JamyDoger Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 What is wrong with my script? i have got all the commands that i need but they dont work Link to comment
Sky Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 yeah , but , what is your script ? Link to comment
JamyDoger Posted June 30, 2007 Author Share Posted June 30, 2007 (edited) Quote /*///////////////////////////////////// ////// MTASA:RACE ////// ////// ////// ////// Public Race Script ////// ////// ////// ////// Version 1.3 ////// ////// ////// ////// BY: [uVA]Scooby ////// ///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger ////// ////////////////////////////////////// */ General/Script/Load and load PRS . on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)) set %max $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping) else set %max 500 !.timerping 0 30 checkpings $1- set %loop $mta.server($1).cmax set %setter Autoset(Script) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) Script Reactivated if ($readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsg) == on) && (%pgs == on) .timeritemmsg 0 $readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsgtime) pgs.itemmsg $1 if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgon)) .timershowcustommsg 0 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgtime) showcustommsg $1 set %server $1 } alias prs.getid { var %a = 0 while (%a 0) mta.text $1 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsg) } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($3 == !name) mta.text $1 Map Name: $mta.race($1) elseif (!admin* iswm $3) admincount $1- elseif ($3 == !seen) { %a = $iif((!$4),$mta.nick($1,$2),$4) if (!$hget(prsseen,%a)) mta.pm $1 $2 ' $+ %a $+ ' Has Never Been Seen Here. elseif ($mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a)) $+ : Here Since: $gettok($hget(prsseen,$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))),1,32) else mta.text $1 %a $+ : Last Seen: $hget(prsseen,%a) } elseif (!stat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 Full Stats For $mta.nick($1,%a) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Races: $prs.racestarts($1,%a) - Finishes: $prs.finishes($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.finishes($1,%a) / $prs.racestarts($1,%a)),2) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Placed: 1st: $prs.rank1($1,%a) - 2nd: $prs.rank2($1,%a) - 3rd: $prs.rank3($1,%a) .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Deathmatches: $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) - Wins: $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2) .timer 1 4 mta.text $1 TopTimes Held: $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) - Points: $prs.points($1,%a) } elseif (!mapstat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 MapStats For $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Finished $prs.mapfinishes($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) Times,Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times)) mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a),Ratio: $round($calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) / $prs.mapstarts($1,%a)),2)) } elseif ($3 == !help || !command* iswm $3) { prs.commands $1- } elseif ($3 == !time) || ($3 == !date) { mta.text $1 Time: $time - Date: $date } elseif (!vote* iswm $3) prs.votekick $1- elseif ($3 == !new) prs.newmap $1- elseif ($3 == !level) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Level: $prs.level($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !mode) mta.text $1 Map: $mta.race($1) - Mode: $prs.mode($1) elseif ($3 == !rank) prs.rank $1- elseif ($3 == !ping) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Ping: $mta.ping($1,%a) - Average: $mta.avping($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) By [uVA]Scooby. elseif ($3 == !points) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Points: $prs.points($1,%a) elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Max Ping: %max - Set By: %setter elseif ($3 == !toptime) mta.text $1 Top Time For $mta.race($1) By: $prs.topnick($1) - Time: $prs.toptime($1) elseif ($3 == !best) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !players) mta.text $1 Total Players $iif($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch,Left Alive: $prs.dmcount($1),: $prs.players($1)) elseif ($3 == !wb) mta.text $1 $iif((!$4),Welcome Back,Welcome Back $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif (!rand* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Random Race: $hget(prstemp,randomrace) elseif (!total* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Total Races Uploaded: $mta.races($1) elseif (!race* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Name: $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.) elseif ($3 == !toptimes) { if (!$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,$4))) mta.text $1 $4 Holds $toptimes($1,$4) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$4) == 1,Time.,Times.) else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) Holds $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) == 1,Time.,Times.) } elseif ($3 == !timer) && ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) mta.text $1 Time Left: $duration($timer(endrsdm).secs) elseif ($3 == !sc) || ($3 == !score) { if ($prs.mode($1) != RS-Deathmatch) mta.pm $1 $2 Scores Only On RS-DM maps! else { var %b = $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a) var %c = $hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) var %d = $calc((%c * 50) - %b) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Current Map Score: %d } } elseif (!creator* iswm $3) mta.text $1 $iif($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) == $null,No Details Saved.,Details: $v1) elseif ($3 == !claim) prs.reclaim $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) elseif (!rat* iswm $3) prs.ratemap $1- elseif ($3 == !upload) mta.text $1 Upload Address: $prs.url($1) elseif (!check* iswm $3) checkmap $1- elseif ($3 == !top) prs.tops $1- elseif ($3 == !top3) prs.showtop3 $1- elseif ($3 == !warnings) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Warnings: $prs.warns($1,%a) $+ / $+ $prs.warnlimit($1) elseif ($3 == !dmlimit) mta.text $1 Minimum Players Needed For A DM Map: $prs.dmlimit($1) elseif ($3 == !banned) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name else mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null, $4 Is Not Banned,$4 Is Banned Here.) } elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > 0) { ;start of Admin level 1 commands. if (!alias* iswm $3 || !pma* iswm $3) { prs.alias $1- } elseif ($3 == !en) { if (!$4) mta.text $1 Please Type In English Or You Will Be Kicked else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ , You Have Been Warned - English Only! } elseif ($3 == !setupload) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Upload URL. else { writeini prsdata.ini prs url $4- mta.pm $1 $2 URL Added: $4- } } elseif ($3 == !setwarnlimit) prs.setwarnlimit $1- elseif ($3 == !setdmlimit) prs.setdmlimit $1- elseif ($3 == !warn) prs.warn $1 $2 %a $5- elseif ($3 == !unwarn) prs.unwarn $1 $2 %a elseif ($3 == !exportmaps) prs.remmaps $1- elseif ($3 == !cancel) prs.endvotekick $1- elseif ($3 == !lostmaps) mta.text $1 $lostmaps($1) elseif ($3 == !addo) addo $1- elseif ($3 == !o) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $iif($hget(prsstats,ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,Owns!,$v1) elseif ($3 == !ip) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's IP: $mta.ip($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !getip) prs.alias2 $1- elseif ($3 == !redo) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$mta.race($1)) elseif ($3 == !restartscript) prs.restart $1 elseif (($3 == !addcreator) || ($3 == !ac)) { prs.addcreator $1- } elseif ($3 == !remcreator) { !hdel prsmaprate details $+ %race mta.pm $1 $2 Details Removed. } elseif ($3 == !deletetime) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.delete($1)) { prs.deletetime $1- } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !kick) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !ban) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self! elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) { !hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a) !hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.ban $1 %a mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),) } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !banip) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) { if ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Already Banned else { mta.addban $1 $4 !hadd prsbans $4 1 mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Added To Ban File. } } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To Ban } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unbanip) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) { if ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned else { mta.unban $1 $4 !hdel prsbans $4 mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Removed From Ban File. } } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To UnBan } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !banname) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To Ban elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Already Banned else { !hadd prsbans $4 1 mta.pm $1 $2 The Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Now Banned. } } } elseif ($3 == !unbanname) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To UnBan elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned else { if ($hget(prsbans,$hget(prsbans,$4)) != $null) !hdel prsbans $hget(prsbans,$4) !hdel prsbans $4 mta.pm $1 $2 $4 $+ 's Name Removed From Ban File. } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !mute) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.mute $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unmute) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unmute $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !freeze) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.freeze($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.freeze $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unfreeze) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unfreeze $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif (($3 == !qm) || ($3 == !stfu)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) { mta.mute $1 %a .timerunmute $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unmute $1 %a } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !qf) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) { mta.freeze $1 %a .timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unfreeze $1 %a } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !setmode) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 5) { if ($4 == deathmatch) || ($4 == dm) { !hadd prsstats mode $+ %race Deathmatch mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Deathmatch Map } elseif ($4 == rsdm) prs.rsdm $1- elseif ($4 == race) { !hdel prsstats mode $+ %race mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Race Map } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify: Race, Deathmatch or RSDM } elseif (($3 == !nextmap) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1))) prs.nextmap $1- elseif ($3 == !map || $3 == !changemap) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Map Name elseif ($4 == random) { mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) } else { var %a = $mta.races($1,* $+ $4- $+ *) if (%a != $null) mta.startrace $1 %a else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Not Found } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !remmap) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) { !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Now Been Removed .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) .timer 1 4 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !restore) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name To Restore elseif ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Is Not Added As A Removed Map else { !hdel prsstats removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45)) mta.pm $1 $2 $4- Has Been Restored } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !setping) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.setmax($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Changed The Max Ping From %max To $4 set %max $4 set %setter $mta.nick($1,$2) } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !addadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) prs.addadmin $1 $2 %a $5 elseif (($3 == !remadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) || ($3 == !deladmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5)) { prs.remadmin $1 $2 %a } } if (%pgs == on) prs.command $1- } alias prs.command { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) if ($3 == !bethelp) pgs.bethelp $1- elseif ($3 == !buyhelp) pgs.buyhelp $1- elseif ($3 == !betcommands) pgs.commands $1- elseif ($3 == !itemlist) pgs.itemlist $1- elseif ($3 == !bet) pgs.bet $1- elseif ($3 == !buy) pgs.buy $1- elseif ($3 == !use) pgs.use $1- elseif ($3 == !cost) pgs.cost $1- elseif ($3 == !fund) { mta.text $1 Current Lottery Fund: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) mta.text $1 Last Won By: $iif($hget(pgscash,lastlottowinner) == $null,No One,$v1) .