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Scripting contest win 50$

Guest greenglow2004

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Scripting contest Win $50



welcome to my Scripting contest please take some time to read as much as you can.

First i would like to explain my motives for createing such a thread and tell you all a little about myself.

As some of you may already know i regularly run a lan server most weekends.

Just last week i have purchased 4 new computers which brings the total in my gameing room to 12.

All of my pcs are able to run Mta, and for the last few months i have been running my own mta server.

Mta has proved to be one of the most popular games that i run, im constantly being asked "when can we come around

to play more mta?" " is there any new features on your mta server yet ?" "have you had time to fix that bug?".

It has become so popular that last time we ate through our regular lunch break. i ussaly close the room at 12 -1 and people can

return afterwards. However this time we orderd in pizza and continued our adventures.

I have been for a while now slowly learning Lua and adding some features to the server, i have found the mta wiki very useful

for begginers and i have found the scripts resource page to be a great place to find help with my scripts.

Also this forum helped me out a few weeks ago when i had a problem with one of my scripts. i recicved a Quick and detailed reply from a member of

this forum which really explained the problem. i think there is a great community here with lots of Very skilled people.

So what is this contest ?

I have been editing bits and learning for a while , and although i am progressing i feel that i just dont have the time to deliver what i want to my players.

Im very busy during the week at work. when i have some spare time i do spend some hours working on new features and testing bits here and there.

however most of the time i find that the feature i wanted to impliment doesnt work how i had exactly planned. or for an example my new login start screen worked fine for me.. but when people came around it wouldnt let any of the older users login. This was obviously somthing i didnt want to be fixing when there was 11 people waiting to play ! . Also i think the way i have scripted certain parts are not nessisarily the most efficent way of doing so.

most of my scripts are a mess and a suprise they work at all !

There are many more features i would like to add and also i would like many of the current features to have more stability and functionality .

i think it would seriously take me many months to get my server scripts to a Good professional and working order, i wont be giving up scripting though.

i plan to continue to learn lua and work on creating new ideas for scripts - i highly encourage anyone that cant script to try, its fun and rewarding.

So i decided to Create a Contest for all the scripters here in the multitheftauto community.

There is a 50$ reward for the person that creates a gamemode/script that includes the features i desire.

Some features may not even be possible, so please let me know whats realistic.

It is my aim that the winning script is published on the resource page so that it can help other people learn how to script.

and it is also nice to give something back to the great comminty for all the help i have thus far recived.

please feel free free to sugest features that the server should have.(after all it will be for all the public too)

Im hopeing that this contest sparks the intrest of the whole community and helps gather some more intrest in Mta.

I also reguarly see posts about requesting RPG scripts, so this will help all those who cannot and will not learn to script.

The Rules

i cannot think of many rules for this contest only the following.

If more than one person submits a script they both wil not get the 50$ , there is only one 50$ prize. it will be awarded to the Best entry.

This will be my decission. my dessision wil be final.

It is however possible that there will be a prize for 2nd and 3rd place, though this will depend on the amount of intrest and applicants.

maybe someone could suggest other prize's or donate somthing that could be considerd a prize. maybe hosting or vouchers.

The Prize will only be payed through paypal, so you must have a acount.

All entrys must be by one individual unless they are happy to share the winning amount split Equaly with all the others that have contributed to there script.

You may not submit anyone elses script.

I may however add to or change these at any time.

If you dont like the rules then dont enter.


  • The server is a kind of Freeroam, not really a RPG as the charecters have no roles such a Cop or robber ect.
    On joining the game i would like the camera to be doing a fly through of several locations.
    the login page should be displayed on the screen whilst the camera is flying though the series of locations , and also appear at joinging the game.
    login panel

    • here is how i imagine the login panel.
      should feature my " Steves Lan Server logo !" - obviously when this is a public resource it can be easily changed.
      it should feature the standard username and password feilds. and the option to register if you are a new user.
      all user data should be stored so a returning player only has to enter there username and pw.

Registration Panel/page

  • the register page should feature several information feild and a display of the curent player model to the right.
    desired user name. - should make sure there is no duplicates.
    password. - can be anything. doesnt have to contain numbers.
    male/female - changeing the sex will change the chooseable player models to all females or all males.
    a left or right button next to the PLayer model will scroll through the avalible models. - player models should be stored so the player allways looks the same everytiem they login. - have chosen to use this because i have found that the first time people play mta they are interested in changein player models and maybe the second time, but it quickly becomes just a fad and somthing that returning players are less concerned with.
    maybe there this page should ask for some more player information, any ideas?
    also after registering the player should recive X amont of money , undecided yet , see the money section.
    PLayer colour, - select a colour , this is the colour of ur player in the chat. and on the radar.

The Acount page.

