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MTA Map Editor Tutorial

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Hello,Yesterday i maked a tutorial for Map Editor in MTA.I were thinked about this to make a little longer than on Wiki.

I'm sure the effort is appreciated, but with this kind of grammatical mistakes and especially without pictures, I doubt many people will be reading it...

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Ok, I put my hate for rapidshite aside briefly and downloaded it to have a quick look.

In the first two lines I found at least 15 grammar- and spelling related mistakes, when writing something you want others to read and understand and definitely a tutorial, the first thing you might want to do, is learn the language in which you're trying to write.

I don't know which language is your primary one, but you might want to consider writing in that language instead of English.

There's also some right-out misinformation here:

Download newest MTA(V1.1.2) from http://mtavc.com/race.html.

It's not the newest MTA... it's old and pretty outdated by now.

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Ok, I put my hate for rapidshite aside briefly and downloaded it to have a quick look.

In the first two lines I found at least 15 grammar- and spelling related mistakes, when writing something you want others to read and understand and definitely a tutorial, the first thing you might want to do, is learn the language in which you're trying to write.

I don't know which language is your primary one, but you might want to consider writing in that language instead of English.

There's also some right-out misinformation here:

Download newest MTA(V1.1.2) from http://mtavc.com/race.html.

It's not the newest MTA... it's old and pretty outdated by now.

I mean the newest MTA Race version

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Ok, I put my hate for rapidshite aside briefly and downloaded it to have a quick look.

In the first two lines I found at least 15 grammar- and spelling related mistakes, when writing something you want others to read and understand and definitely a tutorial, the first thing you might want to do, is learn the language in which you're trying to write.

I don't know which language is your primary one, but you might want to consider writing in that language instead of English.

There's also some right-out misinformation here:

Download newest MTA(V1.1.2) from http://mtavc.com/race.html.

It's not the newest MTA... it's old and pretty outdated by now.

So you mean that i will write in Croatian..huh? In my country im sure that im in 500 people who knows English very well.And i will be 13 years old now. 8)

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MTA Map Editor Manual by Pr0RaC3R






1.Introduction ===============================

2.How to install? ============================

3.Starting with MTA Map Editor ===============

3.a) Adding Spawnpoints ======================

3.b) Adding Objects ==========================

3.c) Adding Pickups ==========================

3.d) Adding Checkpoints ======================

3.e) Finalising your map =====================

4.Advanced stuff for experienced mappers =====

5.Copright ===================================


1.Introduction ================================================================================================================================================================

MTA Map Editor is tool to use for creating maps.You add to maps such as: Spawnpoints,Objects,Checkpoints.With this tool you get more fun to MTA.

When you create your first map don't think the others will be satisfied with your map.You are an a begginer and you are working to get the maps they(MTA Community) can afford.


2.How to install? ===========================================================================================================================================

The Map Editor includes in MTA Client so you don't need addinitional download.Download newest MTA(V1.1.2) from http://mtavc.com/race.html.

When you save or run the file it will appear the Setup Wizard to install MTA.Hit Next.Click the "I agree" button.And when you get to "Choose Components".

Check all boxes to have all installed(reccomended)or if you now what you're doing check the boxes what you're need.But if you want to have MTA Map Editor be sure you have checked MTA Map Editor box.

On "Choose Install Location" put that away and don't change anything.Change if you are sure what you're doing.Hit Next.Hit Next again and click install.Very easy.

Im very sorry that if i misunderstood something for Windows XP becuase i have Vista.When you are done run the MTA than click MTA Map Editor.



-If you have Vista please follow my orders to get MTA Map Editor working.On Vista MTA Map Editor works only,not the race client,so that means you can't get to servers and race.

