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////// MTASA:RACE //////

////// //////

////// Public Race Script //////

////// //////

////// Version 1.3 //////

////// //////

////// BY: [uVA]Scooby //////

///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger //////



General/Script/Load and load PRS .

on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)) set %max $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)

else set %max 500

!.timerping 0 30 checkpings $1-

set %loop $mta.server($1).cmax

set %setter Autoset(Script)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) Script Reactivated

if ($readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsg) == on) && (%pgs == on) .timeritemmsg 0 $readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsgtime) pgs.itemmsg $1

if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgon)) .timershowcustommsg 0 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgtime) showcustommsg $1

set %server $1


alias prs.getid {

var %a = 0

while (%a 0) mta.text $1 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsg)


on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($3 == !name) mta.text $1 Map Name: $mta.race($1)

elseif (!admin* iswm $3) admincount $1-

elseif ($3 == !seen) {

%a = $iif((!$4),$mta.nick($1,$2),$4)

if (!$hget(prsseen,%a)) mta.pm $1 $2 ' $+ %a $+ ' Has Never Been Seen Here.

elseif ($mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a)) $+ : Here Since: $gettok($hget(prsseen,$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))),1,32)

else mta.text $1 %a $+ : Last Seen: $hget(prsseen,%a)


elseif (!stat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 Full Stats For $mta.nick($1,%a)

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Races: $prs.racestarts($1,%a) - Finishes: $prs.finishes($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.finishes($1,%a) / $prs.racestarts($1,%a)),2)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Placed: 1st: $prs.rank1($1,%a) - 2nd: $prs.rank2($1,%a) - 3rd: $prs.rank3($1,%a)

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Deathmatches: $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) - Wins: $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2)

.timer 1 4 mta.text $1 TopTimes Held: $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) - Points: $prs.points($1,%a)


elseif (!mapstat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 MapStats For $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1)

mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Finished $prs.mapfinishes($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) Times,Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times))

mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a),Ratio: $round($calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) / $prs.mapstarts($1,%a)),2))


elseif ($3 == !help || !command* iswm $3) {

prs.commands $1-


elseif ($3 == !time) || ($3 == !date) {

mta.text $1 Time: $time - Date: $date


elseif (!vote* iswm $3) prs.votekick $1-

elseif ($3 == !new) prs.newmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !level) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Level: $prs.level($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !mode) mta.text $1 Map: $mta.race($1) - Mode: $prs.mode($1)

elseif ($3 == !rank) prs.rank $1-

elseif ($3 == !ping) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Ping: $mta.ping($1,%a) - Average: $mta.avping($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) By [uVA]Scooby.

elseif ($3 == !points) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Points: $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Max Ping: %max - Set By: %setter

elseif ($3 == !toptime) mta.text $1 Top Time For $mta.race($1) By: $prs.topnick($1) - Time: $prs.toptime($1)

elseif ($3 == !best) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !players) mta.text $1 Total Players $iif($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch,Left Alive: $prs.dmcount($1),: $prs.players($1))

elseif ($3 == !wb) mta.text $1 $iif((!$4),Welcome Back,Welcome Back $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif (!rand* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Random Race: $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

elseif (!total* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Total Races Uploaded: $mta.races($1)

elseif (!race* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Name: $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.)

elseif ($3 == !toptimes) {

if (!$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,$4))) mta.text $1 $4 Holds $toptimes($1,$4) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$4) == 1,Time.,Times.)

else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) Holds $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) == 1,Time.,Times.)


elseif ($3 == !timer) && ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) mta.text $1 Time Left: $duration($timer(endrsdm).secs)

elseif ($3 == !sc) || ($3 == !score) {

if ($prs.mode($1) != RS-Deathmatch) mta.pm $1 $2 Scores Only On RS-DM maps!

else {

var %b = $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a)

var %c = $hget(prstemp,time $+ %a)

var %d = $calc((%c * 50) - %b)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Current Map Score: %d



elseif (!creator* iswm $3) mta.text $1 $iif($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) == $null,No Details Saved.,Details: $v1)

elseif ($3 == !claim) prs.reclaim $1 $mta.nick($1,$2)

elseif (!rat* iswm $3) prs.ratemap $1-

elseif ($3 == !upload) mta.text $1 Upload Address: $prs.url($1)

elseif (!check* iswm $3) checkmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !top) prs.tops $1-

elseif ($3 == !top3) prs.showtop3 $1-

elseif ($3 == !warnings) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Warnings: $prs.warns($1,%a) $+ / $+ $prs.warnlimit($1)

elseif ($3 == !dmlimit) mta.text $1 Minimum Players Needed For A DM Map: $prs.dmlimit($1)

elseif ($3 == !banned) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name

else mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null, $4 Is Not Banned,$4 Is Banned Here.)


elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > 0) {

;start of Admin level 1 commands.

if (!alias* iswm $3 || !pma* iswm $3) {

prs.alias $1-


elseif ($3 == !en) {

if (!$4) mta.text $1 Please Type In English Or You Will Be Kicked

else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ , You Have Been Warned - English Only!


elseif ($3 == !setupload) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Upload URL.

else {

writeini prsdata.ini prs url $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 URL Added: $4-



elseif ($3 == !setwarnlimit) prs.setwarnlimit $1-

elseif ($3 == !setdmlimit) prs.setdmlimit $1-

elseif ($3 == !warn) prs.warn $1 $2 %a $5-

elseif ($3 == !unwarn) prs.unwarn $1 $2 %a

elseif ($3 == !exportmaps) prs.remmaps $1-

elseif ($3 == !cancel) prs.endvotekick $1-

elseif ($3 == !lostmaps) mta.text $1 $lostmaps($1)

elseif ($3 == !addo) addo $1-

elseif ($3 == !o) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $iif($hget(prsstats,ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,Owns!,$v1)

elseif ($3 == !ip) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's IP: $mta.ip($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !getip) prs.alias2 $1-

elseif ($3 == !redo) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$mta.race($1))

elseif ($3 == !restartscript) prs.restart $1

elseif (($3 == !addcreator) || ($3 == !ac)) {

prs.addcreator $1-


elseif ($3 == !remcreator) {

!hdel prsmaprate details $+ %race

mta.pm $1 $2 Details Removed.


elseif ($3 == !deletetime) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.delete($1)) {

prs.deletetime $1-


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !kick) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !ban) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self!

