Ford Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 Yes, so I've made veeeery simple script for banning nicknames. Well.. Problem is it isn't kicking banned players when they join.. I know probably there's 943948433 mistakes So: Part that is working: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned. !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK $4 True } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } Part that isn't working: on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: {if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$mta.nick($1,$4)) == True) { mta.kick $1 $4 .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned, kicking... } } Thx for fixing the problem. Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 you are reading it $mta.nick($1,$2) as $mta.nick($1,$4) where as it should be $2 small error nothing to worry about tho on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == True) { mta.kick $1 $2 .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned, kicking... } } Link to comment
Ford Posted November 12, 2007 Author Share Posted November 12, 2007 Uff thanks But still one small thing that is making me upset, I wrote !unbannick script that looks like: if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) = False) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 isnt banned. } else { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) = !null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 $4 - nick unbanned. !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK $4 False } } } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } I can write !unbannick dd all night and it still will reply with "dd - nick unbanned" As you see I tried to fix that (bold part) but it doesn't work (what a suprise!) Help? Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 var %x = $iif(($4 == $null),$2,$iif(($mta.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %x isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 %x - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } Link to comment
Ford Posted November 12, 2007 Author Share Posted November 12, 2007 OK now it doesnt work at all... I dont know, I checked all } and they match. No idea. if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) = True) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 already banned. } else { mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned. !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK $4 True !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" BANDETAILS $4 date: $date $+ , time: $time($gmt) $+ , by $mta.nick($1,$2) } } } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %x isnt banned.. } elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) = False) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 %x - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } Both !bannick and !unbannick dont work. Link to comment
SanZoR Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 if its standalone, dont forget "on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{" Link to comment
Ford Posted November 12, 2007 Author Share Posted November 12, 2007 Yes I know... I've changed it a bit so it looks like that: if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %x isnt banned. } else { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) = False) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 %x - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x } } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } Now !bannick works fine, but this script still says "Nick 5 isnt banned". And yes I have var %x = $iif(($4 == $null),$2,$iif(($mta.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) script pasted. Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 dont change anything this time as it was broken the version you edited on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == True) { mta.kick $1 $2 .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned, kicking... } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command { var %x = $iif(($4 == $null),$2,$iif(($mta.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) != $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %n already banned. } else { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) == $null) { !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x True !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" BANDETAILS %x date: $date $+ , time: $time($gmt) $+ , by $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.text $1 %x - nick banned. } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,%x) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %x isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 %x - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } Link to comment
Ford Posted November 12, 2007 Author Share Posted November 12, 2007 Doesnt work at all. Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 all you have to do is type !bannick on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == True) { mta.kick $1 $2 .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned, kicking... } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command { var %x = $iif(($4 == $null),$2,$iif(($mta.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) != $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %n already banned. } else { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) == $null) { !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x True !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" BANDETAILS %x date: $date $+ , time: $time($gmt) $+ , by $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.text $1 %x - nick banned. } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick %x isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 %x - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK %x } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 well you didnt say that lol this will work, i made the first one so that when you to !bannick to and theres a player in called todd it writed todd that way you dont have to type the whole nick lol this should work on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == True) { .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - nick banned, kicking... mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command { if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) != $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 already banned. } else { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) == $null) { !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK $4 True !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" BANDETAILS $4 date: $date $+ , time: $time($gmt) $+ , by $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.text $1 $4 - nick banned. } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } if ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) > 6) { elseif ($readini($scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini,NICK,$4) == $null) { $1 $2 Error - Nick $4 isnt banned. } else { mta.text $1 $4 - nick unbanned. !remini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ bannednick.ini" NICK $4 } else $1 $2 Error - You need 7 lvl. } } } Link to comment
MB|Lagzilla Posted November 12, 2007 Share Posted November 12, 2007 My one, tried and tested !bannick !unbannick ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------MB|Lagzilla's NICK BANNING SCRIPT---------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- alias lag.nicks !return $iif($readini(lag.nicks.ini,BANNED,$mta.nick($1,$2)),$v1,No) on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { if ($lag.nicks($1,$2) == Yes) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$2) - By Admin: Auto Script $+ , Reason: Banned Nick .timer 1 2 mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: { if ($lag.nicks($1,$2) == Yes) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$2) - By Admin: Auto Script $+ , Reason: Banned Nick .timer 1 2 mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect:{ mta.text $1 Nick Banning Script By: MB|Lagzilla Connected! } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !bannick) { if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 4) { if ($4- != $null) { !writeini -n lag.nicks.ini BANNED $4- Yes mta.text $1 The Nick $4- has been banned by Admin: $mta.nick($1,$2) } else $1 $2 Error - Missing Information !bannick <nick> } else $1 $2 Error - Insufficient Admin level! } elseif ($3 == !unbannick) { if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 4) { if ($4- != $null) { if ($iif($readini(lag.nicks.ini,BANNED,$4-),$v1,No) == Yes) { !writeini -n lag.nicks.ini BANNED $4- No mta.text $1 The Nick $4- has been unbanned by Admin: $mta.nick($1,$2) } else $1 $2 Error - The Nick $4- Is Not Banned } else $1 $2 Error - Missing Information !unbannick <nick> } else $1 $2 Error - Insufficient Admin level! } } Link to comment
[UVA]Bart Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 !writeini -n lag.nicks.ini BANNED $4- No why save things that arnt worth saving remove them lol !remini -n lag.nicks.ini BANNED $4- Link to comment
MB|Lagzilla Posted November 13, 2007 Share Posted November 13, 2007 So you have a record for future refrence. Link to comment
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