-Go to MTA Directory,so if you have 32 bit that will be MyComputer/(C:)/Program Files/MTA San Andreas/mods/race

-64 bit is My Computer/(C:)/Program Files(x86)/MTA San Andreas/mods/race

-Right click "client.dll" and rename it whatever you want like: omfg.dll *****FIXED!!!!******


3.Starting with MTA Map Editor ==============================================================================================================================

=======================GENERAL CONTROLS==========================

CONTROLS--------Left arrow > Decrease position on X axis

CONTROLS--------Right arrow > Increase position on X axis

CONTROLS--------Up arrow > Increase position on Y axis

CONTROLS--------Down arrow > Decrease position on Y axis

CONTROLS--------Home button > Increase position on Z axis

CONTROLS--------End button > Decrease position on Z axis

CONTROLS--------Mousewheel > Rotate an object

CONTROLS--------W+Shift > Faster movement speed forwards

CONTROLS--------S+Shift > Faster movement speed backwards

CONTROLS--------F11 > Take a screenshot

3.a)Adding Spawnpoints ==============================================================================================================================================================================================================

In Map Editor you must add the spawnpoints to where the players will spawn.To add spawns in Map Editor click Add Element>Create spawnpoints.You can change which vehicle it'll spawn in Race settings>Set starting vehicle.

When you choose what vehicle you will use for spawnpoint click Add Element>Create spawnpoints as i said before.And you can place the vehicle on certain positions,to rotate the vehicle Roll the Mousewheel.

Maximum spawnpoints are 32 spawnpoints.You can make spawnpoints not above 32.It will warn you when you make 32nd spawn and try one more.Try make spawnpoints more better.So that some vehicles have some "air to breath" and can.


3.b)Adding Objects ==========================================================================================================================================

Adding objects is the most needed to map to be good.There are alot of objects.The players want to have alot of objects so the map can be nicely played(my record on putting objects is:444 objects).On putting more and more objects you will loose alot of time.

To add the object click Add Element>Create Object.You can add various objects.Be more creative...I will give you some examples.

-Make alot of objects and try to be more creative than others

-Make something "strange" that some people never saw before

-I saw that alot of people like rollercoasters and such stuff...try create your rollercoaster(believe me it's not easy)

-Don't make alot of objects on the same small area(maybe you can place some explosive barrels and that's it)

-When you're skilled racer you can make a skill race so other people try it to even make to finish!


================================================= I liked to share some hints that will be(i hope)useful for making great maps.

= HINTS & TIPS = -When you want to make the fence go "U" style like when the cars gently hit the fence it will guide to some area,make the standard fence and than the second fence rotate it with Mouseheel that will connect first fence and second fence.

= = -The often objects for use on roads and loops....is ID 10450

= = -When you want to make rollercoasters and the best maps the community ever seen you must make some decorations like:Nature,Lamposts etc...

= =

= =

= ==============================================



3.c)Adding Pickups ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

Pickups are very often use in creating maps.Players must repair their vehicles as their health is low or make the vehicle-change vehicle or pickup such as Nitro.

Repair is the most common use for creating maps such is like:rollercoasters,loop races etc...But be careful!Don't put repairs onto DD's/DM's.It's not using very often such as DD/DM modes.

To create a repair click Add Element>Create pickup>Repair pickup.Also you can be creative on doing such as repairs.Like make repair triangle,square,your name etc...

OK!Now i will describe the Nitro pickups.It uses often but not that often as repairs.It uses often at drag races,long straight races or on some jump where is needed to take the jump and land.

To create the nitro pickup click Add Element>Create pickup>Nitro pickup.Such as i talk you can be creative with repairs you can do it with nitro's too.

And the last pickup is vehicle-change vehicle.With this pickup players transfer their cars into another cars.It can be various vehicles.I will sugest what cars are use often and on what race modes..

Infernus is often using for such as rollercoasters,drag races,long straight roads...Dinghy(small boat)is using often in "Freefall" race modes.There is a few best maps with Dinghy falls.When you make such as that thing like freefall be more creative.Example:make a loop etc...

To create vehicle-change vehicle pickup click Add Element>Create pickup>Vehicle-change pickup than choose to browse for vehicles and choose the vehicle type.If you have knowledge you can make the pickup by entering the vehicle ID.