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) {

!hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a)

!hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.ban $1 %a

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),)


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !banip) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) {

if ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Already Banned

else {

mta.addban $1 $4

!hadd prsbans $4 1

mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Added To Ban File.



else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To Ban


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unbanip) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) {

if ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned

else {

mta.unban $1 $4

!hdel prsbans $4

mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Removed From Ban File.



else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To UnBan


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !banname) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To Ban

elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Already Banned

else {

!hadd prsbans $4 1

mta.pm $1 $2 The Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Now Banned.




elseif ($3 == !unbanname) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To UnBan

elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned

else {

if ($hget(prsbans,$hget(prsbans,$4)) != $null) !hdel prsbans $hget(prsbans,$4)

!hdel prsbans $4

mta.pm $1 $2 $4 $+ 's Name Removed From Ban File.



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !mute) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.mute $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unmute) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unmute $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !freeze) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.freeze($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.freeze $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unfreeze) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unfreeze $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif (($3 == !qm) || ($3 == !stfu)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) {

mta.mute $1 %a

.timerunmute $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unmute $1 %a


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !qf) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) {

mta.freeze $1 %a

.timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unfreeze $1 %a


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !setmode) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 5) {

if ($4 == deathmatch) || ($4 == dm) {

!hadd prsstats mode $+ %race Deathmatch

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Deathmatch Map


elseif ($4 == rsdm) prs.rsdm $1-

elseif ($4 == race) {

!hdel prsstats mode $+ %race

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Race Map


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify: Race, Deathmatch or RSDM


elseif (($3 == !nextmap) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1))) prs.nextmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !map || $3 == !changemap) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Map Name

elseif ($4 == random) {

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))


else {

var %a = $mta.races($1,* $+ $4- $+ *)

if (%a != $null) mta.startrace $1 %a

else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Not Found



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !remmap) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) {

!hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed

!hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race

!hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Now Been Removed

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

.timer 1 4 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !restore) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name To Restore

elseif ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Is Not Added As A Removed Map

else {

!hdel prsstats removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))

mta.pm $1 $2 $4- Has Been Restored



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !setping) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.setmax($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Changed The Max Ping From %max To $4

set %max $4

set %setter $mta.nick($1,$2)



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !addadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) prs.addadmin $1 $2 %a $5

elseif (($3 == !remadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) || ($3 == !deladmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5)) {

prs.remadmin $1 $2 %a



if (%pgs == on) prs.command $1-


alias prs.command {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1))

if ($3 == !bethelp) pgs.bethelp $1-

elseif ($3 == !buyhelp) pgs.buyhelp $1-

elseif ($3 == !betcommands) pgs.commands $1-

elseif ($3 == !itemlist) pgs.itemlist $1-

elseif ($3 == !bet) pgs.bet $1-

elseif ($3 == !buy) pgs.buy $1-

elseif ($3 == !use) pgs.use $1-

elseif ($3 == !cost) pgs.cost $1-

elseif ($3 == !fund) {

mta.text $1 Current Lottery Fund: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1)

mta.text $1 Last Won By: $iif($hget(pgscash,lastlottowinner) == $null,No One,$v1)

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 The Lottery Will Be Drawn When Funds Reach $ $pgs.drawlottoat($1)


elseif (!cashstat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 Cashstats: $mta.nick($1,%a) - Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Spent On Items: $ $+ $pgs.tspent($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Spent On Bets: $ $+ $pgs.tbets($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Won From Bets: $ $+ $pgs.twon($1,%a)


elseif ($3 == !bets) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) - Betting on: $iif($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == $null,No-One,$v1 - Bet: $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a))

elseif (($3 == !cash) || ($3 == !money)) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) - Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a)


elseif ($3 == !bidlevel) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) - Max Bid: $ $+ $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a))

elseif ($3 == !cointoss) pgs.cointoss $1-

elseif ($3 == !pms) pgs.pms $1-

elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1-

elseif ($3 == !cashcheck) mta.text $1 $iif($4 != $null,$4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$hget(pgscash,$4)))

elseif (($3 == !banword) || ($3 == !unbanword)) {

pgs.banword $1-


elseif ($3 == !banwords) mta.text $1 There are currently $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) banned words

elseif ($3 == !fine) pgs.fine $1 $2 %a

elseif ($3 == !unbet) pgs.unbet $1-

elseif ($3 == !spent) mta.text $1 $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,totalspent) == $null,0,$v1) Has Been Spent In This Server.

elseif ($3 == !fix) || ($3 == !repair) {

pgs.repair $1-


elseif ($3 == !drop) {

if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing To Drop!

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Dropped: $pgs.items($1,$2)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)



elseif ($3 == !own) mta.text $1 $iif($pgs.showownage($1,$2) != $null,$v1)

elseif (!item* iswm $3) {

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Items: $iif($pgs.items($1,%a) == Nothing,$iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) == 0,Nothing,$v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)),$v1 $iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) != 0, & $v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)))


elseif ($3 == !unregister) && ($prs.level($1,$2) > 3) {

if ($hget(pgsitems,register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,%a) Is Not Registered!

else {

!hdel pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Unregistered $mta.nick($1,%a)




alias prs.showtop3 {

if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times,$4,1,32)) {

if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) && ($4 == times) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No Times Set On DM Maps.



