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Teamwork maps

Guest KitKatSLO

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he's obviously searching for teamwork maps for race :P they were quite popular and fun, too bad the resource center is down atm so you cannot look on there, I suggest joining some servers and asking the admins if they have such maps

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he's obviously searching for teamwork maps for race :P they were quite popular and fun, too bad the resource center is down atm so you cannot look on there, I suggest joining some servers and asking the admins if they have such maps

ty, i also made my own teamwork maps ( just pm me if you want to have them, some friends of mine like them really much :mrgreen: )


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Teamwork maps are fun when you are drunk because everyone's selfish and wants to win the race. The race often ends in total chaos with people tripping over each other to get to the finish line first :lol: .

hence the name 'teamwork' if you don't work as a team, you lose :P

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I'll have to try some of those maps one day, they sound interesting. Aren't all of the maps from the old race map center backed up somewhere? I remember the center being up but not being able to get any of the maps :?

if you need them, i can send you that i made... so far i made 2 of them, they are also tested :) pm me or add me on xfire or msn

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