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[Outdated] Unofficial MTA Script Editor 0.3 (4851) RELEASED!


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  AcitanoX_AkA_SuN said:

Yes i saw that i could not load any files and i was writing a post for it, and u made the update: But keep doesn't work for me, when i select a res i don't see any file in list and if i click on the button for make a script like Untitled 1.lua SE crashes :S

But, what's the problem for associate the files to SE?

P.S: Another fix pls: In the functions list can you add the events too?

Do you mean you still can't see any files? Are the files that you can't see from the subdirectories resources or are they from root resources folders? Because mine works just fine :S What does it say at the status bar when you start SE? It should say how many resources and files has been loaded.

I think I'll need to add logging feature to know every single step that people make since from what you are people saying nothing makes sense because when I try to reproduce the crash, I can't because it works just fine and I can't fix something that is working and don't have a clue why it could crash. I'm going to add some sort of log system so you can check the log file and tell me more information.

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  AcitanoX_AkA_SuN said:
"Loaded 134 resources which include 1 files."

It's not normal :S

EDIT: Sorry, i just forgot to install the update, now i see all files, but i can't open any file, if i try the editor crashes :S

Can you send bug report? Or does it crash with windows window? If you can send the bug report then please do so.

BTW, I've added log feature so I can log everything but it'll take some time to go through all the code and log all the sensitive areas.

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  AcitanoX_AkA_SuN said:
When editor crashed i can't see the "send report" window :S

P.S: For the list of events? xD

That's really hard for me to find the problem due to not having idea where the problem is, if it works perfectly on me and I've never ever had that problem :S I guess, it's time for huge research and each line checking, be patient it'll take some time...

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Have you guys installed MTA in different directory or have you installed it in the same folder as the 1.0.5 or any previous version you had installed? I was thinking that it loads the resources from old MTA but then again, you had problems with loading [resources] and now you don't.. That's very weird. I'm doing my best.

If you want to use the which hadn't crash on you then here is the link: http://scripteditor.beta.mtasa.com/file ... .2.9.3.zip (just extract those files into your SE folder).

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  rsskiller1 said:
Well, i uninstalled 1.0.5 and then installed MTA 1.1 in diffrent folder, 1.0 was in gta folder but now MTA 1.1 is in "own" folder

OK. Please, tell me when exactly does it crash? When you double-click the file in resource explorer?

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  AcitanoX_AkA_SuN said:
I have installed mta in "MTA San Andreas" and MTA 1.1 in "MTA San Andreas 1.1" ^^

And my editor crashed when i try to make a new file OUT of a resource (Untitled 1.lua) and when i try to load a file of a resource :S

  50p said:

OK. Please, tell me when exactly does it crash? When you double-click the file in resource explorer?

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I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and when I run "Script Editor" it works fine. When I hit like Open and Save (Don't know about the rest), it says "Script Editor has stopped working". I downloaded the patch and patcher. When I run the patcher, it says "Use MTA:Script Editor to get the latest updates".

I tried running as comparability and running as administrator but no luck.

Any ideas?

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