var %x = $4

mta.text $1 Best Ever Top $iif(%x == times,Times For $mta.race($1),%x)

if (%x == times) %x = best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

var %nick1 = $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %x),%nick2 = $hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %x),%nick3 = $hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %x)

var %sc1 = $hget(prstop3,1 $+ %x),%sc2 = $hget(prstop3,2 $+ %x),%sc3 = $hget(prstop3,3 $+ %x)

if (%x == best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) {

%sc1 = $prs.time(%sc1) | %sc2 = $prs.time(%sc2) | %sc3 = $prs.time(%sc3)


if (%nick1 != Unset) mta.text $1 $iif(!%nick1,None Set,1st: %nick1 $+ : %sc1)

if (%nick2 != Unset) && (%nick2) mta.text $1 2nd: %nick2 $+ : %sc2

if (%nick3 != Unset) && (%nick3) mta.text $1 3rd: %nick3 $+ : %sc3


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify, !top3 - 1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times


alias prs.checktops {

var %c = 0,%check,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

while (%c < 9) {

%check = $replacex(%c,0,1st,1,2nd,2,3rd,3,races,4,finishes,5,deathmatches,6,dmwins,7,points,8,best)

if (%check == best) %check = %check $+ %race

var %a = 0,%b,%nick,%z = $iif(%check == best $+ %race,<,>)

var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

while (%a < %loop) {

%nick = $mta.nick($1,%a)

if (%nick != $null) {

if (%check == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,%nick)

elseif (%check == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a)

elseif (%check == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif (%check == best $+ %race) %b = $hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick)

if (%b %z %1) {

if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick1 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick



elseif (%b %z %2) && (%nick != %nick1) {

if (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick



elseif (%b %z %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick



!inc %a


!inc %c



on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

!hadd prstemp randomrace $mta.races($1,$calc($rand(1,$mta.races($1)) - 1))

.timerendrsdm off

.timershow off

.timerbreakdowns off

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapnew) != $null) {

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$replace($hget(prstemp,votemapnew),$chr(63),$chr(32)))

!hdel prstemp votemapnew



!hdel prstemp mapvoter

!hdel prstemp votemapvoter

!hdel prstemp votemapname

if ($mta.race($1) == Unknown || $mta.race($1) == $null) {

mta.text $1 Unknown Map Detected, Restarting Script And Map.

.timer 1 5 mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1))

prs.restart $1


elseif ($3 == 0) {

if ($prs.map($1) == removed) {

mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1))



if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) {

if ($prs.players($1) < $prs.dmlimit($1)) {

mta.text $1 Not Enough Players For This Mode!

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

.timer 1 2 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))




.timeraddstats 1 13 addstats $1-

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.)

if ($prs.rating($1) != 0) .timershowrating 1 10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1)

if ($prs.mode($1) == Race) {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) == $null) {

!hadd prstop3 1best $+ %race $prs.topticks($1)

!hadd prstop3 nick1best $+ %race $prs.topnick($1)


if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) != $prs.topnick($1)) {

var %a = $prs.topnick($1)

prs.reclaim $1 %a


prs.showtop3 $1 $2 $3 times


if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) {

prs.addalive $1-

if ($prs.players($1) == 1) .timershow 1 5 mta.text $1 This Is A Deathmatch Map, Type !new For A New Map.


if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) prs.rsdmstart $1-


if (%pgs == on) {

var %a = 0

while (%a 2) {

mta.text $1 Place Your Bets!

.timerbetting 1 $pgs.bidtime($1) mta.text $1 No More Bets.

if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) {

if ($pgs.breakdowns($1) == on) .timerbreakdowns 1 $rand(30,60) pgs.dmbreakdown $1-



if ($pgs.lottofund($1) > $pgs.drawlottoat($1)) {

mta.text $1 Its Lottery Time, $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) Up For Grabs!

.timer 1 20 pgs.drawlotto $1-




alias prs.rsdmstart {

var %a = 0,%b = $hget(prsstats,modetime $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)))

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

!hadd prstemp lives $+ %a 1

!hadd prstemp time $+ %a %b

!hdel prstemp extra $+ %a


!inc %a


.timerendrsdm 1 %b prs.endrsdm $1-


alias addstats {

var %a = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

!hadd prsmapstarts %race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) + 1)

if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) || ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

!hadd prsstarts deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) + 1)


if ($prs.mode($1) == race) {

!hadd prsstarts race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.racestarts($1,%a) + 1)

mta.pm $1 %a Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a)



!inc %a


!hadd prsmapstats race $+ %race $calc($hget(prsmapstats,race $+ %race) + 1)

if ($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Map Made By: $hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)

if ($prs.rating($1) == 0) .timershowrating 1 3 mta.text $1 Rate This Map: !ratemap <1>


on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) !.signal prs.endrace $1 $2

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%time = $mta.time($1,$2),%split = $calc(%time - $prs.topticks($1))

!hadd prsfinish $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.finishes($1,$2) + 1)

!hadd prsmapfinish %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.mapfinishes($1,$2) + 1)

if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <4> 0,$+($chr(40),+,$prs.time(%split),$chr(41)))

.timer 1 1 prs.checktops $1-


if ($prs.players($1) > 1) {

var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - $mta.rank($1,$2))

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a)

if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2)


if (%time < $prs.bestticks($1,$2)) {

!hadd prstimes %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.time($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 New Personal Best! $mta.time($1,$2).text


if ($mta.time($1,$2) < $prs.topticks($1)) {

!hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race $mta.time($1,$2)

!hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - New Record Time! - $mta.time($1,$2).text


if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <7> 0) {

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a

pgs.pm $1 $2 Cash Earned: $ $+ %a - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2)




alias prs.tops {

if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes raceratio dmratio deathmatches dmwins points level lagger best score cash,$4,1,32)) {

var %a = 0,%b,%1 = 0,%2 = 0,%3 = 0,%x,%y,%z,%pwns = >

if ($4 == best) {

var %1 = 120000000, %2 = 120000000, %3 = 120000000,%pwns = <


while (%a < %loop) {

if ($4 == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == raceratio) %b = $round($calc($hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) / $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))),2)

elseif ($4 == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == level) %b = $prs.level($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == dmratio) %b = $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2)

elseif ($4 == lagger) %b = $mta.avping($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == best) %b = $hget(prstimes,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == score) %b = $calc(($hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) * 50) - $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a))

elseif ($4 == cash) %b = $pgs.cash($1,%a)

if (!%b) %b = 0

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

if (%b %pwns %1) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y | %2 = %1 | %1 = %b | %y = %x | %x = $mta.nick($1,%a)


elseif (%b %pwns %2) {

%3 = %2 | %2 = %b | %z = %y | %y = $mta.nick($1,%a)


elseif (%b %pwns %3) {

%3 = %b | %z = $mta.nick($1,%a)



!inc %a


if ($4 == best) {

%1 = $prs.time(%1)

%2 = $prs.time(%2)

