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Problem Login Cyber cafe

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Hi All

I have small Cyber Cafe, 17 PC. And all have Deep Frezzer. I save mtasadm_v1.0-dp2.1.zip in my document, for other people zip and used by personal account. I try to search in this forum, and i try to enter with my account, but this is the problem.

Your computer is already associate with another account. Please login using account that was already registered.

What is, the metod more easy to use this software, in one Cyber Cafe???????, for the other people, use personal account.

My client use GTA SA, more 50 player for day.

Thank you very much.

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My Question is simple, Is possible use Multi Theft Auto (MTA), i one Cyber Cafe????.

Or is possible, and is future version.


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Than you very much. MR. [DooD]Heavyair

Now, i go http://www.mtabeta.com/index.html?p=register

and, I have Other question.

For Example:

Username: PC-01

Password: ****

Confirm password: ****

Email: SAME

Username: PC-02

Password: ****

Confirm password: ****

Email: SAME

My question is: Is possible, use the same Email, for all PC?????. Remember, i have 17, because is impossible create 1 Email Account, for each PC.


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I try to create account, but i see a simple problem,

Warning: A user with this username or email already exists.

I one Cyber Cafe, where much people visit and use diference PC, is impossible to use this Soft. Because is very tedios, for example: any Cyber have 20 PC, you need 20 Email Account, only for register in http://www.mtasa.com

I shure, this problem limits, for much people, for use this Soft. Only think 50 Cyber in the word, and 1 cyber have 20 pc, Is same to 1,000 people use in only 1 hours, and visit much people and recomended, http://www.mtasa.com

If same to, dinamical IP, change with rest the Pc., depend of Country. Example Argentina, For change IP, only need rest the Pc, and have new Ip.

I compare this Soft with other, and this is the best, i enter other Server, use MTA, mini lag, stable, and other. Is a good soft.

I shure if think in the future for expand this soft, need change, part of register. The security have othe metod.

Thank you very much, for try to help me.

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i have read in a post somewhere ( am trying to find it for u ) that if you want to run a game on your own LAN network using one of your pcs as the server you can turn off the serial number check which would allow you to install without creating accounts for each pc. this does mean you still wont be able to get onto internet servers unless they have serial check switched off ( i dont know if there are any ) but you can at least have a good game within the cafe

not exactly an answer but at least some fun :D

EDIT :: cant seem to find thread about turning serial check off sorry. im sure if u post a new thread asking about it somebody will know how. it will probably help out quite a few others to :D

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Thank you for all post. And try to help me.

Principal Problem: Install Client, impossible install client in 1 Pc, if i dont have 1 account in MTA. And need much E-mail accounts for install in variuos PC.

The important thing is not have a new server. The important is have MTA Client to connect other server of this community.

I dont shure, if is possible to Admi, or moderator, have any idea in the future, but in my free time, i visit this forum, for try to see any new.

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