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Bug: Sniper Zoom

Dark Dragon

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If your sniper zoom seems to be buggy this has to do with your "next_weapon" and "previous_weapon" controls.

mta seems to have problems when next weapon and zoom in are bind to the same key, same to zoom out and previous weapon.


Put next_weapon on mouse_wheel_down ("bind mouse_wheel_down next_weapon" in the console)

Put previous_weapon on mouse_wheel_up ("bind mouse_wheel_up previous_weapon" in the console)

It is still a bit buggy afterwards, but at least it works better than before. It would be wonderful if this bug gets fixed completly in dp3 ;)

If you wanna see how the zoom should look like: bind next weapon and previous weapon on some keys of the keyboard.

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I don't get your fix but it bugs because it has zoom in and weapon switch on the same button. i have the same problem. So if you want to zoom in correctly only bind a button to zoom in. That way it zooms in without a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What you've just said isn't so much of a bug, but an obvious thing. The default keys for scrolling with weapons is the mouse wheel. If you try to script-wise add new binds to keys that are frequently in use, you're going to have multiple tasks going on.

The below example will say 'Hello, I just pressed spacebar and jumped at the same time!". Both the script bind where 'outputChatBox' is performed, and the natural GTA:SA task, where the player jumps is performed.

function playerJoin () 
    bindKey ( source, "space", "down", hello ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, playerJoin ) 
function hello( ) 
    outputChatBox ( "Hello, I just pressed spacebar and jumped at the same time!" ) 

The same principle applies to what you just posted as a 'bug'.

The only proper solution would be to bind it to a different key, that isn't used by default in GTA/MTA. An example is \ or '.

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