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Mta Hosting - 8 € for 100 Slots - MySQL/FTP/Webspace incl

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Hi Guys,

i got a running Root-Server on my Debian Root and yeah im actually not using

it ~lots of work. So if anybody needs a fast Gameserver with a great Bandwith

and 99 % Uptime, contact me.

* Start/Stop/Restart Buttons via Webmin

* Linux Firewall - Iptables

* 1 x MySQL Database

* 100 MB Webspace

* Access via Putty

* FTP Access

* Location Germany - Frankfurt

X-fire: jasongregorygt

Icq: 403-124-872

Msn: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]



4 € - 32 Slots*

10 € - 100 Slots


You need help ?

24/7 Support @ [email protected]

* Without Webspace

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I guess he doesnt have a website, he directly hosts your server with his machine. If thats true then its kinda of lame cause he can steal your scripts/maps like delux is doing. :lol:

Ofc im going to steal your 1337 lamo Script for uploading it at https://community.multitheftauto.com/

because im hosting it on my machine.

1. Im not hosting the Server on my Machine

2. Anyone can steal your Script even if the Owner got a Website

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Actually I'd trust him, but I've got a root machine myself


but since he is competition (not really, I host only for some people, for free) I hate him.

*stares at Jason*

*stares even more at Jason*

I just hope you know what you are doing - you won't make any profit with MTA, host Minecraft.

Hetzner Benutzer?

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Actually I'd trust him, but I've got a root machine myself


but since he is competition (not really, I host only for some people, for free) I hate him.

*stares at Jason*

*stares even more at Jason*

I just hope you know what you are doing - you won't make any profit with MTA, host Minecraft.

Hetzner Benutzer?

How do u own a root machine???

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