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 The Lottery Will Be Drawn When Funds Reach $ $pgs.drawlottoat($1) } elseif (!cashstat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 Cashstats: $mta.nick($1,%a) - Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Spent On Items: $ $+ $pgs.tspent($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Spent On Bets: $ $+ $pgs.tbets($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Won From Bets: $ $+ $pgs.twon($1,%a) } elseif ($3 == !bets) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) - Betting on: $iif($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == $null,No-One,$v1 - Bet: $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a)) elseif (($3 == !cash) || ($3 == !money)) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) - Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) } elseif ($3 == !bidlevel) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) - Max Bid: $ $+ $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a)) elseif ($3 == !cointoss) pgs.cointoss $1- elseif ($3 == !pms) pgs.pms $1- elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- elseif ($3 == !cashcheck) mta.text $1 $iif($4 != $null,$4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$hget(pgscash,$4))) elseif (($3 == !banword) || ($3 == !unbanword)) { pgs.banword $1- } elseif ($3 == !banwords) mta.text $1 There are currently $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) banned words elseif ($3 == !fine) pgs.fine $1 $2 %a elseif ($3 == !unbet) pgs.unbet $1- elseif ($3 == !spent) mta.text $1 $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,totalspent) == $null,0,$v1) Has Been Spent In This Server. elseif ($3 == !fix) || ($3 == !repair) { pgs.repair $1- } elseif ($3 == !drop) { if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing To Drop! else { mta.pm $1 $2 Dropped: $pgs.items($1,$2) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } elseif ($3 == !own) mta.text $1 $iif($pgs.showownage($1,$2) != $null,$v1) elseif (!item* iswm $3) { mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Items: $iif($pgs.items($1,%a) == Nothing,$iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) == 0,Nothing,$v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)),$v1 $iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) != 0, & $v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets))) } elseif ($3 == !unregister) && ($prs.level($1,$2) > 3) { if ($hget(pgsitems,register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,%a) Is Not Registered! else { !hdel pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Unregistered $mta.nick($1,%a) } } } alias prs.showtop3 { if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times,$4,1,32)) { if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) && ($4 == times) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No Times Set On DM Maps. !return } var %x = $4 mta.text $1 Best Ever Top $iif(%x == times,Times For $mta.race($1),%x) if (%x == times) %x = best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) var %nick1 = $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %x),%nick2 = $hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %x),%nick3 = $hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %x) var %sc1 = $hget(prstop3,1 $+ %x),%sc2 = $hget(prstop3,2 $+ %x),%sc3 = $hget(prstop3,3 $+ %x) if (%x == best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) { %sc1 = $prs.time(%sc1) | %sc2 = $prs.time(%sc2) | %sc3 = $prs.time(%sc3) } if (%nick1 != Unset) mta.text $1 $iif(!%nick1,None Set,1st: %nick1 $+ : %sc1) if (%nick2 != Unset) && (%nick2) mta.text $1 2nd: %nick2 $+ : %sc2 if (%nick3 != Unset) && (%nick3) mta.text $1 3rd: %nick3 $+ : %sc3 } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify, !top3 - 1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times } alias prs.checktops { var %c = 0,%check,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) while (%c < 9) { %check = $replacex(%c,0,1st,1,2nd,2,3rd,3,races,4,finishes,5,deathmatches,6,dmwins,7,points,8,best) if (%check == best) %check = %check $+ %race var %a = 0,%b,%nick,%z = $iif(%check == best $+ %race,<,>) var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) while (%a < %loop) { %nick = $mta.nick($1,%a) if (%nick != $null) { if (%check == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ %nick) elseif (%check == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,%nick) elseif (%check == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ %nick) elseif (%check == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) elseif (%check == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a) elseif (%check == best $+ %race) %b = $hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) if (%b %z %1) { if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick1 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } } elseif (%b %z %2) && (%nick != %nick1) { if (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } } elseif (%b %z %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick } } !inc %a } !inc %c } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . !hadd prstemp randomrace $mta.races($1,$calc($rand(1,$mta.races($1)) - 1)) .timerendrsdm off .timershow off .timerbreakdowns off if ($hget(prstemp,votemapnew) != $null) { mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$replace($hget(prstemp,votemapnew),$chr(63),$chr(32))) !hdel prstemp votemapnew !halt } !hdel prstemp mapvoter !hdel prstemp votemapvoter !hdel prstemp votemapname if ($mta.race($1) == Unknown || $mta.race($1) == $null) { mta.text $1 Unknown Map Detected, Restarting Script And Map. .timer 1 5 mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1)) prs.restart $1 } elseif ($3 == 0) { if ($prs.map($1) == removed) { mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1)) !halt } if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) { if ($prs.players($1) < $prs.dmlimit($1)) { mta.text $1 Not Enough Players For This Mode! mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) .timer 1 2 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) !halt } } .timeraddstats 1 13 addstats $1- mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.) if ($prs.rating($1) != 0) .timershowrating 1 10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) if ($prs.mode($1) == Race) { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) == $null) { !hadd prstop3 1best $+ %race $prs.topticks($1) !hadd prstop3 nick1best $+ %race $prs.topnick($1) } if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) != $prs.topnick($1)) { var %a = $prs.topnick($1) prs.reclaim $1 %a } prs.showtop3 $1 $2 $3 times } if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) { prs.addalive $1- if ($prs.players($1) == 1) .timershow 1 5 mta.text $1 This Is A Deathmatch Map, Type !new For A New Map. } if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) prs.rsdmstart $1- } if (%pgs == on) { var %a = 0 while (%a 2) { mta.text $1 Place Your Bets! .timerbetting 1 $pgs.bidtime($1) mta.text $1 No More Bets. if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) { if ($pgs.breakdowns($1) == on) .timerbreakdowns 1 $rand(30,60) pgs.dmbreakdown $1- } } if ($pgs.lottofund($1) > $pgs.drawlottoat($1)) { mta.text $1 Its Lottery Time, $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) Up For Grabs! .timer 1 20 pgs.drawlotto $1- } } } alias prs.rsdmstart { var %a = 0,%b = $hget(prsstats,modetime $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { !hadd prstemp lives $+ %a 1 !hadd prstemp time $+ %a %b !hdel prstemp extra $+ %a } !inc %a } .timerendrsdm 1 %b prs.endrsdm $1- } alias addstats { var %a = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { !hadd prsmapstarts %race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) + 1) if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) || ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { !hadd prsstarts deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) + 1) } if ($prs.mode($1) == race) { !hadd prsstarts race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.racestarts($1,%a) + 1) mta.pm $1 %a Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a) } } !inc %a } !hadd prsmapstats race $+ %race $calc($hget(prsmapstats,race $+ %race) + 1) if ($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Map Made By: $hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) if ($prs.rating($1) == 0) .timershowrating 1 3 mta.text $1 Rate This Map: !ratemap <1> } on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) !.signal prs.endrace $1 $2 var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%time = $mta.time($1,$2),%split = $calc(%time - $prs.topticks($1)) !hadd prsfinish $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.finishes($1,$2) + 1) !hadd prsmapfinish %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.mapfinishes($1,$2) + 1) if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <4> 0,$+($chr(40),+,$prs.time(%split),$chr(41))) .timer 1 1 prs.checktops $1- } if ($prs.players($1) > 1) { var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - $mta.rank($1,$2)) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a) if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2) } if (%time < $prs.bestticks($1,$2)) { !hadd prstimes %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.time($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 New Personal Best! $mta.time($1,$2).text } if ($mta.time($1,$2) < $prs.topticks($1)) { !hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race $mta.time($1,$2) !hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - New Record Time! - $mta.time($1,$2).text } if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <7> 0) { pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a pgs.pm $1 $2 Cash Earned: $ $+ %a - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2) } } } alias prs.tops { if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes raceratio dmratio deathmatches dmwins points level lagger best score cash,$4,1,32)) { var %a = 0,%b,%1 = 0,%2 = 0,%3 = 0,%x,%y,%z,%pwns = > if ($4 == best) { var %1 = 120000000, %2 = 120000000, %3 = 120000000,%pwns = < } while (%a < %loop) { if ($4 == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == raceratio) %b = $round($calc($hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) / $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))),2) elseif ($4 == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) elseif ($4 == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a) elseif ($4 == level) %b = $prs.level($1,%a) elseif ($4 == dmratio) %b = $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2) elseif ($4 == lagger) %b = $mta.avping($1,%a) elseif ($4 == best) %b = $hget(prstimes,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == score) %b = $calc(($hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) * 50) - $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a)) elseif ($4 == cash) %b = $pgs.cash($1,%a) if (!%b) %b = 0 if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { if (%b %pwns %1) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y | %2 = %1 | %1 = %b | %y = %x | %x = $mta.nick($1,%a) } elseif (%b %pwns %2) { %3 = %2 | %2 = %b | %z = %y | %y = $mta.nick($1,%a) } elseif (%b %pwns %3) { %3 = %b | %z = $mta.nick($1,%a) } } !inc %a } if ($4 == best) { %1 = $prs.time(%1) %2 = $prs.time(%2) %3 = $prs.time(%3) } mta.text $1 $iif(%x == $null,1st $4 $+ : No-One,1st $4 $+ : %x $+ : %1) if (%y) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 2nd $4 $+ : %y $+ : %2 if (%z) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 3rd $4 $+ : %z $+ : %3 } else mta.pm $1 $2 Specify: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - races - deathmatches - finishes - dmwins - raceratio - dmratio - points - level - lagger - best - score - cash } on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: { newnick $1- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: { if (%pgs == on) pgs.bannedwords $1- var %a = $calc($iif($hget(prstemp,$2) == $null,0,$v1) + 1) !hadd prstemp $2 %a if (%a == 3) mta.pm $1 $2 WARNING - DO NO SPAM!!! elseif (%a == 4) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Auto-Muted: 60 secs - Reason: Spamming mta.mute $1 $2 .timerunmute $+ $2 1 60 mta.unmute $1 $2 } !hadd -u2 prstemp $2 %a } alias checkpings { var %a = 0 while (%a %max) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,%a) For High Ping: %av - Max: %max .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 %a } } !inc %a } } alias pgs.repair { var %a = $hget(pgstemp,dmfreeze) if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No one Needs Helping! elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Are Broke Down! else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Helped $mta.nick($1,%a) and Received 1 Point. !hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 1 .timerdmunfreeze off pgs.dmfixed $1 %a } } alias pgs.banword { if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only! elseif ($3 == !banword) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !banword else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Word Already Banned! !halt } !inc %a } !write pgs.banwords.txt $4 mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') added to banned words list } } elseif ($3 == !unbanword) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !unbanword else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) { !write -ds $+ $4 pgs.banwords.txt mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') removed from banned words list %a = $calc(%b + 2) } !inc %a } if (%a == $calc(%b + 1)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned. } } } alias pgs.bannedwords { var %a = 1,%b = $3-,%c = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a 0) { var %a = $rand(1,$calc($ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) + 9)) !dec %a 9 if (%a == - mta.text $1 Why Not Play The Lottery? - Item: lotteryticket - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ticketprice($1) elseif (%a == -7) mta.text $1 Increase Your Max Bid Amount! - Item: Bidlevel - Cost: POA elseif (%a == -6) mta.text $1 Need More Points? - Item: 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1) elseif (%a == -5) mta.text $1 Item: Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1) elseif (%a == -4) mta.text $1 Item: Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif (%a == -3) mta.text $1 Want Your Own Custom !own Command? - Item: !Own - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1) elseif (%a == -2) mta.text $1 Item: Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif (%a == -1) mta.text $1 Want A Custom Join Msg? - Item: Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif (%a == 0) mta.text $1 Got A Static IP? - Item: IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1) else mta.text $1 Item: $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a) } } alias pgs.itemlist { mta.pm $1 $2 Fixed Items: bidlevel - 50points - mapchange - landmine - !own - selffreeze - joinmsg - IPregister - Lotteryticket .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 For All Items, !cost - !buy - !use } alias pgs.buyticket { if (($5 !isnum) || ($5 < 1) || (!$5)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy $+(,<4>,,) } else { var %price = $calc($pgs.ticketprice($1) * $5) if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) $pgs.maxtickets($1)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Can Only Buy $iif($calc($pgs.maxtickets($1) - $pgs.tickets($1,$2)) == $pgs.maxtickets($1),$pgs.maxtickets($1),$v1 More!) else { !hadd pgslotto $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.tickets($1,$2) + $5) !hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %price) !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + %price) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price mta.pm $1 $2 You Purchased: $5 $iif($5 == 1,Ticket,Tickets) mta.pm $1 $2 Cost: $ $+ %price - Total Tickets: $pgs.tickets($1,$2) } } } alias pgs.drawlotto { var %a = 1,%b = $hget(pgslotto,0).item,%c = 0 !while (%a <= %b) { %c = $calc(%c + $hget(pgslotto,%a).data) !inc %a } var %a = 1,%d = $rand(1,%c),%e = 1 while (%a = %e) && (%d <= $calc(%e + %f))) { mta.text $1 Lottery Winner: $hget(pgslotto,%a).item - Won: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) pgs.add $hget(pgslotto,%a).item $pgs.lottofund($1) !hadd pgscash lastlottowinner $hget(pgslotto,%a).item !hfree pgslotto !hmake pgslotto 1000 !hsave -o pgslotto pgslotto.txt !