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[REL] Alternative Map Editor

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Hi last week i was sick of warping to a position in the game, open the admin panel and copy the position to find the coordinates for a map object so i started coding a map editor myself. The editor currently might have a few bugs but i did my best so hopefully this will make mapping for mta:dm a lot easier until the official map editor is released. Everyone who finds a bug or can even fix it is very welcomed to post here or if he wants i can add him as an author at the community site so he can upload the fixed version.

The download and a few demonstration pictures can be found >>Here<<

And at last a more detailed description =):

This is an alternative editor that is supposed to make mapping for mtadm easier until the official map editor is released. (Read the "Important" note at the bottom of this description)


*Load and save maps (Map files are created in this folder: .../MTA San Andreas/mods/deathmatch/resources/unofficial_mapeditor )

*Creating new objects by entering the id and clicking where the object shell appear ( A complete list of all id's can be downloaded here: http://rapidshare.com/files/93493479/objects.zip.html )

*Moving and rotating a selected object on all 3 axis

*Godmode for the Player

*Airbreak function for easier mapping high in the sky (Credits go to Offroader23 I copied a function from his airbreak script and adjusted it so you can use it on foot)

*You can alter the stepsize to speed up or slow down the rotation/moving speed of objects


Use J to open the options menu where you can switch between select and create mode, give/remove jetpack, set stepsize, set object id and save/load the current map

Use H to show/hide the cursor

Use right shift to toggle airbreak mode:

*Num8/Num5: Move forward and backward

*Num4/Num6: Move left and right

*Num+/Num-: Move up and down

If you selected the create mode you can create a create a new object by showing the cursor and then left clicking where you want the object to be created.

If you selected the select mode and you have selected an object you can use these keys:

*ArrowUp/ArrowDown: Move on y axis

*ArrowRight/ArrowLeft: Move on x axis

*PageUp/PageDown: Move on z axis

While holding ctrl in selection mode down you can use the above mentioned keys to alter the rotation along all 3 axis

In both modes you can use the middle mouse button to delete an object.

IMPORTANT: This editor was made in a very short period of time, might not be very userfriendly and all objects are created clientsite so you won't see objects that someone else on the server creates!!!!

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  LeetWoovie said:
Can you make an alternative so where people can edit together ? AKA Serverside ? It would be really nice.

I already had the idea but that was 4 days ago so i didn't wanted to start again^^ but i will definitively make one with serverside objects =)

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  eXo|Mr.Hankey said:
  LeetWoovie said:
Can you make an alternative so where people can edit together ? AKA Serverside ? It would be really nice.

I already had the idea but that was 4 days ago so i didn't wanted to start again^^ but i will definitively make one with serverside objects =)

YAY I love you Hankey.

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  • 2 months later...

is here anyway to change delete button?? i tried this but did'nt work:

    elseif button == "d" then 
        if state =="down" then 
            if (clickedElement) and getElementType (clickedElement) == "object" then 
                destroyElement (clickedElement) 
                destroyElement (Marker) 

original was:

    elseif button == "middle" then 
        if state =="down" then 
            if (clickedElement) and getElementType (clickedElement) == "object" then 
                destroyElement (clickedElement) 
                destroyElement (Marker) 

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Hm... the problem is that i don't bind the middle button to a destroy element function but by checking which button was pressed when the onClientClick event was triggered. So the buttons can only be left, right or middle... Sorry that i missed to make it compatible for people who dont have a middle mouse button.

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