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[REL] Blacklist system agianst cheaters, hackers..


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Hi people.

I'm proud to introduce a blacklist, to keep cheaters outside many servers (hopefully that will stop them cheating). :D

Blacklist system agianst cheaters, hackers, flooders, etc.

* Information:

Help other servers by using this resource. If you ban someone,

he will be reported on a main website, and if he joins another

server with this resource, he will be banned. This would be cool

for cheaters/hackers...

* Warning:

By using this script, we send this data to the blacklist server:

IP, and servername.

Because we know, some people want to abuse with this, but what

we want is banning cheaters, and hackers.. So only use this

resource if you want a cheater free server!!

* Developer:

Sebas Lamers

* Written on:

26-10-2009 20:54

You could download the resource and register your server @ http://www.greenhood.nl/security

By registering your server, we need your email. If there's a an abuser, he will be banned from the blacklist system.

Only use this resource like in race, where cheaters are.

Community download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.html?p ... ils&id=486

Need more information? Post a comment.

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 months later...

Maybe calculate a score based on how many different servers an IP is banned. Then let the serverowner decide what to do with this score, when a suspected cheater joins. Ban him or maybe just warn. If you want to make it even more complicated, you could assign the individual servers a score based on how many 'good' bans he had in the past and calculate the 'ban score' based on that as well. This would of course delay the banning of cheaters, since the cheater must be banned on several servers using this system before he is banned on others (there would still be the benefit of warning that a cheater may have joined though), but also prevent abuse by a single severadmin.

You should maybe also not save every ban in the blacklist. Sometimes someone might be banned for different reasons than cheating (after all, it's up to the individual serverowner who to ban) which would not be compliant with the blacklist. Maybe only send it to the blacklist, when it contains the reason "cheat" or something (maybe also make it optional).

I also suggest you use the built-in settings system, which will enable the serveradmins to change the settings via the admin resource, which might be a bit more comfortable than editing a file (and players won't need to download the file again when joining another server, since it stays the same).

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Maybe calculate a score based on how many different servers an IP is banned. Then let the serverowner decide what to do with this score, when a suspected cheater joins. Ban him or maybe just warn. If you want to make it even more complicated, you could assign the individual servers a score based on how many 'good' bans he had in the past and calculate the 'ban score' based on that as well. This would of course delay the banning of cheaters, since the cheater must be banned on several servers using this system before he is banned on others (there would still be the benefit of warning that a cheater may have joined though), but also prevent abuse by a single severadmin.

You should maybe also not save every ban in the blacklist. Sometimes someone might be banned for different reasons than cheating (after all, it's up to the individual serverowner who to ban) which would not be compliant with the blacklist. Maybe only send it to the blacklist, when it contains the reason "cheat" or something (maybe also make it optional).

I also suggest you use the built-in settings system, which will enable the serveradmins to change the settings via the admin resource, which might be a bit more comfortable than editing a file (and players won't need to download the file again when joining another server, since it stays the same).

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  • 8 years later...

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