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount 100 !halt } !inc %e %f !inc %a } mta.text $1 Its A Rollover!!! Buy A Ticket!!! } alias prs.restart { mta.disconnect $1 .timerrecon 1 3 mta.connect $1 } alias prs.time { var %a = $1,%b,%m = 0,%s = 0,%ms = 0 if (%a <0>= 1200000) !return --/--/--- if (%a >= 60000) { %b = $calc(%a / 60000) %m = $int(%b) %a = $calc(%a - (%m * 60000)) } if (%a >= 1000) { %b = $calc(%a / 1000) %s = $int(%b) %a = $calc(%a - (%s * 1000)) } %ms = %a !return %m $+ : $+ $iif(%s < 10,0 $+ %s,%s) $+ . $+ $iif(%ms < 10,00 $+ %ms,$iif(%ms < 100,0 $+ %ms,%ms)) } alias toptimes { var %a = 0,%b = 0,%c = $2 while (%a 9) %a = 9 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Rank: $replace(%a,0,Noob,1,Rookie,2,Novice,3,Sunday Driver,4,Pro Driver,5,Excellent Driver,6,Drift King,7,Burnout King,8,Awesome Racer,9,Ultimate Racer!) } alias prs.addalive { var %a = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) !hadd prstemp alive $+ %a yes else !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a !inc %a } } alias prs.dmcount { var %a = 0,%b = 0 while (%a 1) { var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - %b) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a) if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2) } if (%b == 1) { var %a = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($hget(prstemp,alive $+ %a) == yes) { !.signal prs.endrace $1 %a !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a !hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) + 1) !hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) + 1) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.points($1,%a) + $prs.players($1)) mta.text $1 The Winner Is: $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times) } !inc %a } } } alias prs.nextmap { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !nextmap else { var %a = $+(*,$4-,*), %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a)) if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found else { !hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set: %b $+ , As The Next Map } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { newnick $1- if ($hget(prsbans,$mta.ip($1,$2)) != $null) { mta.pm $1 $2 YOU ARE BANNED! - KEEP OUT! mta.ban $1 $2 !halt } if ($prs.welcome($1) == on) mta.pm $1 $2 $prs.welcomemsg($1) .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !commands For Script Commands. if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { !hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 0 !hadd prstemp time $+ $2 $timer(endrsdm).secs !hdel prstemp extra $+ $2 } if (%pgs == on) .timerjoinmsg $+ $2 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !betcommands for betting commands or !bethelp For full details. } alias prs.login { var %a = $mta.nick($1,$2) if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) != $null) { if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) == $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)) { .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 %a Auto-logged In, Level $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a) !hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a) .timerkick $+ $2 off } else { if (($prs.clantag($1) isin %a) mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch, Login To Save New IP else { mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch .timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 $2 Auto-Login Failed. !halt } } } if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,login) == yes) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 0) { mta.pm $1 $2 Please Login! $+([,$prs.logintime($1) Secs,]) .timerkick $+ $2 1 $prs.logintime($1) mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.login: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . ;$1 = Server ;$2 = PlayerID ;$3 = Level ;$4 = 0/1/2 (success/failed/already logged in) if ($4 == 0) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Manually Logged In, Level $3 !hadd prswarns AdminIP $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46) !hadd prswarns AdminLevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $3 !hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $3 .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 New IP Stored. ( $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ ) .timerkick $+ $2 off } } alias prs.level !return $iif($mta.level($1,$2) > 0,$v1,$iif($hget(pgstemp,loggedin $+ $2) != $null,$v1,0)) alias prs.remadmin { if ($prs.level($1,$2) 0) { .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Admin Commands: !alias - !pma - !ip - !getip - !setupload - !redo - !en - !addo - !o - !cancel - !total - !add/remcreator - !un/warn - !setwarnlimit .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Extra Commands: $iif(%a >= $prs.mute($1),!mute -) $iif(%a >= $prs.freeze($1),!freeze -) $iif(%a >= $prs.kick($1),!kick -) $iif(%a >= $prs.ban($1),!ban - !banip - !unbanip - !banname - !unbanname) - !setdmlimit - $iif($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1),!nextmap) .timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 $iif(%a >= $prs.quick($1),!qm - !qf -) $iif(%a >= $prs.delete($1),!deletetime -) $iif(%a >= $prs.setmax($1),!setping -) $iif(%a >= $prs.remmap($1),!remmap - !restore -) $iif(%a > 4, !setmode -) !restartscript - !exportmaps } } alias pgs.commands { mta.pm $1 $2 Commands: !un/bet - !bets - !cash/stats - !cointoss - !pms - !fine - !topcash - !buy - !use mta.pm $1 $2 !cost - !fix - !spent $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 4, - !transfer) $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 3, - !unregister) - !funds - !itemlist - !buyhelp - !bethelp - !betcommands } alias pgs.bethelp { mta.pm $1 $2 Place bets on who you think will win .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 !bet .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Within $pgs.bidtime($1) Secs Of Start .timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 Only 1 Bet Per Race Allowed .timer 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 !fine if you think they've been abusive .timer 1 25 mta.pm $1 $2 Try !cointoss when you have time. .timer 1 30 mta.pm $1 $2 !pms off - if you Dont Want to see Betting PM's .timer 1 35 mta.pm $1 $2 !unbet within $pgs.bidtime($1) secs if you need to .timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 type !buyhelp for full buying details } alias pgs.buyhelp { mta.pm $1 $2 !buy and !use items - Item details.... .timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 'Bidlevel' - Max bid is set to $ $pgs.maxbid($1) - Increase this by buying a bidlevel .timer 1 16 mta.pm $1 $2 '50points' - Need Quick Points? Buy 50 For $ $pgs.50points($1) .timer 1 24 mta.pm $1 $2 'mapchange' - pay for the next map to be the one you want for $ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) .timer 1 32 mta.pm $1 $2 '!own' - Display a customised ownage message with !own .timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 'landmine' - Maybe you can blow the tyres on someones car? .timer 1 48 mta.pm $1 $2 'selffreeze' - Handy in a DM - Freeze yourself to stay alive .timer 1 56 mta.pm $1 $2 'joinmsg' - Shows your customised message on entry to server .timer 1 62 mta.pm $1 $2 'ipregister' - Got a static IP? Buy this to register your Nick & IP! } alias addo { if ($ isin $4-) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Text! else { !hadd prsstats ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- mta.pm $1 $2 Added: $4- } } alias admincount { var %a = 0, %b = None while (%a 0) { if (%b == None) %b = $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ ) else %b = %b $+ , $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ ) } } !inc %a } mta.text $1 Current Admins: %b $+ . } alias prs.players { var %a = 0,%b = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a)) { !inc %b } !inc %a } !return %b } alias prs.rating { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !return $iif($round($calc($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) / $hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total)),2) == $null,Unrated,$v1) } alias prs.playerrating { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !return $iif($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race) == $null,Unrated,$round($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race),2)) } alias prs.ratemap { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if (%race == Unknown || %race == $null) { mta.text $1 Error: Unknown Mapname - Unable To Rate. } else { var %nick = $mta.nick($1,$2) if (!$4) { mta.text $1 $mta.race($1) $+ : Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 mta.pm $1 $2 Your Rating For This Map: $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10 } elseif (($4 <1> 10) || ($4 !isnum)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount (1-10) } else { if ($prs.playerrating($1,$2) != Unrated) { !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) - 1) !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) - $prs.playerrating($1,$2)) } !hadd prsmaprate %nick $+ %race $4 !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) + 1) !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) + $4) mta.text $1 %nick Rated $mta.race($1) $+ : $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 - Total Votes: $iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) ; used to auto remove maps after 10 votes if map rating is less than 2. (the 10 votes and 2 rating can be changed to suit) ; if ($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == 10) && ($prs.rating($1) < 2) { ; !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed ; !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race ; !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race ; mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Been Auto-Removed ; } } } } alias prs.votekick { if ($3 == !votemap) votemap $1- elseif ($prs.votekicking($1) != yes) mta.pm $1 $2 Votekicking Is Currently Disabled. elseif ($prs.players($1) < 4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Players - 4 needed. else { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)), %b = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41) if ($3 == !votekick) { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Votekick Already Running on $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !votekick else { !hadd prstemp votenick %a !hadd prstemp voters %b mta.text $1 Type !vote If You Want $mta.nick($1,%a) Kicking. mta.text $1 Total Votes Needed: $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) .timervotekick 1 90 prs.endvotekick $1- } } elseif ($3 == !vote) { if (%b isin $hget(prstemp,voters)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted! else { !hadd prstemp voters $hget(prstemp,voters) $+ %b mta.text $1 Total Votes: $numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) $+ / $+ $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) prs.checkvotes $1- } } } } alias prs.checkvotes { if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) mta.kick $1 $prs.votenick($1) } } alias prs.endvotekick { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.text $1 Votekick Ended On $mta.nick($1,$hget(prstemp,votenick)) !hdel prstemp voters !hdel prstemp votenick } on *:SIGNAL:mta.respawn: { ;Parameters: ;$1 = Server ;$2 = ID if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { var %a = $hget(prstemp,lives $+ $2) %a = $calc(%a + 1) !hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 %a !hadd prstemp extra $+ $2 $calc($hget(prstemp,extra $+ $2) + $timer(endrsdm).secs) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Has Spawned %a $iif(%a == 1,Time,Times) } } alias prs.endrsdm { mta.text $1 RS-Deathmatch Ended var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d,%1 = 0,%x,%2 = 0,%y,%3 = 0,%z while (%a %1) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y %2 = %1 | %y = %x %1 = %d | %x = %a } elseif (%d > %2) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y %2 = %d | %y = %a } elseif (%d > %3) { %3 = %d | %z = %a } } !inc %a } var %a = $prs.players($1) if (%a > 1) { !.signal prs.endrace $1 %x .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Winner: $mta.nick($1,%x) - Score: %1 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.points($1,%x) + %a) .timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 %x %a Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%x) !hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%x) + 1) !hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%x) + 1) if (%y != $null) { .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Second: $mta.nick($1,%y) - Score: %2 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%y) $calc($prs.points($1,%y) + (%a - 1)) .timer 1 3 mta.pm $1 %y $calc(%a - 1) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%y) } if (%z != $null) { .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Third: $mta.nick($1,%z) - Score: %3 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%z) $calc($prs.points($1,%z) + (%a - 2)) .timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 %z $calc(%a - 2) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%z) } } } alias prs.addcreator { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: sepcify details to add else { !hadd prsmaprate details $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $4- mta.pm $1 $2 Details Added. } } alias prs.newmap { var %b = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.25),%c = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41) if (%c isin $hget(prstemp,mapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted! else { !hadd prstemp mapvoter $hget(prstemp,mapvoter) $+ %c mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted A New Map - Total: $numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) $+ / $+ %b } if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) == %b) { mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) !hdel prstemp mapvoter } } alias votemap { var %a = 0,%b,%c = $4-,%d = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41),%e = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.75) if (!