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Cops busting


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  MasterEvilAce said:
in a future version, it would be nice if, as a cop, you could BUST somebody, if they got knocked to the ground, you could push a key

if they were busted, they would lose mOST of their weapons, or MONEY (in future) or something like that, and they would end up in the prison, or outside the jail, or something.

and the point is.... the only ogood thing i can think of is this being used in RP servers

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If cops get a 'special move' then so should any team/class. Some ideas:

Cops: Busting

Robbers: Maybe the ability to rob stores when money is avaliable and nessecary, or able to steal locked cars etc;

Sailors: Simple, some kind of boat advantage :)

Mexicans: No ideas, sorry.

VCC: No ideas again :oops:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like that idea.

Polices would have to push a button to arrest, then the criminal follows the police (and if police enters a car, criminal goes to the passangers seat)

Then the police have to drive (or walk :D ) to police station (there would be a trigger, when the criminal steps to it, he would spawn to jail for about... 1min?)

When the police is taking this criminal to the police station, another criminal could free his buddy out of the car :D

This can be difficult to code, but it's a suggestion after all...

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  masterevilace said:
yeah, but cops HAVE to be stronger to be able to catch up with the criminals

police have weaker weapons

NO... COPS have the shotti that will knock down a guy and keep em down... IF a cop wanted to bust, they would need to get near the criminal, why not use the stick to knock em down?

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  bwzguy said:
How about for the mexicans they can choose whether or not other people can tell what they are saying. Like Mexicans can understand eachother, but no one else can.

eh.. it may not work... what if cops speak in code? What if sailors use signals instead of speaking... it wouldnt work... PLUS it would be hard to do

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I really like the idea of cops bieng able to bust. It will add new meaning to the game. Someone mentioned RP servers. There should be some kind of designation between RP servers and killing servers. Perhaps oin a killing server, everyone could start off the same? (e.g. X amount of arour, weapons, health, cars, etc.). But I really like that idea (cops busing), I hope it gets implimented.

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