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Adopt-a-Resource: Update Abandoned Community Scripts


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Hey thanks Qais, I just ask to update it because the resource is so interesting!

Btw, don't forget to add Lowrider Contest like in GTA SA, which you use numkey and hydraulics to dance. You know what it is :D

i need a link to download it.

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The resource stealth.

Parts by: Slothman

Resource does not work correctly, I found 3 crussial bugs)

- Spectate does not work. Tirgger client side earlyer than it has been loaded(I have tryed to fix it with help of solit)

- Skin bug. Sometimes (the skin changed to that one of the enemy O_o strange...)

- Rounds ends bevore it has been started.

It also does lagg little in my opinion., even if the server does not have much to do. (not fps)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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But do you know were the problem is with the swamptoggle handlers etc.? Because the script looks just fine. I fixed the spectate with just a bindkey (normal did not work somehow) Do you have a better version (with more fixes) at the moment, afther you released that last version?

"It would be a relief for someone to take over that burdon" I am busy with it, but I am not a pro scripter. I have worked with a friend on stealth, but the main core does have some times bugs. Sometimes it ends the round bevore it even started.

That kind of bugs takes me weeks to find out what the problem is....

"Do you have a better version" pls let me know :D.

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