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[Request] scripting

Guest bram

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Hello people,

i'm bram and i'm new here. I set up a 24/7 server and I wanted to have some things.

But, since i'm not quite familiar with LUA, i'd need a scripter for this, who may be fulltime admin.

these things came into my mind:-


1) a safezone with freeroam in Las Venturas.

2) a dmzone in san fierro

3) weaponspawns and healthspawns, as well as well hidden good weapons (minigun for example under some obstacle

4) a rules window which you need to accept, and a window to register/login + choose what you want to do (DM/Freeroam)

5) different spawn locations all over san fierro

6) a golden pot, hidden in a lot of places in whole san andreas..

if you think you can help us with one of those things, well very good then. Contact us by replying.

if you think you can help us with all these things, and you want to be admin, absolutely don't forget to post a reply :P

Already big thanks,


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Hello people,

i'm bram and i'm new here. I set up a 24/7 server and I wanted to have some things.

But, since i'm not quite familiar with LUA, i'd need a scripter for this, who may be fulltime admin.

these things came into my mind:-


1) a safezone with freeroam in Las Venturas.

2) a dmzone in san fierro

3) weaponspawns and healthspawns, as well as well hidden good weapons (minigun for example under some obstacle

4) a rules window which you need to accept, and a window to register/login + choose what you want to do (DM/Freeroam)

5) different spawn locations all over san fierro

6) a golden pot, hidden in a lot of places in whole san andreas..

if you think you can help us with one of those things, well very good then. Contact us by replying.

if you think you can help us with all these things, and you want to be admin, absolutely don't forget to post a reply :P

Already big thanks,


Ok let's see...

1. A safezone:

I persume that you are safe from other players guns etc? I don't think that is that hard.

I link you through to THIS PAGE in the wiki for some more commands if you want it a bit more advanced if you want. ;)

So, I'll give a little code:

--NOTE: This is the edited script, but the coordinates should still be in the CENTER! Don't think the coordinates are the ones of the upper left corner! 
radarX,radarY=1857,1598 --The position of the radarzone. Note that this is the center (middle) of the radarzone! 
XSize,YSize=925,925 --How big the radarzone should be 
R,G,B,A=255,20,196,115 --This is colorcode, the amount of red(R), green(G) and the amount of blue(B) you want your color to have. Alpha(A) indicates how solid it is. The higher the alpha value, the harder it is to see through the radarzone 
function createRadarSafezoneIndication() 
function noDamageInRadarZone() 
    local x,y,z=getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) 
    if x<radarX+XSize/2 and x>radarX-XSize/2 and y<radarY+YSize/2 and y>radarY-YSize/2 then 
--      outputChatBox("BlahBlah") 
--    else 
--      outputChatBox(x .. ", " .. radarX+XSize/2 .. ", " .. radarX-XSize/2 .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. radarY+YSize/2 .. ", " .. radarY-YSize/2 ) 

Note: This is a client-side script! Not server side! Put this in a file (for example safezone.lua) and then add this to your resource's meta.xml:

<script src="safezone.lua" type="client"/> 

Note: Edit src parameter if your file has another name than the example name. ;)

2. DM zone:

Practically the same, but with some minor modifications. I'll leave this one for later. ;)

3. Weapon/pickup spawns:

I redirect you...

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ent/Pickup

4. GUI:

I redirect you again, practically all you need to know. Except for some parts. ;)

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ng_the_GUI

5. Multiple spawn locations:

Simple multi-location spawnscript:

function spawnJoiningPlayer() 
    local spawnNumber=math.random(1,#spawnPositions) 

6. Golden pot:

Don't know exactly what you mean. But if you mean a golden pot at different locations every once in a while, then I think I know how to. But I leave this one to you. ;)

Edited by Guest
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On pt 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Good to hear my server's so inspiring. :roll:

I bet Simbad feels the same about pt 1 :D

AND point 6 I think. :P

Yeah, forgot that one. :D Still, Bram, if you want to start a server, you should either have your own ideas or be able to make them better... you fail at both seeing as all these ideas are found in my server, simbad's, or both.. and since you actually had to ask for the scripts, you kinda fail at that too... ;)

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On pt 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Good to hear my server's so inspiring. :roll:

I bet Simbad feels the same about pt 1 :D

AND point 6 I think. :P

Yeah, forgot that one. :D Still, Bram, if you want to start a server, you should either have your own ideas or be able to make them better... you fail at both seeing as all these ideas are found in my server, simbad's, or both.. and since you actually had to ask for the scripts, you kinda fail at that too... ;)

Who says his idea's aren't in? :P

Although he should modify them, I think he will. Otherwise he's not really busy in a smart way, but do remember: (I think) We did not have to sign anything like:

"I promise that I, [name], won't copy anything from other servers!"

So it IS (probably) allowed. But not nice, and not the smartest thing to do. ;)

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If he wants to copy my ideas that's allright by me - it probably won't work though, seeing as my server's already more established, Simbad's even more so, and a new server doesn't attract people unless it's either original, or better than other servers.

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If he wants to copy my ideas that's allright by me - it probably won't work though, seeing as my server's already more established, Simbad's even more so, and a new server doesn't attract people unless it's either original, or better than other servers.

Only thing he needs to do is to add some new even better exclusive content and he's better. :P

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Dude, robhol, i want a combined server :P not "DM only" in sanfierro..

the golden pot is on many many servers

the rules window like.. almost all servers?

so i don't get the "stealing" idea..


*wew, this is an active forum*

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Dude, robhol, i want a combined server :P not "DM only" in sanfierro..

the golden pot is on many many servers

the rules window like.. almost all servers?

so i don't get the "stealing" idea..


*wew, this is an active forum*

Only today it's an active forum. :P

Normally it's quite quiet. =/

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aha ;)

i'm the lucky bitch again. but i'm off now. back tomorrow 12h00 CET

cya dudes

That'd be... 9 o'clock here? In GMT+1?

Anyway, am fixing the script. The new one should be there in a small moment. ;)

the updated version doesn't work either

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aha ;)

i'm the lucky bitch again. but i'm off now. back tomorrow 12h00 CET

cya dudes

That'd be... 9 o'clock here? In GMT+1?

Anyway, am fixing the script. The new one should be there in a small moment. ;)

the updated version doesn't work either

In what way doesn't the second version work? =/

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as in "doesn't do anything :S"

the function doesn't get called. can the problem be the gamemode or smthing?

Well, it does work for me... I don't understand how the function can't be called, since it works fine for me. Even if I would replace my piece with the one I posted, it would be exactly the same... =/

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