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[REL][WIP] CLEO mods redefined! - No development atm.


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|CLEO Mods Redefined!|

Using CLEO mods without modding your San Andreas. How nice? :)

Why did I make this?

It's cool. That's it.

I always loved the CLEO mods for the singleplayer, but they were never usable in MTA. And now MTA blocked custom files, so it won't be possible at all anymore if people uses MTA 1.0.3 or above. But since I started scripting in LUA, I've seen so many functions to use, that it MUST be possible to make scripts like CLEO mods. That's why I started to create those recreations.

About the mods

I'm scripting them all from scratch. I didn't copy or translate ANY code of the CLEO mods, basically because I have no experience with SCM scripting (The coding language which CLEO uses, and the missionscript of SA too)

Besides that, the scripts aren't exact copies. First reason is that I make them slightly to my own preferences, and the second reason is that I still need to learn a lot about LUA and MTA functions.

About this topic

It will stay just one topic, just because it's not necessary to spam this forum with all little things I created. One topic with all mods synoptic sorted is much better.

For now, I will only post recreated CLEO mods. But maybe in the future I will expand it with other little mods which doesn't deserve an own topic. So you know that already :P

Mod list


[REL] PortalGun V1.1

More reliable, stable, more features, and a better synch. Readme and helppage are included.

Oh and btw, can the voters of a 1 rating plz tell me why? :|


  • You can warp yourself from place to place, at any distance.
  • You can change the weapon you prefer to use.
  • Easy to use, just type /portal and you won't lose your ability until typing /portal again.
  • Your portals have 2 different colors, so you know which one you have already placed.
  • Other players CAN see your ports in a different color, so thay know it's not theirs.
  • Vehicles can be warped too, and they keep the speed they have.
  • After you died, you will still have the PortalGun and your ports remain opened.
  • You can attach ports to players and vehicles so you can warp to them at any time, at any place they are.*
  • You will hear a sound after being warped.
  • More to come!

*By hitting a player or vehicle, their lost health will be refilled again. Only when hitting a player with less than 45 health, he will die, but he will keep your portal attached to him.


  • Vehicles are a little bumpy when warping at a close distance. The further the warping distance, the more your vehicle will rotate or bump. This is a MTA bug.
  • When firing a weapon with a high fire rate while holding the 1 or 2 key, your server can become laggy. This isn't mine or MTA's fault, it depends on your internet. It's caused by triggerServerEvent.
  • I found nothing more. Maybe you found one?


  • Ability to throw every element into the portal, even when you aren't part of it.
  • Feature to create rings placed to the faced to any surface, so you will be dropped out of that. Like the CLEO mod does.< HOLY CRAP! That's freakin' difficuilt. I'm looking an the grapple script the know the maths, but O-M-G :shock: Can someone help me with this? I know how to script, but I'm SO bad at mathematics :oops:
  • Your idea?

V1.1.3 video + Tutorial:




The second mod. It's not released yet, It's still buggy and unstable.

Upcoming Features:

  • Nice look, colorfull and shiny. DONE!
  • Other players can see your sparks. DONE!
  • It destroys everything on it's path.
  • You can rotate with it.
  • Nice effects like smoke, sound, and nice incoming sparks.
  • Maybe YOUR idea?

Preview of the spark:


As you can see, the progress isn't quite far. But I'm completing the script as fast, and as good as possible.


Upcoming mods:

  • Gravity Gun. You will be possible to control every element in your server. You won't be possible to control SA objects, since MTA can't modify them by scripts.
  • Pulse Gun. This will create an orb thingy that bounces at walls and kills every element it hits.
  • Advanced Car Control. Idea by XX3. This mod will make you able to do everything with your vehicle.
  • First Person Mod. I'm not sure if I will create this, but I think I will.
  • Maybe your idea?


That's it! Do you have any suggestions, got something to add, or found a bug? Feel free to post it ;)

PS: Where's the code? :shock:

Edited by Guest
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Hey, nice job for the Redefined CLEO mods! How about redefining this:

Zeti's Advanced Car Control

This mod was made by Zeti and here's his quote on this mod.


New in this version (3rd release):

Firstly, some minor bugs have been fixed.

