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zole's maps


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  varez said:
  XX3 said:
PS: MTA 1.0.x's map editor is better than MTA Race's map editor. Please make maps with this, you'll feel much better in mapping.

dont know why, some ppl (generally: race mappers) thinks thats MTA:Race's map editor is easier for them. Dunno why, but whatever

Answer: MTA:Race's map editor is especially for race maps, i kno it's buggy but i'm making maps with it for a while and it won't be change :P

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  varez said:
  XX3 said:
PS: MTA 1.0.x's map editor is better than MTA Race's map editor. Please make maps with this, you'll feel much better in mapping.

dont know why, some ppl (generally: race mappers) thinks thats MTA:Race's map editor is easier for them. Dunno why, but whatever

i didnt even get mta race to work lol :P

mta race and mta 1.0.X dont work installed simulteanously?

but on topic, nice maps zole, good that you took the peoples advice of screenies, makes a lot more clear(for first impression ;))

although im not that much fan of 8 tracks :lol:

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Nice work! Thanks for following my (and varez's) screenie advice. :D

Btw, use the thumbnail ones so it conserves the amount of Kbs of a screenshot.

PS: Next time, make a map pack (placing more than one maps in a zip/rar), in some cases you don't want people to click one by one you know. ;)

PS2: I saw the last year's maps and they're all .map only, you could convert it and then make a map pack, naming it Zole's past maps.

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Meh, new stock shit!

The Plug: Simple route but fast and nice around LS + no chance to repair! Vehicle is Elegy. http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... E_plug.zip

Plus: Fast race in the desert with 3 fast cars, Infernus, Comet and Bullet it's longer, 3 mins. http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... s/plus.zip

Minus: Short but crazy race with Sultan in LV, finish at the top of the car park with a funky jump onto the pyramid. http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... /minus.zip

Minus v2: Longer version with Turismo. http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... %5E_v2.zip

Have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

New mapz!

foshizzlers way 1 2 and 3...

1: a race from LS to SF... starting with turismo then a switch to buffalo at the country and the finish at sf china town...

2: from sf to lv... starting where the first one finished and with bullet then a switch to banshee at the desert and the finish at the lv airport...

3: from lv to ls... starting from lv airport with cheetah a switch to comet and the finish at ls grove...

Have fun!

1: http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... %20way.zip

2: http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... ay%202.zip

3: http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... ay%203.zip

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  • 3 weeks later...

New maps.

Loco Race, Loco Sprint and Ipswitch...

Loco Race: Custom raceway with turismo, 2laps.

Loco Sprint: Cheeky sprint with super gt on sand, less than a minute.

Ipswitch: a stock one, 3 laps with buffalo, bullet and infernus... located in lv.


http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... 20Race.zip

http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... Sprint.zip

http://cid-6d23e43d63688fa0.office.live ... switch.zip

Screenshots coming soon...

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  • 8 months later...

Some new one...

Late Xmas present: A map package I made in 2010 late December. This time it's really a late xmas present! :) (containing 19 maps)

First in 2011 and Challenger Challenge: Both of them made a few weeks ago. The first one is a one lap race around san fierro with sultan and turismo the other one is with Buffalo in LV starting from the bike school to the airport with a little detour, some ramps included in both.

https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=6D23E43D ... =documents

Please search for: late xmas present, First in 2011, Challenger Challenge.

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I didn't know Racing Servers in MTA really but I see there are a lot of poeple liking maps with obstacles, kamikaze GRIDs and being rammed all the time.

Your "maps" are against basic rules of racing. You make GRIDs 50 meters before 90/180 degrees turn. You use bugged objects which are invisible. Look on this screen:


I think something may happen there... :roll:

You really think reversed grids are so cool also? Is it so nice to finish 5 races in a row on good places to have your "map" on and start last? Is it so nice to be rammed on a start?

Also I hope you never reach MSD's level. If yes it's better than hacking servers. Just send them your "maps", they're gonna die soon.

You did so many maps on AdrenalineX that I have to play this crap each day. Never had ocasion to meet you so Hello!

Hope your PC will burn soon from ammount of this maps.

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Dear Cromiell,

I think we should clear things up.

Firstly, ramming/crashing is a part of every racing games have ever published. You can easily smash your car in every racing games if you are not careful enough and it's not depending on the maps or the makers.

Secondly, I don't think I have ever used any invisible objects and I don't know what are you meaning on that picture. If you mean that board in front of the spawnpoints that is just a scenery.I only make maps to MgC, DrUG and SiK servers and I don't really know what "AdrenalineX" actually is.

As you mentioned you think that my maps are murderous guns to servers and ppl get scared because of my maps. Just hop on our server if you have some time and check out how busy it is recently. I don't think ppl freaking out because of my maps. :)

Finally, I don't think I made too many of reversed maps and to get back ramming, ramming at spawnpoints with so many people is obvious in every single race (In MgC, SiK and DRuG servers, collisions are off until reaching the 4th or 5th checkpoint).

I appreciate your honest and I feel no anger about your comment.

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AdrenalineX is the biggest SAMP Racing server since 2008. We got around 100 of your maps there and it's not like we like them a lot lol.

You say that we can be rammed in any place. True, but if so you just help it by placing grid 10 meteres before barriers and 90 degrees corner.

I hope poeple in MTA really like them as there is so "cool feature" called ghost cars and other helpers.

Good Luck in mapping,


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  • 4 years later...

Hey there!

I'm back from a pretty long lay off and i've already made some new maps this year which you can get from here:

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lsn4eh8o3szc ... 9qLSa?dl=0

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to make any films or screenshots from these new maps so sorry for that! :)

Feel free to try and use them if you like them.

Also here is a link to most of my previous maps (not all of them as I lost my googledrive account that contained all of them):

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l016fjg3qjda ... HyLpa?dl=0

Looking back, there are definitely some maps with bugs (mainly because those were made with the old MTA Race editor) and some weird editing here and there (these are definitely my fault :D) so sorry for that!

Have a nice day and have fun!

P.S.: If these links do not work for some reason, just let me know. ;)

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