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help plz

Guest Balerhon

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hi, i'm new to vice city (on the pc) and new to MTA, i tried postin this in the bugs n problems forum but only mods can do that, neway when i get into a car/helicopter/bike wi sum1 else driving it, the vehicle always crashes, like its expecting me to drive it... :roll: well, it gets quite annoyin w8in ages for my m8s to come wi their bikes n i always die by fallin off :? can ne1 tell me if this is a normal thing or how to fix it?

i'm also wunderin if other players see me n other players walkin round normally like civillians in the actual VC game or are they all choppy n laggy n sumtimes running while standin normally :? lol, dunno if i explained ne o that right but nvm :P

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its like.... erm ok, if u get into a car and start to drive it then u let go of all buttons, the car will veer to the left or right or it'll keep goin till it stops, if u get into a heli, start flying it then let go of all buttons it'll fall and explode, same with a bike, well thats wot happens, when i get in the passenger side of ne vehicle it goes for afew seconds then starts to stop/fall to the ground and crashed which leads me to death... also when i get in a car, the car wobbles n slides :S

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I think what your saying , from waht i can understand is normal, but maybe i didnt understand u well.

Btw bobo change that avatar man shane looks ...........horrible.lol :tongue9:

Oh my god, you actually know the name of the person in my avatar? Hahahahahahaha

The reason I like that picture is because that guy looks like a total idiot!!

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yea i ahd some problems like that where you are goign and its liek they are slaming the brakes and trying to turn around they coem to a stop for a few sec then i gets resynced and the car is goign sright agina dn it happens over and over but i dont get it all the time

yeh thats wot happens, yes its a clean vice city install, no mods how did u fix it or ave u still got it?

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