Colex Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 (edited) In-Game Script Editor v0.2 I was going to start scripting my own gamemode when i realized that I would have to run and close the MTA to make the smallest change. (if there is another way tell me how ) I decided to develope a small in-client editor which could help me in my bugfixes and minor updates... these are the editor's features: File Browser (new) Load Script Save Script Save and reload script Toogle Chat [F1] (this feature lets you use your chat keys for writing) Zipped Resource: In order for the File Browser work perfectly you must do the follwoing statemenst: (Mini-Tutorial written by eAi) Quote Visit your server's web interface and just add general.ModifyOtherObjects to a new ACL, then create a new group for ScriptEditor with resource.ScriptEditor as an object and your new ACL. The scripts is divided in 3 parts, 1 client script and 2 server scripts. Firstly, Ill give you the Client Script: ---------------In-Game Editor by Colex [Client Script]------------------------- local WIDTH = 0.75 local HEIGHT = 0.9 local INITIAL_DIR = "" -------------------- local canChat, editorWindow, editPath, scriptBox = true local dialog = {} local scriptInput = function() if (guiGetVisible(editorWindow)) then canChat = not(canChat) toggleControl("chatbox", canChat) end end local processReturn = function(ret, text) outputChatBox(ret) if (text) then guiSetText(scriptBox, text) end end local reloadScript = function(button, state) if (button == "left" and state == "down") then triggerServerEvent("onSaveScript", getRootElement(), guiGetText(editPath), guiGetText(scriptBox)) triggerServerEvent("onReloadScript", getRootElement()) end end local saveScript = function(button, state) if (button == "left" and state == "down") then triggerServerEvent("onSaveScript", getRootElement(), guiGetText(editPath), guiGetText(scriptBox)) end end local openScript = function(button, state, text) if (button == "left" and state == "down") then triggerServerEvent("onOpenScript", getRootElement(), guiGetText(editPath)) end end local toogleDialog = function(button, state) if (dialog.window) and (state == "down") and (button == "left") then guiSetVisible(dialog.window, not(guiGetVisible(dialog.window))) guiBringToFront(dialog.window) guiGridListClear(dialog.list) guiGridListAddColumn(dialog.list, "Resources", 1) triggerServerEvent("onRefreshDialog", getRootElement(), guiGetText(editPath)) end end local dialogSelect = function(button, state) if (button == "left" and state == "down") then local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(dialog.list) if (row) then local elem = guiGridListGetItemText(dialog.list, row, 1) if (elem == "..\\") then elem = "" end local pos, path = elem:find('%.') or 0 if (pos > 0) then toogleDialog("left", "down") path = getResourceNameFromPath(guiGetText(editPath)).."\\"..elem else path = elem guiGridListClear(dialog.list) guiGridListAddColumn(dialog.list, "Resources", 1) triggerServerEvent("onRefreshDialog", getRootElement(), path) end guiSetText(editPath, path) end end end local dialogReturn = function(elem) local row = guiGridListAddRow(dialog.list) guiGridListSetItemText(dialog.list, row, 1, elem, false, false) end local createDialog = function() if not(dialog.window) then dialog.window = guiCreateWindow(0.01, 0.01, 0.5, 0.45, "Open Dialog", true) local closeBtn = guiCreateButton(0.9, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, "X", true, dialog.window) dialog.list = guiCreateGridList(0.1, 0.15, 0.8, 0.85, true, dialog.window) guiBringToFront(dialog.window) guiSetVisible(dialog.window, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeBtn, toogleDialog) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", dialog.list, dialogSelect) end end local createEditor = function() if not(editorWindow) then --Constructor editorWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.2, 0.2, HEIGHT, WIDTH, "In-Game Script Editor", true) guiCreateLabel(0.05, 0.06, 1, 1, "Script Path:", true, editorWindow) editPath = guiCreateEdit(0.04, 0.1, 0.6, 0.08, INITIAL_DIR, true, editorWindow) local openBtn = guiCreateButton(0.75, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, "Load Script", true, editorWindow) local dialogBtn = guiCreateButton(0.65, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, "...", true, editorWindow) scriptBox = guiCreateMemo(0.02, 0.26, 0.96, 0.55, "", true, editorWindow) local reloadBtn = guiCreateButton(0.75, 0.88, 0.2, 0.1, "Save & Reload", true, editorWindow) local saveBtn = guiCreateButton(0.50, 0.88, 0.2, 0.1, "Save Script", true, editorWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", reloadBtn, reloadScript) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", saveBtn, saveScript) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", openBtn, openScript) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", dialogBtn, toogleDialog) bindKey("F1", "down", scriptInput) createDialog() showCursor(true) else --Show/Hide showCursor(not(guiGetVisible(editorWindow))) guiSetVisible(editorWindow, not(guiGetVisible(editorWindow))) guiSetVisible(dialog.window, false) end end function getResourceNameFromPath(path) if (type(path) ~= "string") then return "" end local sep1, sep = path:find("\\") or 0 local sep2 = path:find("/") or 0 if (sep1 > sep2) then sep = sep1 else