  • When a user has Registerd or loged in , or Pressing f6 this page should be showen.
    This page displayes information about your charecter and displays a 3d veiw of ur model on the right. -possibly with roation options to see 360 around him. not really important tho.
    This page should display the charecters Name,
    this page should also have a Change password feild in where the user must input ther old pass word and a new one.
    additonal information from the registaration should be showen here.
    Also showen on this page should be money in the bank.
    total distance traveled. - this should be saved and reloaded everytime u play.
    Kills - this should also be saved and reloaded everytime you play. in red should be kills this session and purple could be overall kills.
    Max Speed Reached in a vehicle. - this ones not 100% nessisary i just thought it was interesting,
    these are all stats and should be saved and loaded when you log back in.
    pressing ok on this page will launch the Click on a place on the map to spawn there page if you have not allready spawned.
    also displayed should be allies and enemys, Every player is automaticaly a enemy untill you select them as a allie.
    killing a player that is a allie will give you no money reward.killing a player who is in ur enemy list will earn you X amont of money.
    For users that have allready spawned pressing ok will just return them to the game.

Click on a place on the map to spawn there page?

  • Simple map screen like Freeroam gui.
    click a location of the map to spawn there.
    this page will only appear after pressing ok at your acount page , or after they have died this is how to respawn.

when you die

  • When ur charecter dies he should drop his weapons for others to pickup. i have seen a script for this somewhere tho this is one of the features i have not tryed in my own script. next the where to spawn page should appear letting the dead player select a new spawn point.


  • first time player logs in he should get X amount of money .
    Weapons should be buyable at amunations.
    foods should be buyable at the food places as in single player. food should heal.
    there should be 6 banks where players can store there money. withdraw deposit ect. like 50p's banking script. - its perfect !
    other ways money can be made?
    mini missions? hmm ? ideas?


  • Cars should be places plenty across the whole of Sa.
    I have already partialy done this so you may adapt my script.
    car positions should be saved so that when u rejoin cars are in the same place. just where you left them. however when they explode they should return to there original spawn. cars should be displayed using the Vblips script so peoople can see where they are at any time.
    pressing L should turn the cars lights on /off . you may use the avalible script in the resource section for this.


  • a Taxi should be call able by using /taxi this is so a player with no car can get to a area with one. it should just take the player to a selection of majior locations.
    and Cost X amount of money.


  • the ingame chat should refect each charecters colour.
    also when typeing a Chat icon should appear over the typers head. there is a publicaly avalible script for this, i dont mind it being used if its allowed.

Player blips.

  • Obviously player blips should be correctly synced with there corosponding player and showen on the radar.
    they should also show the players colour. this is a great way to tell where some one is. enemys however are just showen as a Red blip.


  • hidden packages should be placed in the same locations as Single player and more. finding them gives you money, the money you recive increases depending on how many u have left to find.
    Weapons should be placed same locations as single player. and should respawn
    health pickups should be placed the same locations and single player.and should respawn
    i can provide the X y Z locations if needed.


  • I really like the avalible house script, perhaps it could be modifyed.
    i want houses placed through out SA i can provide locations. these should be buyable. and have interiours.
    inside the house there should be a save icon. this doesnt save the game duh :P but when picking up it should save the current players position and stats (such as money kills distance traveld ect)


  • Insane stunt bonus's should be added. there is a working stunt script avalible, i would like it to give you money for good stunts.

Mini Race.

  • typeing /race should show a map of san andreas . the player clicks a position on the map to set the race point. (only one race can run at a time)
    the first player to reach this location Gets X amount of money. there is also a " are you ready ? " displayed to the Race starter. when confirmed
    the countdown begins. 3 2 1 ect !

Time sync.

  • The games ingame time is = to Real uk time. or Selectable countrys. for me the Uk is fine :P

additional not so nessecary features and ideas.

  • Photographer.
    50 or more locations to take picture of, these locations arent listed.so they player doesnt know where they are.
    the player must take photos and if the camera captures a Colshpere listed in the 50 then they get X amount for that picture.
    taking a picture of a non colshpere wil produce no money.
    Oysters and horse shoes?
    Shoooting range missions.
    shoot certain objects in a changeing shooting range. hitting X amount of objects in the time limit increases your money.

in Conclusion

i am sure i have Made Alot of mistakes here, my english is very poor , and i do not have a spellcheck, i have however checked through and corrected any mistakes that are noticeable to me, any mods that would like to clean up my post a little please do so, ive never been a good writer and i feel i may have ranted slightly. There may also be some features or rules that have slipped my mind. i will probally make some changes. let me know if i havent been clear enough.

There is currently no Deadline for submitting a script however if anyone can suggest one i will happily add it to the rules.

i would love to see this really take off and be a source of great inspiration and intrest.