I saw some races that they are using the vehicle-change vehicle pickups in various things such as:"You must travell with example a Vortex and they set a row of cars,if you pick them you drown.You must avoid it.Sometimes is very hard.If you never saw that maps i know 1 map.It's:DrA Welcome to My crazy world.Im sorry if i typed omething wrong.

You can be also decorative such as other pickups.


3.d)Adding Checkpoints ==========================================================================================================================================================

The most interesting thing is to race and for that you need to build some checkpoints.To build the checkpoints click Add Element>Create checkpoints.

The maximum checkpoints you can place is about 200-250 checkpoints.Checkpoints are using only in "Race" mode not in like DD/DM or Kamikaze mode.

To have decorative checkpoints you can set the color of the checkpoints.To do that make your checkpoint the current and press LCTRL and browse through colors with the mousewheel.

To set the checkpoint size make your checkpoint current and roll the mousewheel.Mousewheel down is for smaller checkpoints and mousewheel up is for bigger checkpoints.

And don't put the checkpoints too close or you will ruin the map.Many players don't like maps with close checkpoints.


3.e)Finalising your map =============================================================================================================================================================================================================

In this section you will decorate the map as more as possible do some race settings etc...When you are done with your map you must take some data's.

First to do that goto Race settings.It will a nice options.First option is to choose what vehicle the race will use,spawnpoint vehicles.On second option you choose what respawn mode you want.

You can make the "none" respawn mode.When you choose that option you can't respawn yourself and anybody else.It often uses in DD/DM matches.You can make "timelimit"(default option) mode.

That option very often uses and for standard races.With that option the player will respawn,later you choose what time player must wait to respawn.And the last option i don't understand..hehe

The "waves" option i don't understand...Sorry about that.But that's probably like the name tells.You are respawn in certain times...(probably im wrong).

The third option of "Race settings" rollout is Respawn time.You can change the respawn time there.That's how much time the player must wait to respawn again.That option is turned only in "timelimit" mode and probably "waves" mode.

Fourth option is "Set max map duration".You can change it if the race is a little(not a little)hard.You type in "seconds" format.Like:2400,that will be 40 minutes.That uses in very hard races known as "skill races".

Fifth option is where you type when the race starts.The time of race.Example: 12 00,than the race will start in 12:00.

Sixth option is where you change the weather.Sunny weather is by default.You change the weather by the quality of the map.Example:If the map is skill maybe you can use "Foggy" weather to make it harder to see.

Seventh option and the last option is "Meta data".There you can write the author of the map and a little description.


4.Advanced stuff for experinced mappers =============================================================================================================================================================================================================

On this section i will tell you the harder stuff for creating more creative and greater maps.To start make an road.Rmember the most useful road object ID:10450.

Now place it somewhere.Press F3 and go to Rotations.Now that part will cover the advanced stuff.First pair of digits are simple rotations.You can do that rotations with Mousewheel.So the first pair of digits type:0.0

The second pair of digits is to change from upside-left to upside-right.It's a little confusing from the start but i think you will understand.Example if you type like 0.3 that is i think 18 degrees.If you type in 1.5 that's 90 degrees.

And if you type 3.0 you think the road didn't rotate.That's becuase 1.5 is 90 degrees and 3.0 is 180 degrees.And rotate will rotate upside-down.It should be now the black side of the road up and normal down.

The third pair of digits is the most uften used in making rollercoasters and that stuff.It will rotate the road upside-down.Example type 0.3(maybe the common used).OK now you learned that advanced stuff.I'd just like to say something about this.

On second pair of digits when you type 1.5 it will rotate by width and the third pair if you type 1.5 it will rotate on height.



5.Copright ========================================================================================================================================================

This tutorial is made by Pr0RaC3R

© Copright 2009

Please do not modify my tutorial and redistribute to Internet.If you see bugs please PM me by email: [email protected] or MSN: [email protected]



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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

by the way you forgot the thing in the controls how to rotate objects if you dont know it its ctrl+left or right arrows you gotta place it first before you rotate it ...oh i see you have done the rotate thing but this is how i do it anyway 8) ... oh and can you tell me how to make garage door wich open when you go to it and were you go to make an element :)

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