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The future of the older MTA's...



So, now that MTA:SA is completed, aside from various future fixes and Linux server compiling, etc., is there any chance you guys are willing to re-open the MTA 0.5 area and possibly start rewriting the system and bring it back? Even if you believe it'd only be for legacy support, I guarantee that there will be enough users wanting it to make it worth your while. I can name one community on it's own that has thousands of users, many of which love MTA 0.5 for VC. If the bugs were worked out, I know for a fact even more of their users would switch over. Aside from that community, VC-O on it's own was enough proof to show VC's MP worthiness.

Anyway, to finish this up quickly, I know you guys said you would put some consideration into the idea once MTA:SA was released, and I still would LOVE to see it happen. Please, for the sake of your most dedicated and oldest supporters, and for the lines of code that made MTA what it is today, please, please, please bring back the old MTA 0.5 and finish it!

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If you'd seen the code for 0.5 you'd know exactly why blue was invented to replace it. 0.5 used many highly unstable methods to operate. Nobody that is now on the team has the experience or interest in going back to a 5 year old version. We'd be more interested in back-porting blue to vc, but we'd probably need a larger dev team to make that practical.

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  eAi said:
If you'd seen the code for 0.5 you'd know exactly why blue was invented to replace it. 0.5 used many highly unstable methods to operate. Nobody that is now on the team has the experience or interest in going back to a 5 year old version. We'd be more interested in back-porting blue to vc, but we'd probably need a larger dev team to make that practical.

Then what's the issue? Just recruit some people! There's plenty of them out there that have been begging for this opportunity just for that specific reason. TownCivilian is a perfect example of that. He has even joined the VC-O team just to try and make something come out of this. Trust me, I'm not saying to stick with the old 0.5 code. I want more than anything to have the latest code on those MP's as well lol. Remember the old MTA Blue page? It's still up there, and it still looks awesome. Now that you have almost everything in the SA area worked out, I'm sure alot of the existing code could be used towards 3 and VC easily, with minor adjustments. :)

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  SugarD-x said:

Then what's the issue? Just recruit some people!

Why don't you? After all, MTA's source is available, you can just get some buddies and start branching it :)

, I'm sure alot of the existing code could be used towards 3 and VC easily, with minor adjustments. :)

In perfect world, only the san andreas' specific part should be changed (not the core), but I don't know much about that

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  Lordy said:
  SugarD-x said:

Then what's the issue? Just recruit some people!

Why don't you? After all, MTA's source is available, you can just get some buddies and start branching it :)

Actually, 0.5/Blue's isn't. MTA:SA's is, yes, but the former, no. I've actually tried to, but aside from becoming a developer, I don't think I have the power or permissions to go this far, and even then I'm screwed because I can't code anything but websites. :)

I've actually tried for a long time to rally support for this though, and so far it's proved successful, but without the MTA Dev Team on my side, it's not going to go anywhere.

Edit: I am officially requesting that the MTA Dev Team PLEASE open-source MTA 0.5 for 3/VC. I am trying to pull together an unofficial dev team to use the open-source information in MTA:SA's Blue Engine to revert it to 3/VC in open-source form similar to MTA:SA. Please guys, please open it up so we can atleast see where you began and left off. I would like the team to start it from scratch using MTA:SA's Blue Engine, but this information would be very useful in getting us started on the conversion.

Also, anyone interested in joining this unofficial team, please contact me via PM!

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  eAi said:

If you'd seen the code for 0.5 you'd know exactly why blue was invented to replace it. 0.5 used many highly unstable methods to operate. Nobody that is now on the team has the experience or interest in going back to a 5 year old version. We'd be more interested in back-porting blue to vc, but we'd probably need a larger dev team to make that practical.