%3 = $prs.time(%3)


mta.text $1 $iif(%x == $null,1st $4 $+ : No-One,1st $4 $+ : %x $+ : %1)

if (%y) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 2nd $4 $+ : %y $+ : %2

if (%z) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 3rd $4 $+ : %z $+ : %3


else mta.pm $1 $2 Specify: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - races - deathmatches - finishes - dmwins - raceratio - dmratio - points - level - lagger - best - score - cash


on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: {

newnick $1-


on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: {

if (%pgs == on) pgs.bannedwords $1-

var %a = $calc($iif($hget(prstemp,$2) == $null,0,$v1) + 1)

!hadd prstemp $2 %a

if (%a == 3) mta.pm $1 $2 WARNING - DO NO SPAM!!!

elseif (%a == 4) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Auto-Muted: 60 secs - Reason: Spamming

mta.mute $1 $2

.timerunmute $+ $2 1 60 mta.unmute $1 $2


!hadd -u2 prstemp $2 %a


alias checkpings {

var %a = 0

while (%a %max) {

mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,%a) For High Ping: %av - Max: %max

.timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 %a



!inc %a



alias pgs.repair {

var %a = $hget(pgstemp,dmfreeze)

if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No one Needs Helping!

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Are Broke Down!

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Helped $mta.nick($1,%a) and Received 1 Point.

!hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 1

.timerdmunfreeze off

pgs.dmfixed $1 %a



alias pgs.banword {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only!

elseif ($3 == !banword) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !banword

else {

var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a <= %b) {

if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Word Already Banned!



!inc %a


!write pgs.banwords.txt $4

mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') added to banned words list



elseif ($3 == !unbanword) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !unbanword

else {

var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a <= %b) {

if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) {

!write -ds $+ $4 pgs.banwords.txt

mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') removed from banned words list

%a = $calc(%b + 2)


!inc %a


if (%a == $calc(%b + 1)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned.




alias pgs.bannedwords {

var %a = 1,%b = $3-,%c = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a 0) {

var %a = $rand(1,$calc($ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) + 9))

!dec %a 9

if (%a == -8) mta.text $1 Why Not Play The Lottery? - Item: lotteryticket - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ticketprice($1)

elseif (%a == -7) mta.text $1 Increase Your Max Bid Amount! - Item: Bidlevel - Cost: POA

elseif (%a == -6) mta.text $1 Need More Points? - Item: 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1)

elseif (%a == -5) mta.text $1 Item: Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif (%a == -4) mta.text $1 Item: Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif (%a == -3) mta.text $1 Want Your Own Custom !own Command? - Item: !Own - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif (%a == -2) mta.text $1 Item: Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif (%a == -1) mta.text $1 Want A Custom Join Msg? - Item: Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif (%a == 0) mta.text $1 Got A Static IP? - Item: IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1)

else mta.text $1 Item: $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a)



alias pgs.itemlist {

mta.pm $1 $2 Fixed Items: bidlevel - 50points - mapchange - landmine - !own - selffreeze - joinmsg - IPregister - Lotteryticket

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 For All Items, !cost - !buy - !use


alias pgs.buyticket {

if (($5 !isnum) || ($5 < 1) || (!$5)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy $+(,<4>,,)


else {

var %price = $calc($pgs.ticketprice($1) * $5)

if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) $pgs.maxtickets($1)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Can Only Buy $iif($calc($pgs.maxtickets($1) - $pgs.tickets($1,$2)) == $pgs.maxtickets($1),$pgs.maxtickets($1),$v1 More!)

else {

!hadd pgslotto $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.tickets($1,$2) + $5)

!hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %price)

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + %price)

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price

mta.pm $1 $2 You Purchased: $5 $iif($5 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)

mta.pm $1 $2 Cost: $ $+ %price - Total Tickets: $pgs.tickets($1,$2)




alias pgs.drawlotto {

var %a = 1,%b = $hget(pgslotto,0).item,%c = 0

!while (%a <= %b) {

%c = $calc(%c + $hget(pgslotto,%a).data)

!inc %a


var %a = 1,%d = $rand(1,%c),%e = 1

while (%a = %e) && (%d <= $calc(%e + %f))) {

mta.text $1 Lottery Winner: $hget(pgslotto,%a).item - Won: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1)

pgs.add $hget(pgslotto,%a).item $pgs.lottofund($1)

!hadd pgscash lastlottowinner $hget(pgslotto,%a).item

!hfree pgslotto

!hmake pgslotto 1000

!hsave -o pgslotto pgslotto.txt

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount 100



!inc %e %f

!inc %a


mta.text $1 Its A Rollover!!! Buy A Ticket!!!


alias prs.restart {

mta.disconnect $1

.timerrecon 1 3 mta.connect $1


alias prs.time {

var %a = $1,%b,%m = 0,%s = 0,%ms = 0

if (%a <0>= 1200000) !return --/--/---

if (%a >= 60000) {

%b = $calc(%a / 60000)

%m = $int(%b)

%a = $calc(%a - (%m * 60000))


if (%a >= 1000) {

%b = $calc(%a / 1000)

%s = $int(%b)

%a = $calc(%a - (%s * 1000))


%ms = %a

!return %m $+ : $+ $iif(%s < 10,0 $+ %s,%s) $+ . $+ $iif(%ms < 10,00 $+ %ms,$iif(%ms < 100,0 $+ %ms,%ms))


alias toptimes {

var %a = 0,%b = 0,%c = $2

while (%a 9) %a = 9

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Rank: $replace(%a,0,Noob,1,Rookie,2,Novice,3,Sunday Driver,4,Pro Driver,5,Excellent Driver,6,Drift King,7,Burnout King,8,Awesome Racer,9,Ultimate Racer!)


alias prs.addalive {

var %a = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) !hadd prstemp alive $+ %a yes

else !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a

!inc %a



alias prs.dmcount {

var %a = 0,%b = 0

while (%a 1) {

var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - %b)

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a)

if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2)


if (%b == 1) {

var %a = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($hget(prstemp,alive $+ %a) == yes) {

!.signal prs.endrace $1 %a

!hdel prstemp alive $+ %a

!hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) + 1)

!hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) + 1)

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.points($1,%a) + $prs.players($1))

mta.text $1 The Winner Is: $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times)