sep = sep2 end if (sep == 0) then return path end return path:sub(1, sep-1), path:sub(sep+1, path:len()) end addCommandHandler ("editor", createEditor) addEvent("onProcessReturn", true) addEvent("onDialogReturn", true) addEventHandler("onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), processReturn) addEventHandler("onDialogReturn", getRootElement(), dialogReturn) Now the Server Scripts: ---------------In-Game Editor by Colex [server Script]------------------------- local getEndOfFile = function(file) local tmp, endPos = fileGetPos(file) while not fileIsEOF(file) do fileRead(file, 500) end endPos = fileGetPos(file) fileSetPos(file, tmp) return endPos end function getResourceNameByPath(path) if (type(path) ~= "string") then return "" end local sep1, sep = path:find("\\") or 0 local sep2 = path:find("/") or 0 if (sep1 > sep2) then sep = sep1 else sep = sep2 end if (sep == 0) then return path end return path:sub(1, sep-1), path:sub(sep+1, path:len()) end function reloadScript() triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "Restarting resources...") local resources = getResources() for _,res in ipairs(resources) do if getResourceState(res) == "running" then restartResource(res) end end end function saveScript(path, text) triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "Saving Script...") local resName, path = getResourceNameByPath(path) local file = fileCreate(path, getResourceFromName(resName)) if (file) then fileWrite(file, text) fileClose(file) triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "[DONE] Script Saved!") else triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "[ERROR] Could not save the script!") end end function openScript(path) triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "Loading Script...") local resName, path = getResourceNameByPath(path) local file = fileOpen(path, true, getResourceFromName(resName)) if (file) then local text = fileRead(file, getEndOfFile(file)) triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "[DONE] Script loaded!", text) fileClose(file) else triggerClientEvent(client, "onProcessReturn", getRootElement(), "[ERROR] Script could not be loaded!") end end addEvent("onReloadScript", true) addEvent("onSaveScript", true) addEvent("onOpenScript", true) addEventHandler("onReloadScript", getRootElement(), reloadScript) addEventHandler("onSaveScript", getRootElement(), saveScript) addEventHandler("onOpenScript", getRootElement(), openScript) ---------------In-Game Editor by Colex [server Script (Open sDialog)]------------------------- OpenDialog = { create = function() local resources, id = getResources(), #OpenDialog+1 return {res = resources, resource = "", refresh = OpenDialog.refresh, delete = OpenDialog.delete, readMeta = OpenDialog.readMeta} end, refresh = function(self) self.res = getResources() end, readMeta = function(self) local root = getResourceFromName(self.resource) local xml, ret = xmlLoadFile("meta.xml", root), {} if (xml) then local node, i = xmlFindSubNode(xml, "script", 0), 0 while (node) do table.insert(ret, xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "src")) i = i + 1 node = xmlFindSubNode(xml, "script", i) end end return ret end, delete = function(self) for i in pairs(self) do self[i] = nil end end } local refreshDialog = function(path) OpenDial.resource = getResourceNameByPath(path) local res, elems = getResourceFromName(OpenDial.resource), {} if (res) then elems = OpenDial:readMeta() table.insert(elems, 1, "..\\") else elems = getResources() end for _,v in ipairs(elems) do local value if (type(v) == "userdata") then value = getResourceName(v) else value = v end triggerClientEvent(client, "onDialogReturn", getRootElement(), value) end end OpenDial = OpenDialog.create() addEvent("onRefreshDialog", true) addEventHandler("onRefreshDialog", getRootElement(), refreshDialog) To open and close the editor type the command /editor If you don't find it useful, you can still use it for studying purposes. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, if you find any bug please report it here, so I can try to fix it. Yours, Colex Edited January 6, 2008 by Guest Link to comment
BrokenGlass Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 This lets you load a script edit it then save it correct? Link to comment
BrokenGlass Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Ok, GUI is great the program works good (cept i had to reload mta 2 times to get the path right) 2 things need to be done 1. close the script editor (cancel basically) 2. easier way to load scripts other than that its good Link to comment
Colex Posted January 5, 2008 Author Share Posted January 5, 2008 Tomorrow I'll work on an update and try to develope a better system for loading the resources. (you can close the editor, just type "/editor") Link to comment
ChrML Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Nice script . We'll look at a way of minimizing MTA later though, might not be in next Development Preview, but in a later one. Link to comment
Argon Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 ChrML said: Nice script . We'll look at a way of minimizing MTA later though, might not be in next Development Preview, but in a later one. Nice! This is one of the reasons why MTA pwnz SA:MP now... I will try it i hope this works good Link to comment
