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DD-Scripts, Edit race or ?

Guest Sprut

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Hey guys, im using PRS on my.. dd..server ?! ;)

Well as u can understand its not what i need., but i cannot find a single DD script, that has.. anything except !stats in DM results..

I like the MTA-PRS script, although i need !stats for dm, and delete the "Personal best time --/--/--"

I also would like something like !brb command.

Is there an script that matches this ?! well i gone thru alot of pages, searched and so on, but i find nothing...

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Not actually another, but you can edit PRS a bit. Its nothing major, just remove few lines on it. Search for text what you want to destroy, and delete whole line. Then it does script, but doesnt display it. So, its actually running in backround :)

Okey, thanks !

But im a complete nub in scripting. If i get a code for example, !brb, how do i add it ?

I got one and just pasted it on the script file. :P but didnt work..

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if ur not sure what to do, make a new .mrc file and paste ur new code it in to ur empty file.

then load the new .mrc file, it'll work the same as adding into ur existing script, without the worries of breaking it.

The prs modification to make it dm only is very minor, the quickest way is to just edit the alias called 'alias prs.mode'

it looks like this

alias prs.mode !return $iif($hget(prsstats,mode $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) == $null,Race,$v1) 

change the whole line to:

alias prs.mode !return Deathmatch 

this will make all maps show as deathmatch, without the need set the mode for each map.

theres a few lines that can be removed, however it should run just fine with them where they are.

times and race stats wont show.

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Thanks, but i got it working :D

Didnt get any pms ? :(

EDIT: How do i change admin levels for the commands ? i want all admin commands to be for lvl 4 admin, and nextmap/remmap and so on, for lvl 5..

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