!inc %a




alias prs.nextmap {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !nextmap

else {

var %a = $+(*,$4-,*), %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a))

if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found

else {

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set: %b $+ , As The Next Map




on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: {

newnick $1-

if ($hget(prsbans,$mta.ip($1,$2)) != $null) {

mta.pm $1 $2 YOU ARE BANNED! - KEEP OUT!

mta.ban $1 $2



if ($prs.welcome($1) == on) mta.pm $1 $2 $prs.welcomemsg($1)

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !commands For Script Commands.

if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

!hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 0

!hadd prstemp time $+ $2 $timer(endrsdm).secs

!hdel prstemp extra $+ $2


if (%pgs == on) .timerjoinmsg $+ $2 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !betcommands for betting commands or !bethelp For full details.


alias prs.login {

var %a = $mta.nick($1,$2)

if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) != $null) {

if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) == $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)) {

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 %a Auto-logged In, Level $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a)

!hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a)

.timerkick $+ $2 off


else {

if (($prs.clantag($1) isin %a) mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch, Login To Save New IP

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch

.timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 $2 Auto-Login Failed.





if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,login) == yes) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 0) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Please Login! $+([,$prs.logintime($1) Secs,])

.timerkick $+ $2 1 $prs.logintime($1) mta.kick $1 $2



on *:SIGNAL:mta.login: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

;$1 = Server ;$2 = PlayerID ;$3 = Level ;$4 = 0/1/2 (success/failed/already logged in)

if ($4 == 0) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Manually Logged In, Level $3

!hadd prswarns AdminIP $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)

!hadd prswarns AdminLevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $3

!hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $3

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 New IP Stored. ( $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ )

.timerkick $+ $2 off



alias prs.level !return $iif($mta.level($1,$2) > 0,$v1,$iif($hget(pgstemp,loggedin $+ $2) != $null,$v1,0))

alias prs.remadmin {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) 0) {

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Admin Commands: !alias - !pma - !ip - !getip - !setupload - !redo - !en - !addo - !o - !cancel - !total - !add/remcreator - !un/warn - !setwarnlimit

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Extra Commands: $iif(%a >= $prs.mute($1),!mute -) $iif(%a >= $prs.freeze($1),!freeze -) $iif(%a >= $prs.kick($1),!kick -) $iif(%a >= $prs.ban($1),!ban - !banip - !unbanip - !banname - !unbanname) - !setdmlimit - $iif($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1),!nextmap)

.timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 $iif(%a >= $prs.quick($1),!qm - !qf -) $iif(%a >= $prs.delete($1),!deletetime -) $iif(%a >= $prs.setmax($1),!setping -) $iif(%a >= $prs.remmap($1),!remmap - !restore -) $iif(%a > 4, !setmode -) !restartscript - !exportmaps



alias pgs.commands {

mta.pm $1 $2 Commands: !un/bet - !bets - !cash/stats - !cointoss - !pms - !fine - !topcash - !buy - !use

mta.pm $1 $2 !cost - !fix - !spent $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 4, - !transfer) $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 3, - !unregister) - !funds - !itemlist - !buyhelp - !bethelp - !betcommands


alias pgs.bethelp {

mta.pm $1 $2 Place bets on who you think will win

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 !bet

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Within $pgs.bidtime($1) Secs Of Start

.timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 Only 1 Bet Per Race Allowed

.timer 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 !fine if you think they've been abusive

.timer 1 25 mta.pm $1 $2 Try !cointoss when you have time.

.timer 1 30 mta.pm $1 $2 !pms off - if you Dont Want to see Betting PM's

.timer 1 35 mta.pm $1 $2 !unbet within $pgs.bidtime($1) secs if you need to

.timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 type !buyhelp for full buying details


alias pgs.buyhelp {

mta.pm $1 $2 !buy and !use items - Item details....

.timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 'Bidlevel' - Max bid is set to $ $pgs.maxbid($1) - Increase this by buying a bidlevel

.timer 1 16 mta.pm $1 $2 '50points' - Need Quick Points? Buy 50 For $ $pgs.50points($1)

.timer 1 24 mta.pm $1 $2 'mapchange' - pay for the next map to be the one you want for $ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

.timer 1 32 mta.pm $1 $2 '!own' - Display a customised ownage message with !own

.timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 'landmine' - Maybe you can blow the tyres on someones car?

.timer 1 48 mta.pm $1 $2 'selffreeze' - Handy in a DM - Freeze yourself to stay alive

.timer 1 56 mta.pm $1 $2 'joinmsg' - Shows your customised message on entry to server

.timer 1 62 mta.pm $1 $2 'ipregister' - Got a static IP? Buy this to register your Nick & IP!


alias addo {

if ($ isin $4-) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Text!

else {

!hadd prsstats ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 Added: $4-



alias admincount {

var %a = 0, %b = None

while (%a 0) {

if (%b == None) %b = $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ )

else %b = %b $+ , $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ )



!inc %a


mta.text $1 Current Admins: %b $+ .


alias prs.players {

var %a = 0,%b = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a)) {

!inc %b


!inc %a


!return %b


alias prs.rating {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!return $iif($round($calc($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) / $hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total)),2) == $null,Unrated,$v1)


alias prs.playerrating {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!return $iif($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race) == $null,Unrated,$round($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race),2))


alias prs.ratemap {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if (%race == Unknown || %race == $null) {

mta.text $1 Error: Unknown Mapname - Unable To Rate.


else {

var %nick = $mta.nick($1,$2)

if (!$4) {

mta.text $1 $mta.race($1) $+ : Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10

mta.pm $1 $2 Your Rating For This Map: $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10


elseif (($4 <1> 10) || ($4 !isnum)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount (1-10)


else {

if ($prs.playerrating($1,$2) != Unrated) {

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) - 1)

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) - $prs.playerrating($1,$2))


!hadd prsmaprate %nick $+ %race $4

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) + 1)

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) + $4)

mta.text $1 %nick Rated $mta.race($1) $+ : $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10

mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 - Total Votes: $iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1)

; used to auto remove maps after 10 votes if map rating is less than 2. (the 10 votes and 2 rating can be changed to suit)

; if ($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == 10) && ($prs.rating($1) < 2) {

; !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed

; !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race

; !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race

; mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Been Auto-Removed

; }




alias prs.votekick {

if ($3 == !votemap) votemap $1-

elseif ($prs.votekicking($1) != yes) mta.pm $1 $2 Votekicking Is Currently Disabled.

