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:idea: Ok, I have proven it. It is NOT differences in handling files which makes MTA crash. A friend and I were playing over a LAN with the most different Handling files possible. It did not crash once. Our handling files were so different in order for us to 'train'. I had the Stinger set to 15000 acceleration and 20000 top speed. Other cars were as normal. He had the Stinger as normal, but the Pheonix at these stupidly high values. No Crashing. We even swapped cars with each other. No Crashing. This leads me to believe that Differences in hanling files are NOT responsible for MTA crashes. w00t! :idea:
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Sorry to say this but your totaly wrong there is MANY things in the handleing.cfg that can cause crashes and it WONT do it over lan since you have a 0ping while on the net someone is still loading all the data on his side and a simple thing as him seeing the wrong thing on his side like say a packer doing a wheelie at 400mph will crash everyone :)

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ok here's a list of things why you shouldn't do that:

- it's not fair against other people (except when all players got the same settings) when you're going to race for example

- it won't sync very well.. if your acceleration is 15000 and your top speed is 20000 it's way too fast for the netcode to handle it properly.

- GTA3 and GTA:VC aren't tuned to except cars with an extremely high acceleration/top speed like that. They are both a bit unstable when we're talking about errors and crashes. There are lots of things (randomly too) that will cause a crash because of the code of the games. For example: get to your top speed and bump to a building or accelerate from out of a building and fly over the sea, there are just many things that will cause a crash, even in single player with these tunes cars.

we're planning to integrate CRC checks (or another algorithm) into MTA, so mta.scm and handling.cfg's CRC must equal the servers settings.

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As part of your anti cheat initiative, and part of the game mode set up, why not have the server store virtually all settings. Mainly the only thing I can think of at this point would be game speed. That way MTA doesn't just read what is going on, it will have the ability to write as well (thus stopping some obscure hacks). This could also (in the future) allow for server side mods that all clients will sync to when they connect (not content like new cars, just things like faster cars for stunts, or 2x gamespeed for insane-o mode...) Also, please reconsider the use CRC. This is very easy to fake, and if stopping cheaters is your goal, this will be circumvented far too easily. Consider MD5.

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Finally, a stop to all those damn cheaters, sounds promising, but how will this be implemented without setting of someone's (and mine) firewall(s) and/or breaching security, and will this checker leave open holes for hackers and such to take advantage of this open port(s)/connection(s)? or have you already thought of these and have answers for them… I don’t mean to be paranoid but they sound like valid questions to me. :D

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i still think no matter what is done there will allways be cheaters but it will keep around 90% of cheaters from cheating just keep in mind it only takes someone who knows this stuff a good hour or two to find a way around it happens in all games anyways cant wait till next version hope that ever is choosen as protection is not going to slow down the load time when connecting would have for something to scan files before i connect would take to check everything on a decent computer quite some time

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