Lets get everyones ideas and create something to help everyone. All you big wigs get involved too !!

And of course 50$ could buy you that copy of Gta iv pc that i know you want to get so much :mrgreen:

if youve gotten this far thanks for reading ! and please leave some feedback : )

Edited by Guest
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You get more success by just asking how to do it yourself.

i think 50$ is a fair amount. however im intrested to see what others think. ... i may have to reluctently increase it

You said it yourself. It's going to take at least a month. Let's say it does take a month to complete. Who would be crazy enough to work for only $50 a month? Realistic would be more like $50 a day.

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hmm fair points. i wil change the Prize money ,i will think about to how much and update it soon.

and i would happly code through the day and night if i had no job, i just cannot spare the time needed. so im offering this project to those more experianced and those who have more time than myself.

i think there is a lot of publicly avalible scripts to do alot of what my server requires, large portions could be edited from existing scripts. im not sure the rules on this thou, i wouldnt want to be paying someone for someone elses work.

also realistcaly i cant afford 50$ a day, this is a contest , im not trying to employ someone . :wink:

more suggestions? : ) thanks for the quick replys.

edit : i really want to encourage the community and get people involved. any sugestions at how to make this more apealing to more people ?

im realiseing that i should make it more a competition?

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Contest :lol: ! Lousy idea, and you're only likely to receive crap too, seeing as no scripter is likely to do this much work for so little, when it's not even sure they'll get paid. I suggest either less work or more money, and dropping the competition: this is work for several WEEKS :shock: and nobody wanna waste that.

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thanks for the more replys,

could anyone tell me how i could incorperate this into a contest.

i would still quite like to run a contest with 3 prizes.

the Money for firstplace will be alot more.

Also, i like the idea of splitting this into smaller resources and have more than one mini comp,

could someone help me come up with a new structure for this ?

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The money for the first winner might be $200? Maybe a bit high, but if it's good it might be worth it I guess. ;)

Second price about $100

Third price about $50.

Total cost: $350. What have you got? 3 Freeroam gamemodes which should be quite good.

Anyway, I'm not a freeroam expert, so it's not very likely I'll be participating. (busy on some other stuff anyway) Let's hope you'll get a nice gamemode! ;)

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ah so you would do the mini race and the pickup feature in less than 3 hours? good luck on that...

To stay on topic:

I personally would do all this stuff for 100 but i won't enter a "contest" as i might waste my time for nothing in the end when someone else wins ;)

Also i think you can do half of the features by putting some existing resources together and altering them a bit so they work together but that would make a public release more difficult...

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i only read the Features part. Some of these "Features", are even available as Example in the wiki... So Its just to modify freeroam or broph, add some cras and make some functions.-.

Some are, others might give you a hard time!

-The account page, it contains some quite difficult points... You sure you want to try it in 3 hours? :P

-Cars, spawning cars across a single city takes enough time if you want plenty of them! I REALLY want to see you this one in 3 hours! :D

-Property, let's see if you can make that from scratch in less than 3 hours... Somewhat bug-free and everything! ^^

-Stunts, how you want to add insane stunts? Including jumps especially! And, ofcourse, IN LESS THAN 3 HOURS!!! xD

I even give you 3 hours PER POINT, since most are not to be finished inside those 3 hours anyway, so everybody (except you :D) wins! :P

Hehehe, just kidding. But overall it might look simple, still there are quite some high demands in there if you watch closely! Don't think you can submit a simple edit of the Broph resource! :P

((And ofcourse the things Mr.Hankey said, I already typed this post and his appeared in front of mine. :P And so the things under this line are typed after.))

But well let's indeed get back on topic:

Yes ok, €100! The $ still isn't worth THAT much compared to the € anyway! €1 is still about between $1.30 and $1.50... So that could mean much more profit ofcourse! ^^

But anyway, let's make a list of anyone competing in this contest, shall we? And if there aren't enough, then well there can be people working together sharing the $350 I first proposed or any other price together. (if they corporate, ofcourse!)

So list of contestors:


-=FAS=Shigawire (Just added him because I still want to see him making it in 3 hours! ^^)

Other volunteers:


Just the on-topic posts in short. ^^

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i have no objection to you using modifyed versions of publicaly avalible scripts, if this is allowed.

as for house spawns and car spwans ect i can provide these. alot of this could be done by adding onto avalible scripts.

Im still thinking of how to adapt this contest. i have taken on board everyones comments and am doing some heavy thinking.

edit, i am currently considering scrapping the idea of a contest and just paying a inidvidual 75$ obviously i would have to know who wants to do it thou,

because i cant afford to pay two people.

Maybe starting a New contest with 3 prizes. for the most interesting and original Script that would acoumpany a freeroam/rpg gamemode.

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