elseif ($prs.players($1) < 4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Players - 4 needed.

else {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)), %b = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41)

if ($3 == !votekick) {

if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Votekick Already Running on $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1))

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !votekick

else {

!hadd prstemp votenick %a

!hadd prstemp voters %b

mta.text $1 Type !vote If You Want $mta.nick($1,%a) Kicking.

mta.text $1 Total Votes Needed: $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))

.timervotekick 1 90 prs.endvotekick $1-



elseif ($3 == !vote) {

if (%b isin $hget(prstemp,voters)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted!

else {

!hadd prstemp voters $hget(prstemp,voters) $+ %b

mta.text $1 Total Votes: $numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) $+ / $+ $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))

prs.checkvotes $1-





alias prs.checkvotes {

if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))) {

mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1))

mta.kick $1 $prs.votenick($1)



alias prs.endvotekick {

if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.text $1 Votekick Ended On $mta.nick($1,$hget(prstemp,votenick))

!hdel prstemp voters

!hdel prstemp votenick


on *:SIGNAL:mta.respawn: {


;$1 = Server

;$2 = ID

if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

var %a = $hget(prstemp,lives $+ $2)

%a = $calc(%a + 1)

!hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 %a

!hadd prstemp extra $+ $2 $calc($hget(prstemp,extra $+ $2) + $timer(endrsdm).secs)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Has Spawned %a $iif(%a == 1,Time,Times)



alias prs.endrsdm {

mta.text $1 RS-Deathmatch Ended

var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d,%1 = 0,%x,%2 = 0,%y,%3 = 0,%z

while (%a %1) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y

%2 = %1 | %y = %x

%1 = %d | %x = %a


elseif (%d > %2) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y

%2 = %d | %y = %a


elseif (%d > %3) {

%3 = %d | %z = %a



!inc %a


var %a = $prs.players($1)

if (%a > 1) {

!.signal prs.endrace $1 %x

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Winner: $mta.nick($1,%x) - Score: %1

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.points($1,%x) + %a)

.timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 %x %a Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%x)

!hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%x) + 1)

!hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%x) + 1)

if (%y != $null) {

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Second: $mta.nick($1,%y) - Score: %2

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%y) $calc($prs.points($1,%y) + (%a - 1))

.timer 1 3 mta.pm $1 %y $calc(%a - 1) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%y)


if (%z != $null) {

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Third: $mta.nick($1,%z) - Score: %3

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%z) $calc($prs.points($1,%z) + (%a - 2))

.timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 %z $calc(%a - 2) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%z)




alias prs.addcreator {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: sepcify details to add

else {

!hadd prsmaprate details $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 Details Added.



alias prs.newmap {

var %b = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.25),%c = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41)

if (%c isin $hget(prstemp,mapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted!

else {

!hadd prstemp mapvoter $hget(prstemp,mapvoter) $+ %c

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted A New Map - Total: $numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) $+ / $+ %b


if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) == %b) {

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))

!hdel prstemp mapvoter



alias votemap {

var %a = 0,%b,%c = $4-,%d = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41),%e = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.75)

if (!$4) {

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name

else {

if (%d isin $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You have already voted

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) to be the next map

!hadd prstemp votemapvoter $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter) $+ %d

checkmapvotes $1-




else {

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Vote Already running on $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32))

else {

while (%a < $mta.races($1)) {

if (%c isin $mta.races($1,%a)) {

%b = $mta.races($1,%a)

%a = $mta.races($1)


!inc %a


if (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 No Maps Found For: %c

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted %b to be the next map - %e $iif(%e == 1,Vote,Votes) Needed

.timervotemap 1 5 mta.text $1 Type !votemap to vote.

!hadd prstemp votemapname $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

!hadd prstemp votemapvoter %d

checkmapvotes $1-





alias checkmapvotes {

if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,votemapvoter),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 1.75))) {

mta.text $1 Vote Limit Reached, Next Map: $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32))

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $hget(prstemp,votemapname)



alias pgs.fine {

var %a = $hget(pgstemp,cuss $+ $3)

if ($2 == $3) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Name

else {

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,$3) Hasnt Said Anything Wrong!

else {

mta.pm $1 $3 You Have Beed Fined!! $ $+ %a For Your Bad Language!

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,$3) Has Been Fined! - Cash Earned $ $+ %a

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$3) %a

!hdel pgstemp cuss $+ $3

.timercuss $+ $3 off




alias pgs.pms {

if ($4 == on) {

!hdel pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently On


elseif ($4 == off) {

!hadd pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Off

mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently Off


else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Turn Betting PM's On Or Off

.timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !pms on/off

.timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently: $iif($hget(prstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == Off,Off,On)



alias pgs.pm {

if (!$hget(pgstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2))) mta.pm $1 $2 $3-


alias pgs.transfer {

var %a = $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$v1)

if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only!

elseif (($4 == $null) || ($5 == $null) || ($6 == $null) || ($6 !isnum)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Type: !transfer

mta.pm $1 $2 Use Exact names, no wildcards!

mta.pm $1 $2 Sends Cash From Nick1 to Nick2.


elseif ($calc(%a - $6) < 0) mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ %a

else {

pgs.sub $4 $6

pgs.add $5 $6

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Transfered $ $+ $6 From $4 To $5



alias pgs.bet {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%b = $timer(betting).secs,%c = $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))

if (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> %c)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !bet <1>


elseif ($prs.players($1) <3> $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash!

elseif (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 Betting Has Ended For This Race!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Already Betting On $hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2)

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Bet: $ $+ $5 $+ , Placed On $mta.nick($1,%a) To Win.

!hadd pgstemp bet $+ $2 $5

!hadd pgstemp beton $+ $2 $mta.nick($1,%a)

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5)

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5

mta.pm $1 $2 You Now Have $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2)



alias pgs.unbet {

var %a = $timer(betting).secs

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Bets Have Been Placed!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Havent Placed A Bet

else {

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Withdrawn, $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) Refunded.

