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MTA:SA Security Issues

Guest FragginG


Over the past few months there's been tons of progress updates from the MTA dev team, fixing bugs, crashes, that type of stuff. However I'm a little curious, with all these fixes in place will it fully stop players from memory hacking? I see it as one of the key issues that the dev team needs to be focusing on. I'm not sure about how this type of stuff works, but if there was a way to fully restrict what a client can do, and store all the information server-side could that be one possible method for stopping the cheaters once and for all? Sorry if that sounded a little stupid, I have little knowledge in this area.

tl;dr: Is there a way to stop players from memory hacking?

Forgive me if this topic has already been created, as I said I'm just a little curious into the current situation! :shock:

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We do have a basic memory hack detection system in place, which is so far very reliable.

Right now, this system doesnt actually take any action, other than telling you you're cheating. It hasnt been worked on further as the team are concentrating on other things. All the basics are there, its just a matter of polishing it off.

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