And, you can now lock/unlock all the doors, bonnet and boot included, from outside the car

too. All the other functions (except of engine on/off and Auto-Driver) are available from

outside the car too.

You now also have the possibility to open or close every single door separately, or all at

the same time.

Turbo: (optional to me)

This new feature is like NOS. Pressing . (dot) or the right mouse button adds it to your

car, and by hitting fire it's being activated. The difference to NOS is, that it's not

visible in the boot (might be useful for some vehicle mods on this game).

For those who don't know the previous version:

This CLEO-Mod adds some useful functions when being inside a vehicle:

- Opening every single door

- Opening bonnet

- Opening boot

- Turning engine on/off

- Locking/unlocking doors

- Turning on/off lights

- Turning on/off Auto-Driver (Impossible in MTA SA I think)

- Central locking system with flashing lights and sound

- Turning on/off hydraulics

This was like the vehicles system but more advanced.

Download: http://www.gtainside.com/en/download.ph ... 6&orderBy=

I hope you accept. :)

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Wow, never thought I will get such good reactions :P Thanx all. I really appreciate that. It's encouraging me :)

But benxamix2, can you send me the link of the mod?

And XX3: Good mod, I will definitely make that one after I completed GravityGun.

To let you all know: PortalGun is almost finished. Some little bug and code fixes are needed to release a stable version. There's a big chance that it will be online in a few hours. I'll keep you up to date.

Also, I'm busy with the MasterSpark. But I'm already encountering a problem, I need to X and Y in front of the player, where I can adjust the distance. I DO have a script for it (One I found from 50p, thx), but it's not geting the X and Y in front of the player. Maybe there's someone with a alternative script, but I will fix it after I completed the PortalGun. After that shitbug is fixed, MasterSpark will be completed very soon. It's an easy one :P

Preview of the MasterSpark:


Suggestions to the look?

@50p below me: That's exactly the one I'm using. It should be another error I think. I will look to it soon, still busy with PortalGun. Almost done, with some new features.

Edited by Guest
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PortalGun V1.1 released!

Get it here. The readme with all features, all bugs (just 2 which aren't my fault :P), all upcoming features, and instructions is still included in the resource. I've also added a help page so your clients know how to use it too.

Changelog V1.1:

-Added better synch between clients. (By moving almost all clientscript to serverscript. This results in better synch between clients and portals.)

-Added a sound when warped.

-Added the ability to attach porta to players and vehicles.

-Added ability to change the weapon used as the PortalGun.

-Other little bugfixes.

What I'm doing right now:

-Creating MasterSpark.

-Creating a new video about PortalGun, with the new features.

And 50p, I think something is just wrong with your script. I've editted it and it's working now. Here you go: getXYInFrontOfPlayer ( player, distance )

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  • 4 months later...

Masterspark info

Masterspark is currently stopped. I can't find a way to make this nicely synced, and it isn't quite camera or player friendly. Maybe I pick this project up later.

Also, I'm still busy with my own gamemode. So I'm not fulltime scripting those cleo mods.

GravityGun info

But, Gravity Gun is in development! In fact, it's almost done! The only things I still need to do is to make it better synched, some code cleaning, and better grabbing of elements. GravityGun 1 will only support vehicles, but players and peds will be added very soon after this release, since this isn't quite a big job.

PortalGun 2 info

After a long time, I picked up this project again. Since MTA 1.1 will have the function to get the angle of a face, this will be definitely in the upcoming PortalGun. Now, what I want to ask is what you guys want to see in PortalGun 2.

Let me know your suggestions, so PortalGun 2 is going to be fantastic!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think you won't be able to create this one

I already thought of DYOM. Indeed it's very hard, and a lot of work, but I got exactly in my head how to do this. Though I'm not going to yet, such a mod will take too much time of my other projects.

After those projects, I'll make it. I'm able to. I'll prove it ;)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Not fast indeed. It was a cewl idea but I have my hands full with hedit and my own gamemode. Just don't have time to focus on thid project, unfortunately.

Plus, I don't feel to do this at the moment. I'm having way more fun to just script what comes in my mind, little funny scripts. I'm making these in my server, 'Remi's Development Server'. For instance, a very simple but very effective custom weapons script :) Made in just one day. Just need to make custom textures for every weapon, and I'll release that.

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