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) - $2)

!hdel pgstemp bet $+ $2

!hdel pgstemp beton $+ $2



alias pgs.cointoss {

if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> $pgs.maxcointoss($1))) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cointoss heads/tails <1>


elseif ($5 > $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash!

elseif ($4 != heads) || $4 != tails) {

mta.pm $1 $2 You Flip The Coin Into The Air....

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5)

.timer 1 3 pgs.checkcoin $1-


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify heads or tails!


alias pgs.checkcoin {

var %a = $rand(1,2),%b = $calc($5 * 2)

if (%a == 1) {

mta.pm $1 $2 $replacecs($4,h,H,t,T) $+ !!! You Just Won $ $+ %b

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %b

!hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %b)


else {

mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($4 == heads,Tails...You Lose!!!,Heads...You Lose!!!)

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + $5)



alias pgs.checkwins {

var %a = 0,%b = $mta.nick($1,$2),%c = $calc($prs.players($1) / 2),%d

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == %b) {

%d = $calc(%c * $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a))

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,%a) %d

!hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) + %d)

mta.pm $1 %a You Won $ $+ %d - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a)


!inc %a



alias pgs.cost {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cost

elseif ($4 == bidlevel) mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel - Cost: $ $+ $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))

elseif ($4 == 50points) mta.pm $1 $2 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1)

elseif ($4 == landmine) mta.pm $1 $2 Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif ($4 == mapchange) mta.pm $1 $2 Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif ($4 == !own) mta.pm $1 $2 !Own Command - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif ($4 == selffreeze) mta.pm $1 $2 Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif ($4 == joinmsg) mta.pm $1 $2 Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif ($4 == ipregister) mta.pm $1 $2 IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1)

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-)

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4-

else mta.pm $1 $2 $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a)



alias pgs.buy {

if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif ($findtok(ticket lottery lotteryticket lotto,$4,1,32)) pgs.buyticket $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) != nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use Or !drop Your Current Item First

elseif (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy

elseif ($findtok(bidlevel 50points landmine mapchange !own joinmsg selffreeze ipregister,$4,1,32)) pgs.fixedbuy $1-

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-)

var %price = $pgs.itemprice(%a)

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4-

elseif ($pgs.cash($1,$2) = 20) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel Max Reched!



else %price = $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))


elseif (%item == 50points) %price = $pgs.50points($1)

elseif (%item == landmine) %price = $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif (%item == mapchange) %price = $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif (%item == !own) %price = $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif (%item == selffreeze) %price = $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif (%item == joinmsg) %price = $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif (%item == ipregister) %price = $pgs.ipreg($1)

if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) < %price) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! ( $+ $ $+ %price $+ )

else {

pgs.addtotal %price

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + (%price / 10))

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price

!hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $pgs.itemprice(%a))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - $iif(%item == mapchange,Next Race Mapchange,%item) Purchased! - $ $+ %price

if (%item == 50points) {

!hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 50

mta.pm $1 $2 You now have $prs.points($1,$2)


elseif (%item == bidlevel) !hadd pgscash bidlevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.bidlevel($1,$2) + 1)

else {

!hadd pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) %item

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !use to use your item.




alias pgs.use {

if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Nothing To Use!

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == landmine) pgs.uselandmine $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == mapchange) pgs.mapchange $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == selffreeze) pgs.freeze $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == !own) pgs.addownage $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == joinmsg) pgs.addjoinmsg $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == ipregister) pgs.ipregister $1-

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$pgs.items($1,$2))

mta.pm $1 $2 You Use Your Item....

.timer 1 5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $pgs.itemeffect(%a)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)



alias pgs.ipregister {

mta.pm $1 $2 Registering Your Nick & IP

!hadd pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.ip($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Youre Nick Has Been Registered To The IP: $mta.ip($1,$2)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.addjoinmsg {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

!hadd pgsitems joinmsg $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added!



alias pgs.addownage {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

!hadd pgsitems ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added!



alias pgs.freeze {

mta.pm $1 $2 Using Your Self-Freeze....

mta.freeze $1 $2

.timerunfreeze $+ $2 1 30 mta.unfreeze $1 $2

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.mapchange {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

var %a = $+(*,$4-,*)

var %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a))

if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found

else {

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Paid For The Next Map To Be: %b

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)




alias pgs.uselandmine {

mta.pm $1 $2 You Activate The Landmine And Throw It From Your window!

mta.text $1 Landmine Active!!!

.timermine 1 15 pgs.checklandmine $1-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.checklandmine {

var %a = $rand(1,3)

if (%a > 1) {


%a = $rand(0,%loop)

if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $iif($2 == %a,Ran Over His Own Landmine!!!,Ran Over The Landmine And Blew A Tyre!)

mta.freeze $1 %a

.timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 20 pgs.fixed $1 %a


else .timer 1 10 mta.text $1 Everyone Avoided The Landmine!


alias pgs.fixed {

mta.unfreeze $1 $2

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Tyre Fixed - Racing Again!


alias pgs.finditemid {

var %a = 1,%b = $ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0)

while (%a 1) {


%a = $rand(0,%loop)

if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo2

var %b = $rand(1,5)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's $replace(%b,1,Blew A Tyre!,2,Engine Overheated!,3,Electrics Are On Fire!!!,4,Brakes Siezed Up!,5,Car Stalled!)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Type !fix to help $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.freeze $1 %a

!hadd pgstemp dmfreeze %a

.timerdmunfreeze 1 $rand(5,15) pgs.dmfixed $1 %a



alias pgs.dmfixed {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Car Fixed!

mta.unfreeze $1 $2

!hdel pgstemp dmfreeze


alias prs.reclaim {

var %a = 0,%b,%nick = $2,%c = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%check = best $+ %race

var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

if (%nick != $null) {

%b = $iif($hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) == $null,120000000,$v1)

if (%b < %1) {

if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick1 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 1st Place!


elseif (%b < %2) && (%nick != %nick1) {

if (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 2nd Place!


elseif (%b < %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick

mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 3rd Place!




alias prs.deletetime {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

var %check = best $+ %race

mta.text $1 Removing $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) $+ ' s Top Time.