$4) { if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name else { if (%d isin $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You have already voted else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) to be the next map !hadd prstemp votemapvoter $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter) $+ %d checkmapvotes $1- } } } else { if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Vote Already running on $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) else { while (%a < $mta.races($1)) { if (%c isin $mta.races($1,%a)) { %b = $mta.races($1,%a) %a = $mta.races($1) } !inc %a } if (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 No Maps Found For: %c else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted %b to be the next map - %e $iif(%e == 1,Vote,Votes) Needed .timervotemap 1 5 mta.text $1 Type !votemap to vote. !hadd prstemp votemapname $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) !hadd prstemp votemapvoter %d checkmapvotes $1- } } } } alias checkmapvotes { if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,votemapvoter),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 1.75))) { mta.text $1 Vote Limit Reached, Next Map: $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) !hadd prstemp votemapnew $hget(prstemp,votemapname) } } alias pgs.fine { var %a = $hget(pgstemp,cuss $+ $3) if ($2 == $3) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Name else { if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,$3) Hasnt Said Anything Wrong! else { mta.pm $1 $3 You Have Beed Fined!! $ $+ %a For Your Bad Language! mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,$3) Has Been Fined! - Cash Earned $ $+ %a pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$3) %a !hdel pgstemp cuss $+ $3 .timercuss $+ $3 off } } } alias pgs.pms { if ($4 == on) { !hdel pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently On } elseif ($4 == off) { !hadd pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Off mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently Off } else { mta.pm $1 $2 Turn Betting PM's On Or Off .timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !pms on/off .timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently: $iif($hget(prstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == Off,Off,On) } } alias pgs.pm { if (!$hget(pgstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2))) mta.pm $1 $2 $3- } alias pgs.transfer { var %a = $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$v1) if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only! elseif (($4 == $null) || ($5 == $null) || ($6 == $null) || ($6 !isnum)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Type: !transfer mta.pm $1 $2 Use Exact names, no wildcards! mta.pm $1 $2 Sends Cash From Nick1 to Nick2. } elseif ($calc(%a - $6) < 0) mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ %a else { pgs.sub $4 $6 pgs.add $5 $6 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Transfered $ $+ $6 From $4 To $5 } } alias pgs.bet { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%b = $timer(betting).secs,%c = $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) if (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> %c)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !bet <1> } elseif ($prs.players($1) <3> $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! elseif (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 Betting Has Ended For This Race! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Already Betting On $hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) else { mta.pm $1 $2 Bet: $ $+ $5 $+ , Placed On $mta.nick($1,%a) To Win. !hadd pgstemp bet $+ $2 $5 !hadd pgstemp beton $+ $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5 mta.pm $1 $2 You Now Have $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2) } } alias pgs.unbet { var %a = $timer(betting).secs if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Bets Have Been Placed! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Havent Placed A Bet else { pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Withdrawn, $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) Refunded. !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) - $2) !hdel pgstemp bet $+ $2 !hdel pgstemp beton $+ $2 } } alias pgs.cointoss { if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> $pgs.maxcointoss($1))) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cointoss heads/tails <1> } elseif ($5 > $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! elseif ($4 != heads) || $4 != tails) { mta.pm $1 $2 You Flip The Coin Into The Air.... pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5 !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5) .timer 1 3 pgs.checkcoin $1- } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify heads or tails! } alias pgs.checkcoin { var %a = $rand(1,2),%b = $calc($5 * 2) if (%a == 1) { mta.pm $1 $2 $replacecs($4,h,H,t,T) $+ !!! You Just Won $ $+ %b pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %b !hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %b) } else { mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($4 == heads,Tails...You Lose!!!,Heads...You Lose!!!) !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + $5) } } alias pgs.checkwins { var %a = 0,%b = $mta.nick($1,$2),%c = $calc($prs.players($1) / 2),%d while (%a < %loop) { if ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == %b) { %d = $calc(%c * $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a)) pgs.add $mta.nick($1,%a) %d !hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) + %d) mta.pm $1 %a You Won $ $+ %d - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) } !inc %a } } alias pgs.cost { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cost elseif ($4 == bidlevel) mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel - Cost: $ $+ $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) elseif ($4 == 50points) mta.pm $1 $2 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1) elseif ($4 == landmine) mta.pm $1 $2 Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1) elseif ($4 == mapchange) mta.pm $1 $2 Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif ($4 == !own) mta.pm $1 $2 !Own Command - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1) elseif ($4 == selffreeze) mta.pm $1 $2 Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif ($4 == joinmsg) mta.pm $1 $2 Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif ($4 == ipregister) mta.pm $1 $2 IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1) else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-) if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4- else mta.pm $1 $2 $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a) } } alias pgs.buy { if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif ($findtok(ticket lottery lotteryticket lotto,$4,1,32)) pgs.buyticket $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) != nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use Or !drop Your Current Item First elseif (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy elseif ($findtok(bidlevel 50points landmine mapchange !own joinmsg selffreeze ipregister,$4,1,32)) pgs.fixedbuy $1- else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-) var %price = $pgs.itemprice(%a) if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4- elseif ($pgs.cash($1,$2) = 20) { mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel Max Reched! !halt } else %price = $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) } elseif (%item == 50points) %price = $pgs.50points($1) elseif (%item == landmine) %price = $pgs.landmine($1) elseif (%item == mapchange) %price = $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif (%item == !own) %price = $pgs.ownage($1) elseif (%item == selffreeze) %price = $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif (%item == joinmsg) %price = $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif (%item == ipregister) %price = $pgs.ipreg($1) if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) < %price) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! ( $+ $ $+ %price $+ ) else { pgs.addtotal %price !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + (%price / 10)) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price !hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $pgs.itemprice(%a)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - $iif(%item == mapchange,Next Race Mapchange,%item) Purchased! - $ $+ %price if (%item == 50points) { !hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 50 mta.pm $1 $2 You now have $prs.points($1,$2) } elseif (%item == bidlevel) !hadd pgscash bidlevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.bidlevel($1,$2) + 1) else { !hadd pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) %item .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !use to use your item. } } } alias pgs.use { if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Nothing To Use! elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == landmine) pgs.uselandmine $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == mapchange) pgs.mapchange $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == selffreeze) pgs.freeze $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == !own) pgs.addownage $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == joinmsg) pgs.addjoinmsg $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == ipregister) pgs.ipregister $1- else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$pgs.items($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Use Your Item.... .timer 1 5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $pgs.itemeffect(%a) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } alias pgs.ipregister { mta.pm $1 $2 Registering Your Nick & IP !hadd pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.ip($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Youre Nick Has Been Registered To The IP: $mta.ip($1,$2) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.addjoinmsg { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { !hadd pgsitems joinmsg $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added! } } alias pgs.addownage { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { !hadd pgsitems ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added! } } alias pgs.freeze { mta.pm $1 $2 Using Your Self-Freeze.... mta.freeze $1 $2 .timerunfreeze $+ $2 1 30 mta.unfreeze $1 $2 !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.mapchange { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { var %a = $+(*,$4-,*) var %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a)) if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found else { !hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Paid For The Next Map To Be: %b !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } } alias pgs.uselandmine { mta.pm $1 $2 You Activate The Landmine And Throw It From Your window! mta.text $1 Landmine Active!!! .timermine 1 15 pgs.checklandmine $1- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.checklandmine { var %a = $rand(1,3) if (%a > 1) { :moo %a = $rand(0,%loop) if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $iif($2 == %a,Ran Over His Own Landmine!!!,Ran Over The Landmine And Blew A Tyre!) mta.freeze $1 %a .timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 20 pgs.fixed $1 %a } else .timer 1 10 mta.text $1 Everyone Avoided The Landmine! } alias pgs.fixed { mta.unfreeze $1 $2 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Tyre Fixed - Racing Again! } alias pgs.finditemid { var %a = 1,%b = $ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) while (%a 1) { :moo2 %a = $rand(0,%loop) if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo2 var %b = $rand(1,5) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's $replace(%b,1,Blew A Tyre!,2,Engine Overheated!,3,Electrics Are On Fire!!!,4,Brakes Siezed Up!,5,Car Stalled!) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Type !fix to help $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.freeze $1 %a !hadd pgstemp dmfreeze %a .timerdmunfreeze 1 $rand(5,15) pgs.dmfixed $1 %a } } alias pgs.dmfixed { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Car Fixed! mta.unfreeze $1 $2 !hdel pgstemp dmfreeze } alias prs.reclaim { var %a = 0,%b,%nick = $2,%c = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%check = best $+ %race var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) if (%nick != $null) { %b = $iif($hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) == $null,120000000,$v1) if (%b < %1) { if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick1 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 1st Place! } elseif (%b < %2) && (%nick != %nick1) { if (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 2nd Place! } elseif (%b < %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 3rd Place! } } } alias prs.deletetime { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) var %check = best $+ %race mta.text $1 Removing $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) $+ ' s Top Time. var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %3 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick3 !hdel prstop3 3 $+ %check !hdel prstop3 nick3 $+ %check !hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race %nick2 !hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race %2 } alias prs.rsdm { if ($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Duration In Seconds } else { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !hadd prsstats mode $+ %race RS-Deathmatch !hadd prsstats modetime $+ %race $5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Respawnable Deathmatch Map ( $+ $5 Secs $+ ) } } alias prs.remmaps { var %a = 0, %b = $mta.races($1) !echo 1 Total maps: %b while (%a < %b) { var %race = $replace($mta.races($1,%a),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ %race) == removed) { !writeini -n removedmaps.ini mapname %race removed } !inc %a } mta.text $1 Removed Maps Exported to 'removedmaps.ini' } alias prs.warn { ;$1:Server $2:AdminID $3:WarnedID $4-:Reason if ($3 == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !warn elseif ($3 == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Warn Self elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) = $prs.delete($1)) { prs.deletetime $1- } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !kick) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !ban) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self! elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) { !hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a) !hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.ban $1 %a mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),) } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !banip) { Edited June 30, 2007 by Guest Link to comment
Sky Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 lol it s PRS open mirc , type : General/Script/Load and load PRS . Link to comment
robik Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 Quote BY: JamyDoger by Jamy Doger? lol I dont think so Link to comment
Jesse-As Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 robik said: Quote BY: JamyDoger by Jamy Doger? lol I dont think so uhhm its only Remodeled By him Quote ////// BY: [uVA]Scooby ////// ///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger ////// Link to comment
lil Toady Posted July 1, 2007 Share Posted July 1, 2007 Jesse-As said: robik said: Quote BY: JamyDoger by Jamy Doger? lol I dont think so uhhm its only Remodeled By him Quote ////// BY: [uVA]Scooby ////// ///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger ////// There was no word about scooby before, he edited the post. Link to comment