Argon Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Feature request: file browser And if i have a resource test with a file test.lua in it what script path do i need to use? Link to comment
CriticalXED Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Argon said: ChrML said: Nice script . We'll look at a way of minimizing MTA later though, might not be in next Development Preview, but in a later one. Nice! This is one of the reasons why MTA pwnz SA:MP now... I will try it i hope this works good 1. Please use EDIT button. 2. Well, some SA-MP scripters have made something like this too. 3. MTA still pwnz sa-mp Link to comment
Guest Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 But how i supose to load a file? C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\freeroon.lua And it dosn't work at all. Link to comment
Guest Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Dude you better fix this faster.Im sure what here is alot of ppls who are waiting for your script. Link to comment
Colex Posted January 5, 2008 Author Share Posted January 5, 2008 At this moment, you must have the editor in the same directory of the script you want to edit... (I'll start the new update now) if you have the script CounterStrike.lua in the editor's folder, to load the script you type CounterStrike.lua If everything goes as I'm planning, I'll add a resources browser and if I have time I might add an tabs system =) Yours, Colex Link to comment
Nissandrifter Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Colex said: At this moment, you must have the editor in the same directory of the script you want to edit... (I'll start the new update now)if you have the script CounterStrike.lua in the editor's folder, to load the script you type CounterStrike.lua If everything goes as I'm planning, I'll add a resources browser and if I have time I might add an tabs system =) Yours, Colex Awesome, would be totally awesome with the tabs. Thanks for this Link to comment
[TFG]Cookie Posted January 5, 2008 Share Posted January 5, 2008 Over that minimize problem. Go play windowed you can minimize it then Why i cant upload the file to do this? I put it in a rar ?! Link to comment
Colex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Share Posted January 6, 2008 Editor Updated I've added the File Browser, next update might be the Tabs System... Zipped Resource: Yours, Colex Link to comment
BrokenGlass Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 Yes file browser! just what i was about to ask, thanks! Edit: i selected the directory but its not showing my lua file i dont know if this is the cause but this is what i got in my server.log ERROR: xmlLoadFile failed; ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource ScriptEditor to access commands commands is the script folder Link to comment
Colex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Share Posted January 6, 2008 @BrokenGlass I think you need to give access to it in teh ACL.xml (ask in the MTA Channel, they might help you) but if you know the file's name you can still open it ^^ Link to comment
BrokenGlass Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 Then how are you doing it if you didnt give it acess? Link to comment
eAi Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 Visit your server's web interface and just add general.ModifyOtherObjects to a new ACL, then create a new group for ScriptEditor with resource.ScriptEditor as an object and your new ACL. Link to comment
BrokenGlass Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 ok eAI i did what you said and it still doesnt work... i tried both of these <group name="ScriptEditor"/> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <object name="resource.ScriptEditor"/> </group> <group name="ScriptEditor"/> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"/> <object name="resource.ScriptEditor"/> </group> Neither worked. script still didnt show or load Link to comment
Guest Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 Colex does this script work for you at all? Link to comment
Argon Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 you can't upload dll files on a phpbb forum Link to comment
Mount Posted January 6, 2008 Share Posted January 6, 2008 (edited) BrokenGlass said: ok eAI i did what you said and it still doesnt work... i tried both of these <group name="ScriptEditor"/> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <object name="resource.ScriptEditor"/> </group> <group name="ScriptEditor"/> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"/> <object name="resource.ScriptEditor"/> </group> Neither worked. script still didnt show or load You defined 2 times a group, you need to define the ACL too. Like this (untested): <group name="ScriptEditor"/> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <object name="resource.ScriptEditor"/> </group> <acl name="ScriptEditor"/> <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"/> </acl> Edited January 6, 2008 by Guest Link to comment
Colex Posted January 6, 2008 Author Share Posted January 6, 2008 @DeveloperXX Yes, it worked.... I can edit my scripts, save them and reload (I can also open by the File Browser). If you are not being able to use it, try adding the "resource.ScriptEditor" in the admin group! Yours, Colex Link to comment
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