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Ptoblem with MTA

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Hey, im having a problem. I enter the mta program and when I try to connect to a game, it says "connected to..... (ip)". It just stays here and doesnt do anything. Also, when I try to create a game, it works, but when I try to connect, it says "Run-time error 40020. Invalid runtime at current state." What does this mean? I am behind a router if that helps. Thanks.

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for the 10th time. (no offence to u but offence to the admins for not making a bigger deal out of this *cough* sticky *cough*) The servers listed in the mta exe file have never worked for me. They are normally full or are hosted behind a firewall. Heres what i sudjest. Call up a friend and organize a game. OR organize a game with some 1 else in the mta channel on irc.

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why would you want to join your own game?

*GTAtari thinks* "so he can play with himself"

*GTAtari Slaps Himself*

uhh your supposed to create a game and wait for a stranger to to join then you play him.. MTA can only do one thing at a time: connect or create. if you try to both it crashes because winsoc is not ready.

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