Scooby Posted July 4, 2007 Share Posted July 4, 2007 lol why is this line randomly added within the script a few times: General/Script/Load and load PRS . if u dont know what ur doing... dont try to edit it. theres a prs topic, any additional things u might need... u can always ask. i very much doubt anyone is gonna check through 100k of script, to find bugs u might have added. Link to comment
SanZoR Posted July 4, 2007 Share Posted July 4, 2007 JamyDoger said: Quote /*///////////////////////////////////// ////// MTASA:RACE ////// ////// ////// ////// Public Race Script ////// ////// ////// ////// Version 1.3 ////// ////// ////// ////// BY: [uVA]Scooby ////// ///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger ////// ////////////////////////////////////// */ General/Script/Load and load PRS . on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)) set %max $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping) else set %max 500 !.timerping 0 30 checkpings $1- set %loop $mta.server($1).cmax set %setter Autoset(Script) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) Script Reactivated if ($readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsg) == on) && (%pgs == on) .timeritemmsg 0 $readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsgtime) pgs.itemmsg $1 if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgon)) .timershowcustommsg 0 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgtime) showcustommsg $1 set %server $1 } alias prs.getid { var %a = 0 while (%a 0) mta.text $1 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsg) } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($3 == !name) mta.text $1 Map Name: $mta.race($1) elseif (!admin* iswm $3) admincount $1- elseif ($3 == !seen) { %a = $iif((!$4),$mta.nick($1,$2),$4) if (!$hget(prsseen,%a)) mta.pm $1 $2 ' $+ %a $+ ' Has Never Been Seen Here. elseif ($mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a)) $+ : Here Since: $gettok($hget(prsseen,$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))),1,32) else mta.text $1 %a $+ : Last Seen: $hget(prsseen,%a) } elseif (!stat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 Full Stats For $mta.nick($1,%a) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Races: $prs.racestarts($1,%a) - Finishes: $prs.finishes($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.finishes($1,%a) / $prs.racestarts($1,%a)),2) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Placed: 1st: $prs.rank1($1,%a) - 2nd: $prs.rank2($1,%a) - 3rd: $prs.rank3($1,%a) .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Deathmatches: $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) - Wins: $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2) .timer 1 4 mta.text $1 TopTimes Held: $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) - Points: $prs.points($1,%a) } elseif (!mapstat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 MapStats For $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Finished $prs.mapfinishes($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) Times,Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times)) mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a),Ratio: $round($calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) / $prs.mapstarts($1,%a)),2)) } elseif ($3 == !help || !command* iswm $3) { prs.commands $1- } elseif ($3 == !time) || ($3 == !date) { mta.text $1 Time: $time - Date: $date } elseif (!vote* iswm $3) prs.votekick $1- elseif ($3 == !new) prs.newmap $1- elseif ($3 == !level) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Level: $prs.level($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !mode) mta.text $1 Map: $mta.race($1) - Mode: $prs.mode($1) elseif ($3 == !rank) prs.rank $1- elseif ($3 == !ping) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Ping: $mta.ping($1,%a) - Average: $mta.avping($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) By [uVA]Scooby. elseif ($3 == !points) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Points: $prs.points($1,%a) elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Max Ping: %max - Set By: %setter elseif ($3 == !toptime) mta.text $1 Top Time For $mta.race($1) By: $prs.topnick($1) - Time: $prs.toptime($1) elseif ($3 == !best) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !players) mta.text $1 Total Players $iif($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch,Left Alive: $prs.dmcount($1),: $prs.players($1)) elseif ($3 == !wb) mta.text $1 $iif((!$4),Welcome Back,Welcome Back $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif (!rand* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Random Race: $hget(prstemp,randomrace) elseif (!total* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Total Races Uploaded: $mta.races($1) elseif (!race* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Name: $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.) elseif ($3 == !toptimes) { if (!$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,$4))) mta.text $1 $4 Holds $toptimes($1,$4) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$4) == 1,Time.,Times.) else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) Holds $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) == 1,Time.,Times.) } elseif ($3 == !timer) && ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) mta.text $1 Time Left: $duration($timer(endrsdm).secs) elseif ($3 == !sc) || ($3 == !score) { if ($prs.mode($1) != RS-Deathmatch) mta.pm $1 $2 Scores Only On RS-DM maps! else { var %b = $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a) var %c = $hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) var %d = $calc((%c * 50) - %b) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Current Map Score: %d } } elseif (!creator* iswm $3) mta.text $1 $iif($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) == $null,No Details Saved.,Details: $v1) elseif ($3 == !claim) prs.reclaim $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) elseif (!rat* iswm $3) prs.ratemap $1- elseif ($3 == !upload) mta.text $1 Upload Address: $prs.url($1) elseif (!check* iswm $3) checkmap $1- elseif ($3 == !top) prs.tops $1- elseif ($3 == !top3) prs.showtop3 $1- elseif ($3 == !warnings) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Warnings: $prs.warns($1,%a) $+ / $+ $prs.warnlimit($1) elseif ($3 == !dmlimit) mta.text $1 Minimum Players Needed For A DM Map: $prs.dmlimit($1) elseif ($3 == !banned) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name else mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null, $4 Is Not Banned,$4 Is Banned Here.) } elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > 0) { ;start of Admin level 1 commands. if (!alias* iswm $3 || !pma* iswm $3) { prs.alias $1- } elseif ($3 == !en) { if (!$4) mta.text $1 Please Type In English Or You Will Be Kicked else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ , You Have Been Warned - English Only! } elseif ($3 == !setupload) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Upload URL. else { writeini prsdata.ini prs url $4- mta.pm $1 $2 URL Added: $4- } } elseif ($3 == !setwarnlimit) prs.setwarnlimit $1- elseif ($3 == !setdmlimit) prs.setdmlimit $1- elseif ($3 == !warn) prs.warn $1 $2 %a $5- elseif ($3 == !unwarn) prs.unwarn $1 $2 %a elseif ($3 == !exportmaps) prs.remmaps $1- elseif ($3 == !cancel) prs.endvotekick $1- elseif ($3 == !lostmaps) mta.text $1 $lostmaps($1) elseif ($3 == !addo) addo $1- elseif ($3 == !o) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $iif($hget(prsstats,ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,Owns!,$v1) elseif ($3 == !ip) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's IP: $mta.ip($1,%a) elseif ($3 == !getip) prs.alias2 $1- elseif ($3 == !redo) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$mta.race($1)) elseif ($3 == !restartscript) prs.restart $1 elseif (($3 == !addcreator) || ($3 == !ac)) { prs.addcreator $1- } elseif ($3 == !remcreator) { !hdel prsmaprate details $+ %race mta.pm $1 $2 Details Removed. } elseif ($3 == !deletetime) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.delete($1)) { prs.deletetime $1- } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !kick) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !ban) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self! elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) { !hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a) !hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.ban $1 %a mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),) } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !banip) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) { if ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Already Banned else { mta.addban $1 $4 !hadd prsbans $4 1 mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Added To Ban File. } } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To Ban } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unbanip) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) { if ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned else { mta.unban $1 $4 !hdel prsbans $4 mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Removed From Ban File. } } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To UnBan } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !banname) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To Ban elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Already Banned else { !hadd prsbans $4 1 mta.pm $1 $2 The Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Now Banned. } } } elseif ($3 == !unbanname) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To UnBan elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned else { if ($hget(prsbans,$hget(prsbans,$4)) != $null) !hdel prsbans $hget(prsbans,$4) !hdel prsbans $4 mta.pm $1 $2 $4 $+ 's Name Removed From Ban File. } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !mute) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.mute $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unmute) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unmute $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !freeze) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.freeze($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.freeze $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !unfreeze) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unfreeze $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif (($3 == !qm) || ($3 == !stfu)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) { mta.mute $1 %a .timerunmute $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unmute $1 %a } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !qf) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) { mta.freeze $1 %a .timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unfreeze $1 %a } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !setmode) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 5) { if ($4 == deathmatch) || ($4 == dm) { !hadd prsstats mode $+ %race Deathmatch mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Deathmatch Map } elseif ($4 == rsdm) prs.rsdm $1- elseif ($4 == race) { !hdel prsstats mode $+ %race mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Race Map } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify: Race, Deathmatch or RSDM } elseif (($3 == !nextmap) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1))) prs.nextmap $1- elseif ($3 == !map || $3 == !changemap) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Map Name elseif ($4 == random) { mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) } else { var %a = $mta.races($1,* $+ $4- $+ *) if (%a != $null) mta.startrace $1 %a else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Not Found } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !remmap) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) { !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Now Been Removed .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) .timer 1 4 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !restore) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name To Restore elseif ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Is Not Added As A Removed Map else { !hdel prsstats removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45)) mta.pm $1 $2 $4- Has Been Restored } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !setping) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.setmax($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Changed The Max Ping From %max To $4 set %max $4 set %setter $mta.nick($1,$2) } } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !addadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) prs.addadmin $1 $2 %a $5 elseif (($3 == !remadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) || ($3 == !deladmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5)) { prs.remadmin $1 $2 %a } } if (%pgs == on) prs.command $1- } alias prs.command { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) if ($3 == !bethelp) pgs.bethelp $1- elseif ($3 == !buyhelp) pgs.buyhelp $1- elseif ($3 == !betcommands) pgs.commands $1- elseif ($3 == !itemlist) pgs.itemlist $1- elseif ($3 == !bet) pgs.bet $1- elseif ($3 == !buy) pgs.buy $1- elseif ($3 == !use) pgs.use $1- elseif ($3 == !cost) pgs.cost $1- elseif ($3 == !fund) { mta.text $1 Current Lottery Fund: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) mta.text $1 Last Won By: $iif($hget(pgscash,lastlottowinner) == $null,No One,$v1) .