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phpMTAS-2.0 release


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UPDATE: i had to make a minor adjustment and repack it, it should be up by tonight, i blame wartech ;P --- it's repacked and back up now, sorry for the inconvenience.

The readme below is included in the *update* from 1.0.beta to 2.0, another readme is included with the packaged file. There is no support

for stunt servers yet, as there is not much information other than vehicle usage in the log output. The new themes were not packaged with the release to keep file size at a minimum. You can download them below.

if you need help you can find me @ irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/dev

example stats

phpMTAS 2.0 (tar.gz)

phpMTAS 2.0 (zip)

1.0.beta to 2.0 patch (tar.gz)

1.0.beta to 2.0 patch (zip)

themes and other stuff

  readme.txt said:
Before running the update you should first back up your

previous phpMTAS database. The update from 1.0.beta to

2.0 will completely restructure your database to make

it more effecient.

The large step in version numbers from 1.0.beta to 2.0

was made being that it was almost completely recoded.

Other changes:


-exec.php and other engines cannot be accessed via HTTP, only by command line.

-query.php allows you to view the current status of the server and players.

-Page links at the bottom allow you to directly access a page in increments of 3.

-There is now multi-language support.

-Back up logging fixed.

-Only 5 quotes per player are stored to keep table size at a minimum.



If you would like to contribute to phpMTAS by translating

it to your own language, simply edit the `langs/english.php`

file and send it to dus@tyyy.org. Please only do this if

you are fluent in both english and your secondary language.

After you have ran update.php you will need to edit your

config.php file to set the new variables added to 2.0. Your

old config is renamed to config.bak.php if you should need

it for comparison.

Executing restructure.php may take several minutes depending

on the size of your current database. It is suggested that

you back up your current database as a safety precaution

before running restructure.php.

Updating the mta.tyyy.org database took roughly 15 minutes. Starting at 3.8 MB and ending up at 597.5 KB.




#dev @ irc.multitheftauto.com

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet Deal, After I walk the dog, I'll Try to get the new stats up and give ya some input :D

Btw, When my Action DB hit 10MB, I got some script Error about DB size, I cleared the DB and started over, but that DB was half gimped because when I first made it, I imported stats from another server w/ Stat Logging off :P

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I have some problems with mtas 0.2 !

Everything between the logfile and the site is going well, but...

Can someone tell me how I can handle the problem about statlogging in the server. When I enable this one can join, but when the 2nd joined, the server is going down. This is the first problem.

The second problem is that I have command that wer not recognized bij the SQL. It's the warning about num_rows .... I think that the sql with mtas isn't correct or I have not the right sql-server, but I think so, because I have now the newest one. That was it.

Sneakyhenk :popcorn:

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If you don't have Stat Logging Enabled on the Ded Server, you're gonna have a slew of problems gettig the stats to work properly. As far as the SQL Error goes, Post the Exact code, and someone can take a Stab @ it :P

Throw a Link to the stat tracking page you have up too, that way it will prolly be easier to figure out what is going south :naka:

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in a proper install there shouldn't be any mysql errors, http://city.nwg-nv.ru/mta is a site that i found that uses 2.0 and works fine. mine is installed using the update from beta to 2.0 and works fine.

it is still possible that you have errors, i code on this every now and then when i get a chance, and not alot of testing goes into it before a release. if it works on my server, then i release it. originally i didn't plan on releasing anything to the public, but i will still try to give support when needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  dusty said:
sorry guys, i didn't realize that my domain had expired, i renewed it so everything should work ok now

Down again... SamSpade can't even reach it...

Edit: ok, back up today...

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does this work for mta .3.0?

i keep getting mysql/php error when trying to run php -q exec.php

mta@games(/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats)% php -q exec.php

Opening log file: "/home/mta/mtaserver.log".

Parsing log ... DONE.

Entering data

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/functions.php on line 25

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/functions.php on line 32

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/functions.php on line 33

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/functions.php on line 32

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/functions.php on line 33

... DONE.

Saving and resetting log

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/exec.php on line 232

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/www/mta.cluelessnewbies.net/stats/exec.php on line 233

... DONE.

Stats generated in 0.054 seconds.


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  dusty said:
in a proper install there shouldn't be any mysql errors, http://city.nwg-nv.ru/mta is a site that i found that uses 2.0 and works fine. mine is installed using the update from beta to 2.0 and works fine.

it is still possible that you have errors, i code on this every now and then when i get a chance, and not alot of testing goes into it before a release. if it works on my server, then i release it. originally i didn't plan on releasing anything to the public, but i will still try to give support when needed.

Ran the Update Script, and the DB size jumped from 8 to 18Mb

If you Recal, I am the guy who you talked to on aim when I was working to get Mta 1.0 Rolling for a Dedicated game server running on a Separate windows b0x.

Currently with Mta-stats 2.0, The Current Errors on the page are:

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/funtimeb/public_html/mta/functions.php on line 61

Same for Line 70.

No Errors show up durring php exec.php, but nothing writes to the DB either :(

I understand that you are not officially supporting this @ all, Just a heads up, and I noticed your Play count has not exceeded 1234 for quite a few weeks on your stat page, not sure if the server and stats are still active for you :)

Thanks for taking the time to Read :) Ima roll back 1.0 since I understand how to fix it for my windows Pc :flower:

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i shut my server down awhile back, i was just too busy to keep it up.. so my stats page is up as an example of what it should look like only. i have no idea if it works with 0.3, i haven't even had time to download 0.3 myself.. so i cannot really provide much support for that.

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Word Word, I am just playing w/ 0.1 Stats, and trying to fix the bug that keeps multipling Server joins and Such each time the stats are compiled :P

Part of the FTP Req for stat info I guess. Either mad props, and get some 0.3 mta action back, yer missing good fun ;)

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heh, i released this last october.. my example stats are up at http://mta.tyyy.org you can google phpmtas and find some more sites. i haven't had time to work on it lately so i have no idea how well it works with 0.3

if you have it installed now, i fixed a couple of bugs. you can get the updated files here:


http://mta.tyyy.org/dev/update/1.0.beta ... ctions.txt

just delete query.php and functions.php and rename *.txt to *.php.

they've also been repacked.

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  • 1 month later...
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