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RELEASE: MTA Race 1.x to MTA:DM Race Converter

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Sadly I can't login to my old account.. not sure why, so had to re-register.


I have created my race to dm converter script so that you can convert all of your old race maps to use with the new DM race script.

The README is included.. Please READ it, there are very important instructions in there.

I hope you enjoy this tool, and find it useful!

Here is the download link:(Feel free to mirror it)





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yeh it was great thanks soo much! i knew you couldnt resist pleasing me... *omg tht sounded so wrong LOL*

but it worked great...however mta race let me down, so many new problems arrised, all my aweosme derby maps are FECKED cos u cant opush rocks anymore etc :S. its just not the same! ;( *tear*

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I haven't looked at the tool, but I've no idea why you're creating a resourcecache? Resourcecache is a temporary folder used for extracting files from zip-based resources.

Plus I'd point out that race has a built in converter...

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  eAi said:
I haven't looked at the tool, but I've no idea why you're creating a resourcecache? Resourcecache is a temporary folder used for extracting files from zip-based resources.

Plus I'd point out that race has a built in converter...

race has a built in converter?

please explain

i cant get the above converter to do much to the map file at all seems it just makes a xml file to go with it but wont run in the server says it started the map but i just get black screens.

not sure what if anything im doing wrong.

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You don't need to "convert" maps to work with the new race script, it supports MTA:Race maps out of the box (except for the "wave" spawntype for now). All you need to do is create a folder in the server "resources" folder, put the MTA:Race map in it, and add a meta.xml. You can look at existing race-*.zip files (for example race-jumpmania) in the resources folder for examples of what goes in that meta.xml.

The race script indeed has a built in converter: it converts the map to a new syntax, namely the syntax that will be used by the upcoming map editor. If you just want to play exisiting maps you don't need to do this conversion however.

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Well, yes this really isn't a converter in the sense that it doesn't alter the .map folder.

It's purpose is for server owners like me with 100's(or 1000's) of maps... that want to batch create the meta files/directories.

I also was not aware that the cache was not needed. Oh well :)

Anyway.. thanks for the thanks from the people who needed this for its original purpose :)

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Well if there is a built in converter it's not working for me. Even the races that came stock with Developer Previews don't seem to work. I saw one server that had a few races on it so I'd like to know what they did to get the races to work?

Also don''t forget that there were Cops and Robbers maps that didn;t have checkpoints so I'm not sure if that's gonna be an issue.

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