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 The Lottery Will Be Drawn When Funds Reach $ $pgs.drawlottoat($1) } elseif (!cashstat* iswm $3) { mta.text $1 Cashstats: $mta.nick($1,%a) - Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Spent On Items: $ $+ $pgs.tspent($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Spent On Bets: $ $+ $pgs.tbets($1,%a) mta.text $1 Total Won From Bets: $ $+ $pgs.twon($1,%a) } elseif ($3 == !bets) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) - Betting on: $iif($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == $null,No-One,$v1 - Bet: $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a)) elseif (($3 == !cash) || ($3 == !money)) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) - Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) } elseif ($3 == !bidlevel) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) - Max Bid: $ $+ $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a)) elseif ($3 == !cointoss) pgs.cointoss $1- elseif ($3 == !pms) pgs.pms $1- elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- elseif ($3 == !cashcheck) mta.text $1 $iif($4 != $null,$4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$hget(pgscash,$4))) elseif (($3 == !banword) || ($3 == !unbanword)) { pgs.banword $1- } elseif ($3 == !banwords) mta.text $1 There are currently $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) banned words elseif ($3 == !fine) pgs.fine $1 $2 %a elseif ($3 == !unbet) pgs.unbet $1- elseif ($3 == !spent) mta.text $1 $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,totalspent) == $null,0,$v1) Has Been Spent In This Server. elseif ($3 == !fix) || ($3 == !repair) { pgs.repair $1- } elseif ($3 == !drop) { if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing To Drop! else { mta.pm $1 $2 Dropped: $pgs.items($1,$2) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } elseif ($3 == !own) mta.text $1 $iif($pgs.showownage($1,$2) != $null,$v1) elseif (!item* iswm $3) { mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Items: $iif($pgs.items($1,%a) == Nothing,$iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) == 0,Nothing,$v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)),$v1 $iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) != 0, & $v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets))) } elseif ($3 == !unregister) && ($prs.level($1,$2) > 3) { if ($hget(pgsitems,register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,%a) Is Not Registered! else { !hdel pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Unregistered $mta.nick($1,%a) } } } alias prs.showtop3 { if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times,$4,1,32)) { if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) && ($4 == times) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No Times Set On DM Maps. !return } var %x = $4 mta.text $1 Best Ever Top $iif(%x == times,Times For $mta.race($1),%x) if (%x == times) %x = best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) var %nick1 = $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %x),%nick2 = $hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %x),%nick3 = $hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %x) var %sc1 = $hget(prstop3,1 $+ %x),%sc2 = $hget(prstop3,2 $+ %x),%sc3 = $hget(prstop3,3 $+ %x) if (%x == best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) { %sc1 = $prs.time(%sc1) | %sc2 = $prs.time(%sc2) | %sc3 = $prs.time(%sc3) } if (%nick1 != Unset) mta.text $1 $iif(!%nick1,None Set,1st: %nick1 $+ : %sc1) if (%nick2 != Unset) && (%nick2) mta.text $1 2nd: %nick2 $+ : %sc2 if (%nick3 != Unset) && (%nick3) mta.text $1 3rd: %nick3 $+ : %sc3 } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify, !top3 - 1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times } alias prs.checktops { var %c = 0,%check,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) while (%c < 9) { %check = $replacex(%c,0,1st,1,2nd,2,3rd,3,races,4,finishes,5,deathmatches,6,dmwins,7,points,8,best) if (%check == best) %check = %check $+ %race var %a = 0,%b,%nick,%z = $iif(%check == best $+ %race,<,>) var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1) var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) while (%a < %loop) { %nick = $mta.nick($1,%a) if (%nick != $null) { if (%check == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ %nick) elseif (%check == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ %nick) elseif (%check == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,%nick) elseif (%check == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ %nick) elseif (%check == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) elseif (%check == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a) elseif (%check == best $+ %race) %b = $hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) if (%b %z %1) { if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick1 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } } elseif (%b %z %2) && (%nick != %nick1) { if (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } } elseif (%b %z %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick } } !inc %a } !inc %c } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . !hadd prstemp randomrace $mta.races($1,$calc($rand(1,$mta.races($1)) - 1)) .timerendrsdm off .timershow off .timerbreakdowns off if ($hget(prstemp,votemapnew) != $null) { mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$replace($hget(prstemp,votemapnew),$chr(63),$chr(32))) !hdel prstemp votemapnew !halt } !hdel prstemp mapvoter !hdel prstemp votemapvoter !hdel prstemp votemapname if ($mta.race($1) == Unknown || $mta.race($1) == $null) { mta.text $1 Unknown Map Detected, Restarting Script And Map. .timer 1 5 mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1)) prs.restart $1 } elseif ($3 == 0) { if ($prs.map($1) == removed) { mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1)) !halt } if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) { if ($prs.players($1) < $prs.dmlimit($1)) { mta.text $1 Not Enough Players For This Mode! mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) .timer 1 2 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) !halt } } .timeraddstats 1 13 addstats $1- mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.) if ($prs.rating($1) != 0) .timershowrating 1 10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) if ($prs.mode($1) == Race) { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) == $null) { !hadd prstop3 1best $+ %race $prs.topticks($1) !hadd prstop3 nick1best $+ %race $prs.topnick($1) } if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) != $prs.topnick($1)) { var %a = $prs.topnick($1) prs.reclaim $1 %a } prs.showtop3 $1 $2 $3 times } if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) { prs.addalive $1- if ($prs.players($1) == 1) .timershow 1 5 mta.text $1 This Is A Deathmatch Map, Type !new For A New Map. } if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) prs.rsdmstart $1- } if (%pgs == on) { var %a = 0 while (%a 2) { mta.text $1 Place Your Bets! .timerbetting 1 $pgs.bidtime($1) mta.text $1 No More Bets. if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) { if ($pgs.breakdowns($1) == on) .timerbreakdowns 1 $rand(30,60) pgs.dmbreakdown $1- } } if ($pgs.lottofund($1) > $pgs.drawlottoat($1)) { mta.text $1 Its Lottery Time, $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) Up For Grabs! .timer 1 20 pgs.drawlotto $1- } } } alias prs.rsdmstart { var %a = 0,%b = $hget(prsstats,modetime $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { !hadd prstemp lives $+ %a 1 !hadd prstemp time $+ %a %b !hdel prstemp extra $+ %a } !inc %a } .timerendrsdm 1 %b prs.endrsdm $1- } alias addstats { var %a = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { !hadd prsmapstarts %race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) + 1) if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) || ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { !hadd prsstarts deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) + 1) } if ($prs.mode($1) == race) { !hadd prsstarts race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.racestarts($1,%a) + 1) mta.pm $1 %a Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a) } } !inc %a } !hadd prsmapstats race $+ %race $calc($hget(prsmapstats,race $+ %race) + 1) if ($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Map Made By: $hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) if ($prs.rating($1) == 0) .timershowrating 1 3 mta.text $1 Rate This Map: !ratemap <1> } on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) !.signal prs.endrace $1 $2 var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%time = $mta.time($1,$2),%split = $calc(%time - $prs.topticks($1)) !hadd prsfinish $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.finishes($1,$2) + 1) !hadd prsmapfinish %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.mapfinishes($1,$2) + 1) if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <4> 0,$+($chr(40),+,$prs.time(%split),$chr(41))) .timer 1 1 prs.checktops $1- } if ($prs.players($1) > 1) { var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - $mta.rank($1,$2)) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a) if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2) } if (%time < $prs.bestticks($1,$2)) { !hadd prstimes %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.time($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 New Personal Best! $mta.time($1,$2).text } if ($mta.time($1,$2) < $prs.topticks($1)) { !hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race $mta.time($1,$2) !hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - New Record Time! - $mta.time($1,$2).text } if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <7> 0) { pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a pgs.pm $1 $2 Cash Earned: $ $+ %a - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2) } } } alias prs.tops { if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes raceratio dmratio deathmatches dmwins points level lagger best score cash,$4,1,32)) { var %a = 0,%b,%1 = 0,%2 = 0,%3 = 0,%x,%y,%z,%pwns = > if ($4 == best) { var %1 = 120000000, %2 = 120000000, %3 = 120000000,%pwns = < } while (%a < %loop) { if ($4 == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == raceratio) %b = $round($calc($hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) / $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))),2) elseif ($4 == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) elseif ($4 == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a) elseif ($4 == level) %b = $prs.level($1,%a) elseif ($4 == dmratio) %b = $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2) elseif ($4 == lagger) %b = $mta.avping($1,%a) elseif ($4 == best) %b = $hget(prstimes,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) elseif ($4 == score) %b = $calc(($hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) * 50) - $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a)) elseif ($4 == cash) %b = $pgs.cash($1,%a) if (!%b) %b = 0 if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) { if (%b %pwns %1) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y | %2 = %1 | %1 = %b | %y = %x | %x = $mta.nick($1,%a) } elseif (%b %pwns %2) { %3 = %2 | %2 = %b | %z = %y | %y = $mta.nick($1,%a) } elseif (%b %pwns %3) { %3 = %b | %z = $mta.nick($1,%a) } } !inc %a } if ($4 == best) { %1 = $prs.time(%1) %2 = $prs.time(%2) %3 = $prs.time(%3) } mta.text $1 $iif(%x == $null,1st $4 $+ : No-One,1st $4 $+ : %x $+ : %1) if (%y) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 2nd $4 $+ : %y $+ : %2 if (%z) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 3rd $4 $+ : %z $+ : %3 } else mta.pm $1 $2 Specify: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - races - deathmatches - finishes - dmwins - raceratio - dmratio - points - level - lagger - best - score - cash } on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: { newnick $1- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: { if (%pgs == on) pgs.bannedwords $1- var %a = $calc($iif($hget(prstemp,$2) == $null,0,$v1) + 1) !hadd prstemp $2 %a if (%a == 3) mta.pm $1 $2 WARNING - DO NO SPAM!!! elseif (%a == 4) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Auto-Muted: 60 secs - Reason: Spamming mta.mute $1 $2 .timerunmute $+ $2 1 60 mta.unmute $1 $2 } !hadd -u2 prstemp $2 %a } alias checkpings { var %a = 0 while (%a %max) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,%a) For High Ping: %av - Max: %max .timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 %a } } !inc %a } } alias pgs.repair { var %a = $hget(pgstemp,dmfreeze) if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No one Needs Helping! elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Are Broke Down! else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Helped $mta.nick($1,%a) and Received 1 Point. !hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 1 .timerdmunfreeze off pgs.dmfixed $1 %a } } alias pgs.banword { if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only! elseif ($3 == !banword) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !banword else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Word Already Banned! !halt } !inc %a } !write pgs.banwords.txt $4 mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') added to banned words list } } elseif ($3 == !unbanword) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !unbanword else { var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a <= %b) { if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) { !write -ds $+ $4 pgs.banwords.txt mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') removed from banned words list %a = $calc(%b + 2) } !inc %a } if (%a == $calc(%b + 1)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned. } } } alias pgs.bannedwords { var %a = 1,%b = $3-,%c = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) while (%a 0) { var %a = $rand(1,$calc($ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) + 9)) !dec %a 9 if (%a == - mta.text $1 Why Not Play The Lottery? - Item: lotteryticket - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ticketprice($1) elseif (%a == -7) mta.text $1 Increase Your Max Bid Amount! - Item: Bidlevel - Cost: POA elseif (%a == -6) mta.text $1 Need More Points? - Item: 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1) elseif (%a == -5) mta.text $1 Item: Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1) elseif (%a == -4) mta.text $1 Item: Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif (%a == -3) mta.text $1 Want Your Own Custom !own Command? - Item: !Own - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1) elseif (%a == -2) mta.text $1 Item: Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif (%a == -1) mta.text $1 Want A Custom Join Msg? - Item: Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif (%a == 0) mta.text $1 Got A Static IP? - Item: IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1) else mta.text $1 Item: $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a) } } alias pgs.itemlist { mta.pm $1 $2 Fixed Items: bidlevel - 50points - mapchange - landmine - !own - selffreeze - joinmsg - IPregister - Lotteryticket .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 For All Items, !cost - !buy - !use } alias pgs.buyticket { if (($5 !isnum) || ($5 < 1) || (!$5)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy $+(,<4>,,) } else { var %price = $calc($pgs.ticketprice($1) * $5) if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) $pgs.maxtickets($1)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Can Only Buy $iif($calc($pgs.maxtickets($1) - $pgs.tickets($1,$2)) == $pgs.maxtickets($1),$pgs.maxtickets($1),$v1 More!) else { !hadd pgslotto $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.tickets($1,$2) + $5) !hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %price) !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + %price) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price mta.pm $1 $2 You Purchased: $5 $iif($5 == 1,Ticket,Tickets) mta.pm $1 $2 Cost: $ $+ %price - Total Tickets: $pgs.tickets($1,$2) } } } alias pgs.drawlotto { var %a = 1,%b = $hget(pgslotto,0).item,%c = 0 !while (%a <= %b) { %c = $calc(%c + $hget(pgslotto,%a).data) !inc %a } var %a = 1,%d = $rand(1,%c),%e = 1 while (%a = %e) && (%d <= $calc(%e + %f))) { mta.text $1 Lottery Winner: $hget(pgslotto,%a).item - Won: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) pgs.add $hget(pgslotto,%a).item $pgs.lottofund($1) !hadd pgscash lastlottowinner $hget(pgslotto,%a).item !hfree pgslotto !hmake pgslotto 1000 !hsave -o pgslotto pgslotto.txt !