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hedit: MTA Ingame Handling Editor V2.1.4


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Anyways, the hedit is totally awesome!

I really liked it. What is on my mind is that this resource can be an excellent tool for GTA SA modders who creates cars and edits the handling. This one is much better than having to restart GTA SA everytime they need to change the handling, as hedit changes the handling real-time.

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XX3 said:
Anyways, the hedit is totally awesome!

I really liked it. What is on my mind is that this resource can be an excellent tool for GTA SA modders who creates cars and edits the handling. This one is much better than having to restart GTA SA everytime they need to change the handling, as hedit changes the handling real-time.

I didn't think of it that way! That's really clever, then we attract my players to MTA. sa-mp ftl.


Added enforcing for MTA 1.1+


Edit: June 2020, crossed out text I do not agree with

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  • 3 weeks later...


Is it possible to trigger handling change on a per map basis?

DRuG have some maps packaged with custom cars, using some lua included in the map resource to substitute the vehicle.. it also applies some lua handling, but this doesn't resemble classic handling.cfg and defaults.ide modification.. yours does and it'd be great to perfect our vehicle substitutions... can your resource be used in this manner, somehow?

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This is going to be in very soon, as a feature to save your handling to a resource. When that resource gets started, all vehicles of your selected type will get that handling.

That will be epic... when this happens I can switch the ~ 500 custom cars I have on DRuG's server over to their intended handling. I can wait - I've already been saving their links for a long time now to do just this.. thankyou for working on such a useful resource!

I suppose that would require saving your handling via map name. However, nnnikt, I think Remi-X would allow use of the part of the code for handling.cfg importing, if you credit him, ofc.

I'm happy to wait... and to beta the new shiz as it comes to light :mrgreen:

/me takes a seat and waits

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a quick handsup for y'all:

I finished all utility functions yesterday, meaning the handling editor has functions to save a handling to a resource or the server. Also, the share handling function is ready to use together with export handling. I'm thinking about doing a clientside handling.cfg file importer, but this might require some more work so this is for 2.1.

These utility functions are nicely listed in every lua file of them, so anyone who would like to edit some parts of hedit can lookup the functions and use them too :)

What I have to do now is not really much. Just the click and accept handlers, handling history, and the utility menu dropdown lists. Could do most of it in 2 or 3 days, but I'm quite busy with other stuff too so I dont't know how long this will take. Also, when this is finished, I'm launching a testing period because everything might be unstable yet. All the utility functions I've created are NOT tested at a single bit yet, so we have to see hoe these all will work. I'm expecting the best of them, but everything is possible.

After these are done, hedit beta will be there as the most stable and best release :D

Expect more updates within a week!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New peakup:

I've finished the GUI-Loader. And to my sursprise, it's fully stable! I created the import and export menu's in no time, and they fully work. Yes, export too! And it even includes the vehicle identifier, which is possible with this new system.

And as I said before, all saving/loading functions are theoretically done so I only have to test them yet.

I'm onto the vehicle log again now, the first redesign of it was synced with all players but had a really big bandwidth usafe. So my plan is now, to store the full vehicle log serverside, up to 50 lines, and when a player enfers a vehicle, he will download the log of it. This seems to be the best way at this moment, or does anyone have a better idea?

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Well, that's really the oppose of better. If I download all vehicle logs, even when the player will never look to them, I'm basically wasting bandwidth. Plus, if a vehicle handling changes, I will have to forward these changes too all players with that vehicle streamed in - instesd of just the ones who are in thr vehicle. Nope, I'll stick with my idea ;)

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Hey, I really like this, since I am a fan of custom handlings for drifting etc, but I have a few weird issues/concerns I'm hoping maybe you could clear up for me?

One thing that's happening is with the Elegy's handling.. I dont know why, but when I start up the server (without hedit) the elegy handles normally, as it would in SP I think, but then as soon as I start hedit it changes the elegy's handling and im using a handling.cfg, and yeah, I checked the elegy line and it was the same as my stock GTA SA's handling.cfg, so I really am puzzled as to why the Elegy's handling is changing substantially..

Im not 100% sure if it's just the Elegy's handling or if it's the other cars too, I can't really tell, but sometimes I feel other car's have changed a bit too.

The other problem is, I used to play SA:MP, and I used handlings, and the handlings I used on SA:MP handled very differently than they do on MTA, I dunno if this is because SA:MP's handling physics or w/e is different or if its hedit.. :S

The weird part is I also tried another resource called "ModLoader" and there aswell the handlings act differently than they do on hedit, so I'm really puzzled as to which one is actually accurate.. hedit, ModLoader.. (Neither act as they used to on SA:MP though), but they both act differently.

If you want, I can show you the handling differences ingame etc.

Hope you can shed some light on this weird issue. Hehe. :P

Thanks in advance. :)

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