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Doing special translate script!


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I have done script, what does trace when player joins, and displays welcome message in his/her language! Now you can help me to get even more languages to my script. When i got enought languages i will release it.

Currently i have these translates:


1. English (EN) = Welcome to our server! Type !commands for script commands

2. Finnish (FIN) = Tervetuloa serverillemme! Kirjoita !commands nahdaksesi komennot


Just remember to type it in basic letters (Like Finnish "ä" and "ö" are "a" and "o") So MTA can display all words!

I hope i can get so many translates as possible!

So all what you need to do, is translate this to language what you can write correctly:

"Welcome to our server! Type !commands for script commands"

Greetings, SanZoR

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I said that for lil toadys suggestion, what lil toady suggested was like if you type "!translate i am gay" script will change the language, and display it in some other language. This is not what im doing, this is welcome message with joiners language.

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1. English (EN) = Welcome to our server! Type !commands for script commands

2. Finnish (FIN) = Tervetuloa serverillemme! Kirjoita !commands nahdaksesi komennot

3. Hungarian (HUN) = Udvozollek a szerveren! Ird be !commands a parancsokhoz.


- Added

Thanks :)

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lil if your gonna do it proper make a dialog that allows you to select a language from pull down list then it allows them to type the message in there lang and then save it, then add more languages kinda like the add item of scoobs prs then let the trace and what not do the rest

and you muppet why you asking for languages just use google translator

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lil if your gonna do it proper make a dialog that allows you to select a language from pull down list then it allows them to type the message in there lang and then save it, then add more languages kinda like the add item of scoobs prs then let the trace and what not do the rest

and you muppet why you asking for languages just use google translator

I tried it, but translations were bit crappy.

Currently i have these:

1. English (EN) = Welcome to our server! Type !commands for script commands

2. Finnish (FIN) = Tervetuloa serverillemme! Kirjoita !commands nahdaksesi komennot

3. Hungarian (HUN) = Udvozollek a szerveren! Ird be !commands a parancsokhoz.

4. French (FR) = Bienvenue - Va te faire foutre, encule

5. German (DE) = Willkomen auf dem server - Verpiss Dich, hau ab

Paradox, can you please correct your translations? There is no !commands text.


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