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount 100 !halt } !inc %e %f !inc %a } mta.text $1 Its A Rollover!!! Buy A Ticket!!! } alias prs.restart { mta.disconnect $1 .timerrecon 1 3 mta.connect $1 } alias prs.time { var %a = $1,%b,%m = 0,%s = 0,%ms = 0 if (%a <0>= 1200000) !return --/--/--- if (%a >= 60000) { %b = $calc(%a / 60000) %m = $int(%b) %a = $calc(%a - (%m * 60000)) } if (%a >= 1000) { %b = $calc(%a / 1000) %s = $int(%b) %a = $calc(%a - (%s * 1000)) } %ms = %a !return %m $+ : $+ $iif(%s < 10,0 $+ %s,%s) $+ . $+ $iif(%ms < 10,00 $+ %ms,$iif(%ms < 100,0 $+ %ms,%ms)) } alias toptimes { var %a = 0,%b = 0,%c = $2 while (%a 9) %a = 9 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Rank: $replace(%a,0,Noob,1,Rookie,2,Novice,3,Sunday Driver,4,Pro Driver,5,Excellent Driver,6,Drift King,7,Burnout King,8,Awesome Racer,9,Ultimate Racer!) } alias prs.addalive { var %a = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) !hadd prstemp alive $+ %a yes else !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a !inc %a } } alias prs.dmcount { var %a = 0,%b = 0 while (%a 1) { var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - %b) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a) if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2) } if (%b == 1) { var %a = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($hget(prstemp,alive $+ %a) == yes) { !.signal prs.endrace $1 %a !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a !hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) + 1) !hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) + 1) !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.points($1,%a) + $prs.players($1)) mta.text $1 The Winner Is: $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.text $1 Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times) } !inc %a } } } alias prs.nextmap { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !nextmap else { var %a = $+(*,$4-,*), %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a)) if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found else { !hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set: %b $+ , As The Next Map } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { newnick $1- if ($hget(prsbans,$mta.ip($1,$2)) != $null) { mta.pm $1 $2 YOU ARE BANNED! - KEEP OUT! mta.ban $1 $2 !halt } if ($prs.welcome($1) == on) mta.pm $1 $2 $prs.welcomemsg($1) .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !commands For Script Commands. if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { !hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 0 !hadd prstemp time $+ $2 $timer(endrsdm).secs !hdel prstemp extra $+ $2 } if (%pgs == on) .timerjoinmsg $+ $2 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !betcommands for betting commands or !bethelp For full details. } alias prs.login { var %a = $mta.nick($1,$2) if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) != $null) { if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) == $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)) { .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 %a Auto-logged In, Level $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a) !hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a) .timerkick $+ $2 off } else { if (($prs.clantag($1) isin %a) mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch, Login To Save New IP else { mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch .timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 $2 Auto-Login Failed. !halt } } } if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,login) == yes) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 0) { mta.pm $1 $2 Please Login! $+([,$prs.logintime($1) Secs,]) .timerkick $+ $2 1 $prs.logintime($1) mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.login: { General/Script/Load and load PRS . ;$1 = Server ;$2 = PlayerID ;$3 = Level ;$4 = 0/1/2 (success/failed/already logged in) if ($4 == 0) { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Manually Logged In, Level $3 !hadd prswarns AdminIP $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46) !hadd prswarns AdminLevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $3 !hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $3 .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 New IP Stored. ( $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ ) .timerkick $+ $2 off } } alias prs.level !return $iif($mta.level($1,$2) > 0,$v1,$iif($hget(pgstemp,loggedin $+ $2) != $null,$v1,0)) alias prs.remadmin { if ($prs.level($1,$2) 0) { .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Admin Commands: !alias - !pma - !ip - !getip - !setupload - !redo - !en - !addo - !o - !cancel - !total - !add/remcreator - !un/warn - !setwarnlimit .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Extra Commands: $iif(%a >= $prs.mute($1),!mute -) $iif(%a >= $prs.freeze($1),!freeze -) $iif(%a >= $prs.kick($1),!kick -) $iif(%a >= $prs.ban($1),!ban - !banip - !unbanip - !banname - !unbanname) - !setdmlimit - $iif($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1),!nextmap) .timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 $iif(%a >= $prs.quick($1),!qm - !qf -) $iif(%a >= $prs.delete($1),!deletetime -) $iif(%a >= $prs.setmax($1),!setping -) $iif(%a >= $prs.remmap($1),!remmap - !restore -) $iif(%a > 4, !setmode -) !restartscript - !exportmaps } } alias pgs.commands { mta.pm $1 $2 Commands: !un/bet - !bets - !cash/stats - !cointoss - !pms - !fine - !topcash - !buy - !use mta.pm $1 $2 !cost - !fix - !spent $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 4, - !transfer) $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 3, - !unregister) - !funds - !itemlist - !buyhelp - !bethelp - !betcommands } alias pgs.bethelp { mta.pm $1 $2 Place bets on who you think will win .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 !bet .timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Within $pgs.bidtime($1) Secs Of Start .timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 Only 1 Bet Per Race Allowed .timer 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 !fine if you think they've been abusive .timer 1 25 mta.pm $1 $2 Try !cointoss when you have time. .timer 1 30 mta.pm $1 $2 !pms off - if you Dont Want to see Betting PM's .timer 1 35 mta.pm $1 $2 !unbet within $pgs.bidtime($1) secs if you need to .timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 type !buyhelp for full buying details } alias pgs.buyhelp { mta.pm $1 $2 !buy and !use items - Item details.... .timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 'Bidlevel' - Max bid is set to $ $pgs.maxbid($1) - Increase this by buying a bidlevel .timer 1 16 mta.pm $1 $2 '50points' - Need Quick Points? Buy 50 For $ $pgs.50points($1) .timer 1 24 mta.pm $1 $2 'mapchange' - pay for the next map to be the one you want for $ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) .timer 1 32 mta.pm $1 $2 '!own' - Display a customised ownage message with !own .timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 'landmine' - Maybe you can blow the tyres on someones car? .timer 1 48 mta.pm $1 $2 'selffreeze' - Handy in a DM - Freeze yourself to stay alive .timer 1 56 mta.pm $1 $2 'joinmsg' - Shows your customised message on entry to server .timer 1 62 mta.pm $1 $2 'ipregister' - Got a static IP? Buy this to register your Nick & IP! } alias addo { if ($ isin $4-) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Text! else { !hadd prsstats ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- mta.pm $1 $2 Added: $4- } } alias admincount { var %a = 0, %b = None while (%a 0) { if (%b == None) %b = $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ ) else %b = %b $+ , $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ ) } } !inc %a } mta.text $1 Current Admins: %b $+ . } alias prs.players { var %a = 0,%b = 0 while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick($1,%a)) { !inc %b } !inc %a } !return %b } alias prs.rating { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !return $iif($round($calc($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) / $hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total)),2) == $null,Unrated,$v1) } alias prs.playerrating { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !return $iif($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race) == $null,Unrated,$round($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race),2)) } alias prs.ratemap { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if (%race == Unknown || %race == $null) { mta.text $1 Error: Unknown Mapname - Unable To Rate. } else { var %nick = $mta.nick($1,$2) if (!$4) { mta.text $1 $mta.race($1) $+ : Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 mta.pm $1 $2 Your Rating For This Map: $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10 } elseif (($4 <1> 10) || ($4 !isnum)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount (1-10) } else { if ($prs.playerrating($1,$2) != Unrated) { !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) - 1) !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) - $prs.playerrating($1,$2)) } !hadd prsmaprate %nick $+ %race $4 !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) + 1) !hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) + $4) mta.text $1 %nick Rated $mta.race($1) $+ : $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 - Total Votes: $iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) ; used to auto remove maps after 10 votes if map rating is less than 2. (the 10 votes and 2 rating can be changed to suit) ; if ($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == 10) && ($prs.rating($1) < 2) { ; !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed ; !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race ; !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race ; mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Been Auto-Removed ; } } } } alias prs.votekick { if ($3 == !votemap) votemap $1- elseif ($prs.votekicking($1) != yes) mta.pm $1 $2 Votekicking Is Currently Disabled. elseif ($prs.players($1) < 4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Players - 4 needed. else { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)), %b = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41) if ($3 == !votekick) { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Votekick Already Running on $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !votekick else { !hadd prstemp votenick %a !hadd prstemp voters %b mta.text $1 Type !vote If You Want $mta.nick($1,%a) Kicking. mta.text $1 Total Votes Needed: $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) .timervotekick 1 90 prs.endvotekick $1- } } elseif ($3 == !vote) { if (%b isin $hget(prstemp,voters)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted! else { !hadd prstemp voters $hget(prstemp,voters) $+ %b mta.text $1 Total Votes: $numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) $+ / $+ $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) prs.checkvotes $1- } } } } alias prs.checkvotes { if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) mta.kick $1 $prs.votenick($1) } } alias prs.endvotekick { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.text $1 Votekick Ended On $mta.nick($1,$hget(prstemp,votenick)) !hdel prstemp voters !hdel prstemp votenick } on *:SIGNAL:mta.respawn: { ;Parameters: ;$1 = Server ;$2 = ID if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) { var %a = $hget(prstemp,lives $+ $2) %a = $calc(%a + 1) !hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 %a !hadd prstemp extra $+ $2 $calc($hget(prstemp,extra $+ $2) + $timer(endrsdm).secs) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Has Spawned %a $iif(%a == 1,Time,Times) } } alias prs.endrsdm { mta.text $1 RS-Deathmatch Ended var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d,%1 = 0,%x,%2 = 0,%y,%3 = 0,%z while (%a %1) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y %2 = %1 | %y = %x %1 = %d | %x = %a } elseif (%d > %2) { %3 = %2 | %z = %y %2 = %d | %y = %a } elseif (%d > %3) { %3 = %d | %z = %a } } !inc %a } var %a = $prs.players($1) if (%a > 1) { !.signal prs.endrace $1 %x .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Winner: $mta.nick($1,%x) - Score: %1 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.points($1,%x) + %a) .timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 %x %a Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%x) !hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%x) + 1) !hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%x) + 1) if (%y != $null) { .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Second: $mta.nick($1,%y) - Score: %2 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%y) $calc($prs.points($1,%y) + (%a - 1)) .timer 1 3 mta.pm $1 %y $calc(%a - 1) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%y) } if (%z != $null) { .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Third: $mta.nick($1,%z) - Score: %3 !hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%z) $calc($prs.points($1,%z) + (%a - 2)) .timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 %z $calc(%a - 2) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%z) } } } alias prs.addcreator { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: sepcify details to add else { !hadd prsmaprate details $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $4- mta.pm $1 $2 Details Added. } } alias prs.newmap { var %b = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.25),%c = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41) if (%c isin $hget(prstemp,mapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted! else { !hadd prstemp mapvoter $hget(prstemp,mapvoter) $+ %c mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted A New Map - Total: $numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) $+ / $+ %b } if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) == %b) { mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace)) !hdel prstemp mapvoter } } alias votemap { var %a = 0,%b,%c = $4-,%d = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41),%e = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.75) if (!