetury for crying out loud! you must preserve gta's unique bizarre bloodfest concept.

This is not a democracy, but it is a free market, you develope your own Vice City mod instead of telling other people which game you want to play free. Also, you like me are not the creators or the ppl with good ideas we glom off the guys that didn't just say that it would be cool, they did it.

We are the type to copy somones homework or answers for the quiz. Just be happy someone is motivated and join me in a festive warm mug of STFU.

Happy Holidays,


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k, first this is a suggestion area yes, and Black MIGHT of over reacted just a LITTLE I dont know, im not a mod, wait yes I am!

either wya I prefer the gta3 maps myself as there almost made for mp more then vc is, the lay out just works more for me then vc, bigger maps the better and bikes and helicopters and such im sure we can live without :)

Not everyone feels the same way as you, a lot of poeple stilll like to play gta3, a lot of IMPORTANT people still like to play gta3.

and as I am a mod my word goes, :) that meaning, everyone stops tehir whining k?

h and my word is we let the team do hat they see ifs better for the community.

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Confirmed. GTA3 is just another version of GTA series. It can not be compared to Vice the way *some people* here do, becouse if has it's own sides which VC just don't. We heard a few ex., here is mine: computer controlled masstransportation. Where is it in Vice City? And the dark, bad atmosthere of GTA3 is more suitable for a Grand Theft Auto game, then some damn party-Miami.

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To be honest, both games are very similar in structure. Theres some things you can't do in gta3 that you can do in vice city, but generally, if you can get somthing to work on one, it'll work on the other. Concequently, they aren't 'wasting time' working on gta3...


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the hell im reading all that.

i like gta3 as much as vc. gta3 ISNT WORSE nor BETTER imo.

lets ee, gta3 has a better MAP, better THEME (dark > light), seems to have a wider variety of vehicles, and the missions r 39257345x better and more challenging. vc was way too easy to beat (missions @least).

so the hell were stopping gta3:mta production. id rather have gta3 multiplayer than gtavc multiplayer.


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