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SA Engine's Limits, There is a way to increase them!


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Hey, I've been thinking about this during a while, now i'm going to suggest this to the MTA Development team.

I know the MTA Dev. team certainly have problems to increase the number of dynamic players/cars etc for one server. Well I know a tool i'm working with on Single player, it's called SA Limits Adjuster (http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=295783) it allows to adjust the most of the limits you may know. Like: number of players/cars/objects loaded by the SA Engine, the number of different IDs for peds/cars/objects (that means we can add more peds/cars/objects to the game). AND you can EVEN increase the memory that the game is gonna use to load all of this, nowadays most of our PCs have around 2gb of ram, the limit used by the SA Engine is like 512mb, I mean let's just increase that, our PCs will handle it. Well to me, there's a way to double, triple the number of dynamic players/cars/objects. Please think about that if my point is right I think it will help you guys alot, just imaginate a server which is able to run with about 500 players without a damn lag.

Greetings, Lil' Dan/Gobe.

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Nice, but, you should try that tool maybe it will bring you more possibilities to increase these. I know you did at all, as we can make maps far away from SA, this means you increased the maps limits, I think. And I think that by increasing these limits we could be able to run massive role-playing servers, if we use it rightly, well it's my point. I pretty sure this could work because well I can run my singleplayer game with hundreds of peds and cars on the streets if I want to, but I know this can change by going online.

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It might work well for you, but you don't know how well other systems handle this kind of extra stress. It could render large amounts of players unable to play.

I don't think alot of players have less than 512mb of ram nowadays, if you can run the original game correctly, you should be able to run it with limits modified if you have a minimum of ram. (I have 1.5gb). ;)

I'd like to see the possibility to disable/alter the speed/height limits for airplanes. But it isn't of that high priority tbh.

On single player I been able to add 5 different AT-400 type of plane. but I never tried to make planes faster, it must be possible. Height no limit would be really cool, good idea with that even if it's not a priority.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, SA limit adjuster wouldn't increase the limit of elements in the server. It can only increase the maximum number of elements that are streamed in.

It would increase the number of elements that are LOADED by the SA engine. For example, in single player, all the players and cars around you. So it increase all the element loaded AT SCREEN actually it has nothing to do with streaming, as far as I know..

EDIT: Oh my bad I didn't get it, yes it would just increase the number of elements loaded by the SA Engine.

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