$4) { if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name else { if (%d isin $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You have already voted else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) to be the next map !hadd prstemp votemapvoter $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter) $+ %d checkmapvotes $1- } } } else { if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Vote Already running on $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) else { while (%a < $mta.races($1)) { if (%c isin $mta.races($1,%a)) { %b = $mta.races($1,%a) %a = $mta.races($1) } !inc %a } if (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 No Maps Found For: %c else { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted %b to be the next map - %e $iif(%e == 1,Vote,Votes) Needed .timervotemap 1 5 mta.text $1 Type !votemap to vote. !hadd prstemp votemapname $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) !hadd prstemp votemapvoter %d checkmapvotes $1- } } } } alias checkmapvotes { if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,votemapvoter),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 1.75))) { mta.text $1 Vote Limit Reached, Next Map: $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) !hadd prstemp votemapnew $hget(prstemp,votemapname) } } alias pgs.fine { var %a = $hget(pgstemp,cuss $+ $3) if ($2 == $3) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Name else { if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,$3) Hasnt Said Anything Wrong! else { mta.pm $1 $3 You Have Beed Fined!! $ $+ %a For Your Bad Language! mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,$3) Has Been Fined! - Cash Earned $ $+ %a pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$3) %a !hdel pgstemp cuss $+ $3 .timercuss $+ $3 off } } } alias pgs.pms { if ($4 == on) { !hdel pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently On } elseif ($4 == off) { !hadd pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Off mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently Off } else { mta.pm $1 $2 Turn Betting PM's On Or Off .timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !pms on/off .timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently: $iif($hget(prstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == Off,Off,On) } } alias pgs.pm { if (!$hget(pgstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2))) mta.pm $1 $2 $3- } alias pgs.transfer { var %a = $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$v1) if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only! elseif (($4 == $null) || ($5 == $null) || ($6 == $null) || ($6 !isnum)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Type: !transfer mta.pm $1 $2 Use Exact names, no wildcards! mta.pm $1 $2 Sends Cash From Nick1 to Nick2. } elseif ($calc(%a - $6) < 0) mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ %a else { pgs.sub $4 $6 pgs.add $5 $6 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Transfered $ $+ $6 From $4 To $5 } } alias pgs.bet { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%b = $timer(betting).secs,%c = $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) if (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> %c)) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !bet <1> } elseif ($prs.players($1) <3> $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! elseif (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 Betting Has Ended For This Race! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Already Betting On $hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) else { mta.pm $1 $2 Bet: $ $+ $5 $+ , Placed On $mta.nick($1,%a) To Win. !hadd pgstemp bet $+ $2 $5 !hadd pgstemp beton $+ $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5 mta.pm $1 $2 You Now Have $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2) } } alias pgs.unbet { var %a = $timer(betting).secs if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Bets Have Been Placed! elseif ($hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Havent Placed A Bet else { pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Withdrawn, $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) Refunded. !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) - $2) !hdel pgstemp bet $+ $2 !hdel pgstemp beton $+ $2 } } alias pgs.cointoss { if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> $pgs.maxcointoss($1))) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cointoss heads/tails <1> } elseif ($5 > $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! elseif ($4 != heads) || $4 != tails) { mta.pm $1 $2 You Flip The Coin Into The Air.... pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5 !hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5) .timer 1 3 pgs.checkcoin $1- } else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify heads or tails! } alias pgs.checkcoin { var %a = $rand(1,2),%b = $calc($5 * 2) if (%a == 1) { mta.pm $1 $2 $replacecs($4,h,H,t,T) $+ !!! You Just Won $ $+ %b pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %b !hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %b) } else { mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($4 == heads,Tails...You Lose!!!,Heads...You Lose!!!) !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + $5) } } alias pgs.checkwins { var %a = 0,%b = $mta.nick($1,$2),%c = $calc($prs.players($1) / 2),%d while (%a < %loop) { if ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == %b) { %d = $calc(%c * $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a)) pgs.add $mta.nick($1,%a) %d !hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) + %d) mta.pm $1 %a You Won $ $+ %d - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) } !inc %a } } alias pgs.cost { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cost elseif ($4 == bidlevel) mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel - Cost: $ $+ $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) elseif ($4 == 50points) mta.pm $1 $2 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1) elseif ($4 == landmine) mta.pm $1 $2 Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1) elseif ($4 == mapchange) mta.pm $1 $2 Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif ($4 == !own) mta.pm $1 $2 !Own Command - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1) elseif ($4 == selffreeze) mta.pm $1 $2 Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif ($4 == joinmsg) mta.pm $1 $2 Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif ($4 == ipregister) mta.pm $1 $2 IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1) else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-) if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4- else mta.pm $1 $2 $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a) } } alias pgs.buy { if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details! elseif ($findtok(ticket lottery lotteryticket lotto,$4,1,32)) pgs.buyticket $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) != nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use Or !drop Your Current Item First elseif (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy elseif ($findtok(bidlevel 50points landmine mapchange !own joinmsg selffreeze ipregister,$4,1,32)) pgs.fixedbuy $1- else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-) var %price = $pgs.itemprice(%a) if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4- elseif ($pgs.cash($1,$2) = 20) { mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel Max Reched! !halt } else %price = $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2)) } elseif (%item == 50points) %price = $pgs.50points($1) elseif (%item == landmine) %price = $pgs.landmine($1) elseif (%item == mapchange) %price = $pgs.nextracemapchange($1) elseif (%item == !own) %price = $pgs.ownage($1) elseif (%item == selffreeze) %price = $pgs.selffreeze($1) elseif (%item == joinmsg) %price = $pgs.joinmsg($1) elseif (%item == ipregister) %price = $pgs.ipreg($1) if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) < %price) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! ( $+ $ $+ %price $+ ) else { pgs.addtotal %price !hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + (%price / 10)) pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price !hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $pgs.itemprice(%a)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - $iif(%item == mapchange,Next Race Mapchange,%item) Purchased! - $ $+ %price if (%item == 50points) { !hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 50 mta.pm $1 $2 You now have $prs.points($1,$2) } elseif (%item == bidlevel) !hadd pgscash bidlevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.bidlevel($1,$2) + 1) else { !hadd pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) %item .timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !use to use your item. } } } alias pgs.use { if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Nothing To Use! elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == landmine) pgs.uselandmine $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == mapchange) pgs.mapchange $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == selffreeze) pgs.freeze $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == !own) pgs.addownage $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == joinmsg) pgs.addjoinmsg $1- elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == ipregister) pgs.ipregister $1- else { var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$pgs.items($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Use Your Item.... .timer 1 5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $pgs.itemeffect(%a) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } alias pgs.ipregister { mta.pm $1 $2 Registering Your Nick & IP !hadd pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.ip($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Youre Nick Has Been Registered To The IP: $mta.ip($1,$2) !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.addjoinmsg { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { !hadd pgsitems joinmsg $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added! } } alias pgs.addownage { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { !hadd pgsitems ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added! } } alias pgs.freeze { mta.pm $1 $2 Using Your Self-Freeze.... mta.freeze $1 $2 .timerunfreeze $+ $2 1 30 mta.unfreeze $1 $2 !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.mapchange { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use else { var %a = $+(*,$4-,*) var %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a)) if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found else { !hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63)) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Paid For The Next Map To Be: %b !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } } } alias pgs.uselandmine { mta.pm $1 $2 You Activate The Landmine And Throw It From Your window! mta.text $1 Landmine Active!!! .timermine 1 15 pgs.checklandmine $1- !hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) } alias pgs.checklandmine { var %a = $rand(1,3) if (%a > 1) { :moo %a = $rand(0,%loop) if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $iif($2 == %a,Ran Over His Own Landmine!!!,Ran Over The Landmine And Blew A Tyre!) mta.freeze $1 %a .timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 20 pgs.fixed $1 %a } else .timer 1 10 mta.text $1 Everyone Avoided The Landmine! } alias pgs.fixed { mta.unfreeze $1 $2 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Tyre Fixed - Racing Again! } alias pgs.finditemid { var %a = 1,%b = $ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) while (%a 1) { :moo2 %a = $rand(0,%loop) if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo2 var %b = $rand(1,5) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's $replace(%b,1,Blew A Tyre!,2,Engine Overheated!,3,Electrics Are On Fire!!!,4,Brakes Siezed Up!,5,Car Stalled!) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Type !fix to help $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.freeze $1 %a !hadd pgstemp dmfreeze %a .timerdmunfreeze 1 $rand(5,15) pgs.dmfixed $1 %a } } alias pgs.dmfixed { mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Car Fixed! mta.unfreeze $1 $2 !hdel pgstemp dmfreeze } alias prs.reclaim { var %a = 0,%b,%nick = $2,%c = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%check = best $+ %race var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) if (%nick != $null) { %b = $iif($hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) == $null,120000000,$v1) if (%b < %1) { if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1 !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick1 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick } mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 1st Place! } elseif (%b < %2) && (%nick != %nick1) { if (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } elseif (%nick2 == %nick) { !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick } mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 2nd Place! } elseif (%b < %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) { !hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b !hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 3rd Place! } } } alias prs.deletetime { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) var %check = best $+ %race mta.text $1 Removing $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) $+ ' s Top Time. var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1) var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1) !hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %2 !hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick2 !hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %3 !hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick3 !hdel prstop3 3 $+ %check !hdel prstop3 nick3 $+ %check !hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race %nick2 !hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race %2 } alias prs.rsdm { if ($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) { mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Duration In Seconds } else { var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) !hadd prsstats mode $+ %race RS-Deathmatch !hadd prsstats modetime $+ %race $5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Respawnable Deathmatch Map ( $+ $5 Secs $+ ) } } alias prs.remmaps { var %a = 0, %b = $mta.races($1) !echo 1 Total maps: %b while (%a < %b) { var %race = $replace($mta.races($1,%a),$chr(32),$chr(45)) if ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ %race) == removed) { !writeini -n removedmaps.ini mapname %race removed } !inc %a } mta.text $1 Removed Maps Exported to 'removedmaps.ini' } alias prs.warn { ;$1:Server $2:AdminID $3:WarnedID $4-:Reason if ($3 == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !warn elseif ($3 == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Warn Self elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) = $prs.delete($1)) { prs.deletetime $1- } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !kick) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } elseif ($3 == !ban) { if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) { if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self! elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) { !hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a) !hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a) mta.ban $1 %a mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),) } else insuf $1 $2 } else insuf $1 $2 } e Link to comment
Scooby Posted July 4, 2007 Share Posted July 4, 2007 and the point of ur post Lil'San^,^u<3 ??? Link to comment
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