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Battle of Teams single player and team league

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Hi all,

We are back!

I still have much work to do on the site since I totally remade it but the team league is playable. Single player league will also be playable soon! You can already register for it if you want. If you do not want to play matches you can still join the community. A lot of updates will follow. :wink:

Check it out sometime at http://www.battleofteams.com

GreetZ Da B*o*T

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Xenex, he had 2 topics so i planned on locking one and leaving the other open, so i was gonna lock this one, buit must of forgot to press the lock button, but the other one is deleted so i will leave this one open for discussion

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  [xNet]DrDre said:
im not gonna comment on the ladder system... UGNet is creating a ladder system and as soon as its done xNet will reopen our ladders. But this form is still similiar to the manual way.

But delete this topic.. its pointless...

hmm its pointless.... dre- are u afraid of ur ladder having a little competition? :P

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  SM xenex said:
So this one is poitnless and yours isnt?And they should delete it caus e you dont like it?Well i dont think so i think any is good, but its the MTA teams one that would be "official".

exactly, and wel select the one that we like eh :P

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  swift said:
I really must complain about the font. I HATE times new roman, it looks so ugly, I dont know what others think, but Verdana is a superb font, might consider.


Thanks for your reply. Later there will be more and more layouts including different fonts also. But I had to get the site up quickly and looks is not the most important thing in my opinion. I also added an online counter so you can see who is online and send messenges to eachother. Off course there will be more features. Maybe even different kinds of leagues to choose from.

Greetings battleofteams

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  VCP DeathB said:
  SM xenex said:
So this one is poitnless and yours isnt?And they should delete it caus e you dont like it?Well i dont think so i think any is good, but its the MTA teams one that would be "official".

exactly, and wel select the one that we like eh :P

Hmm Deathb since when are u part of the MTA team?

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lol 95% of the info on ign is free, usually its only the video reviews that require a membership since there streamed and take up a lot of bandwidth(money) and theres only one pop-up and thats in the very beggining, so ign is awesome :P i mean comon there reviews for the most part are dead on, and there public servers are hella fast :P

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I saw someone was making the statement my site is not different from manual. This guy is wrong and if you knew how much work is in it you would think so too. I really would like to hear his thoughts of an automatic system because the way MTA is build it is just not possible (unless you can afford multiple servers).

There have to be a server with password protection always. With us this is possible. There always have to be a referee too otherwise people go and kill members of the same team (conspiricy). So a referee is needed too.

As I mentioned earlier teams can fight whenever they want they just challenge eachother when they are online and the game can begin. The referee will input the results. This can be anyone exept those in the teams are playing. Inputting this results is easy. Just find out for yourself and try it. We could have a system tryout for a week or so if you dont believe me. But I can tell you something.


If you think the system is completely ready your wrong too because battleofteams will be a much bigger site with many more features and stats. Maybe even different kind of leagues/tournaments. Our goal is to build the largest Vice City community ever made!


Dennis (webmaster http://www.battleofteams.com)

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