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  eAi said:
Nobody that is now on the team has the experience or interest in going back to a 5 year old version. We'd be more interested in back-porting blue to vc, but we'd probably need a larger dev team to make that practical.
  Lordy said:
MTA's source is available, you can just get some buddies and start branching it
  SugarD-x said:
I am officially requesting that the MTA Dev Team PLEASE open-source MTA 0.5 for 3/VC. I am trying to pull together an unofficial dev team to use the open-source information in MTA:SA's Blue Engine to revert it to 3/VC in open-source form similar to MTA:SA. Please guys, please open it up so we can atleast see where you began and left off. I would like the team to start it from scratch using MTA:SA's Blue Engine, but this information would be very useful in getting us started on the conversion.

Like I said before, it would be for reference reasons. If we start from scratch without any original references, it's more like a whole new multiplayer rather than rewriting the original from the ground up.

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  • MTA Team

Yes, and that is exactly why you should do that instead of basing it off an uberbuggy 0.5, which you are not likely to gain or learn anything useful from, to say the least. What is so interesting in these sources that you desperately need them anyway, in regards of porting MTA Blue from MTASA to Vice City?

Game modes? They can be scripted (if you port Lua engine from MTASA, which probably is not that hard).

Game logic/offsets? You can probably find them in gtamodding sites/forums.

Like Lordy said, gather a team of skilled c++/asm programmers, analyse current MTASA source, plan what do you want to do and THEN contact us. If we find your plans being worthwhile, we will provide you some support needed to get it going.

We are aware that there is a bunch of people who would love to see a Vice City multiplayer experience powered by the MTA Blue core (myself included), but without an organised and separate development team for it, it is not going to happen.

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But that's the thing. We know what does and doesn't work in the existing 0.5, and it would be a good means for a reference to what we already know about those things that do and don't work. It would also give us the ideas to make the "new" MTA backwards compatible with existing 0.5-based scripts.

Keep in mind too that my goal here is to make it compatible with both of the GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC versions of the client. Why go through all the trouble to update one and not the other? :)

Edit: Dev team being created! Be on the lookout for future updates!

Oh snap:

  ChrML said:
It's very very much work to add [blue] support to an another GTA release, so as troyBORG said, it's for SA for the first releases. Then we'll extend to VC. We probably won't make Blue available for GTA3 unless there's enough demand for it.
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How about starting off by releasing an updated version of MTA:VC, simply just containing the unofficial update made by Towncivilian and a fix for the server browser? I'm sure this alone would be good for now since new players would be able to find servers to play easily again while oldschoolers would enjoy the new things brought to them by Towncivilian's work. After this the volunteers could possibly start concentrating on a MTA:VC version based on the MTA:SA source...

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I wanted to do that first, but the MTA Team won't allow it because they said the 0.5 code is too sloppy and unstable. That's why my plan is to rewrite the whole thing from scratch the way MTA:SA was done. I also want GTA 3 to still be supported in this. I'm not about to leave it out in the cold while I update it's other half.

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I asked IJs if the source could be released back in February and he said the team had no plans to release MTA 0.5 source at that time, but he did say perhaps someday. I'll think about asking him again (I feel like I'm bugging him repeatedly about this, heh). If he denies releasing the source once again I'll ask whether at least a list of the memory addresses used by MTA for 3/VC could be released to aid in any future development of GTA3/VC multiplayer on the Blue core. I can't code so I wouldn't be able to help such a project, though.

Is MTA 0.5 the only released multiplayer mod for GTA3 at this time?

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I'm not a programmer so I really can't say for sure, but I suppose it wouldn't require that much of work to compile a new version of MTA:VC containing Towncivilian's update + a server browser fix? As I mentioned earlier, an update like this would definitely help to recover the MTA:VC community.

At the moment it must be extremely hard and tricky for new players to get involved into MTA:VC gaming due to the lack of a working server browser so a working server browser would be the step number 1 in my opinion. Then the volunteer guys could work in peace with the new MTA:VC while others could keep enjoying the old MTA:VC with the minor update.

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Update!: We now have a site/forum at CENSORED for the team to use throughout the creation of this project.

CENSORED, as you can see is in the URL. The reasoning behind that is because it is Latin for CENSORED. We decided that this fit fairly well given the situation, so for now the project is codenamed CENSORED.

Edited by Guest
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