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %3

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick3

!hdel prstop3 3 $+ %check

!hdel prstop3 nick3 $+ %check

!hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race %nick2

!hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race %2


alias prs.rsdm {

if ($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Duration In Seconds


else {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!hadd prsstats mode $+ %race RS-Deathmatch

!hadd prsstats modetime $+ %race $5

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Respawnable Deathmatch Map ( $+ $5 Secs $+ )



alias prs.remmaps {

var %a = 0, %b = $mta.races($1)

!echo 1 Total maps: %b

while (%a < %b) {

var %race = $replace($mta.races($1,%a),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ %race) == removed) {

!writeini -n removedmaps.ini mapname %race removed


!inc %a


mta.text $1 Removed Maps Exported to 'removedmaps.ini'


alias prs.warn {

;$1:Server $2:AdminID $3:WarnedID $4-:Reason

if ($3 == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !warn

elseif ($3 == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Warn Self

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) = $prs.delete($1)) {

prs.deletetime $1-


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !kick) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !ban) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self!

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) {

!hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a)

!hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.ban $1 %a

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),)


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !banip) {

Edited by Guest
Link to comment

lol why is this line randomly added within the script a few times:

General/Script/Load and load PRS . 

if u dont know what ur doing... dont try to edit it.

theres a prs topic, any additional things u might need... u can always ask.

i very much doubt anyone is gonna check through 100k of script,

to find bugs u might have added.

Link to comment
  JamyDoger said:


////// MTASA:RACE //////

////// //////

////// Public Race Script //////

////// //////

////// Version 1.3 //////

////// //////

////// BY: [uVA]Scooby //////

///// Remodeled By:JamyDoger //////



General/Script/Load and load PRS .

on *:SIGNAL:mta.connect: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)) set %max $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,maxping)

else set %max 500

!.timerping 0 30 checkpings $1-

set %loop $mta.server($1).cmax

set %setter Autoset(Script)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) Script Reactivated

if ($readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsg) == on) && (%pgs == on) .timeritemmsg 0 $readini(pgsdata.ini,pgs,itemmsgtime) pgs.itemmsg $1

if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgon)) .timershowcustommsg 0 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsgtime) showcustommsg $1

set %server $1


alias prs.getid {

var %a = 0

while (%a 0) mta.text $1 $readini(prsdata.ini,prs,custommsg)


on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($3 == !name) mta.text $1 Map Name: $mta.race($1)

elseif (!admin* iswm $3) admincount $1-

elseif ($3 == !seen) {

%a = $iif((!$4),$mta.nick($1,$2),$4)

if (!$hget(prsseen,%a)) mta.pm $1 $2 ' $+ %a $+ ' Has Never Been Seen Here.

elseif ($mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a)) $+ : Here Since: $gettok($hget(prsseen,$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,%a))),1,32)

else mta.text $1 %a $+ : Last Seen: $hget(prsseen,%a)


elseif (!stat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 Full Stats For $mta.nick($1,%a)

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Races: $prs.racestarts($1,%a) - Finishes: $prs.finishes($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.finishes($1,%a) / $prs.racestarts($1,%a)),2)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Placed: 1st: $prs.rank1($1,%a) - 2nd: $prs.rank2($1,%a) - 3rd: $prs.rank3($1,%a)

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Deathmatches: $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) - Wins: $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) - Ratio: $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2)

.timer 1 4 mta.text $1 TopTimes Held: $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) - Points: $prs.points($1,%a)


elseif (!mapstat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 MapStats For $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1)

mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Finished $prs.mapfinishes($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) Times,Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times))

mta.text $1 $iif($prs.mode($1) == Race,Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a),Ratio: $round($calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) / $prs.mapstarts($1,%a)),2))


elseif ($3 == !help || !command* iswm $3) {

prs.commands $1-


elseif ($3 == !time) || ($3 == !date) {

mta.text $1 Time: $time - Date: $date


elseif (!vote* iswm $3) prs.votekick $1-

elseif ($3 == !new) prs.newmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !level) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Level: $prs.level($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !mode) mta.text $1 Map: $mta.race($1) - Mode: $prs.mode($1)

elseif ($3 == !rank) prs.rank $1-

elseif ($3 == !ping) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Ping: $mta.ping($1,%a) - Average: $mta.avping($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 $prs.version($1) By [uVA]Scooby.

elseif ($3 == !points) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Points: $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Max Ping: %max - Set By: %setter

elseif ($3 == !toptime) mta.text $1 Top Time For $mta.race($1) By: $prs.topnick($1) - Time: $prs.toptime($1)

elseif ($3 == !best) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !players) mta.text $1 Total Players $iif($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch,Left Alive: $prs.dmcount($1),: $prs.players($1))

elseif ($3 == !wb) mta.text $1 $iif((!$4),Welcome Back,Welcome Back $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif (!rand* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Random Race: $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

elseif (!total* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Total Races Uploaded: $mta.races($1)

elseif (!race* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Name: $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.)

elseif ($3 == !toptimes) {

if (!$mta.nick($1,$prs.getid($1,$4))) mta.text $1 $4 Holds $toptimes($1,$4) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$4) == 1,Time.,Times.)

else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) Holds $toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) Top $iif($toptimes($1,$mta.nick($1,%a)) == 1,Time.,Times.)


elseif ($3 == !timer) && ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) mta.text $1 Time Left: $duration($timer(endrsdm).secs)

elseif ($3 == !sc) || ($3 == !score) {

if ($prs.mode($1) != RS-Deathmatch) mta.pm $1 $2 Scores Only On RS-DM maps!

else {

var %b = $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a)

var %c = $hget(prstemp,time $+ %a)

var %d = $calc((%c * 50) - %b)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Current Map Score: %d



elseif (!creator* iswm $3) mta.text $1 $iif($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race) == $null,No Details Saved.,Details: $v1)

elseif ($3 == !claim) prs.reclaim $1 $mta.nick($1,$2)

elseif (!rat* iswm $3) prs.ratemap $1-

elseif ($3 == !upload) mta.text $1 Upload Address: $prs.url($1)

elseif (!check* iswm $3) checkmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !top) prs.tops $1-

elseif ($3 == !top3) prs.showtop3 $1-

elseif ($3 == !warnings) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Warnings: $prs.warns($1,%a) $+ / $+ $prs.warnlimit($1)

elseif ($3 == !dmlimit) mta.text $1 Minimum Players Needed For A DM Map: $prs.dmlimit($1)

elseif ($3 == !banned) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name

else mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null, $4 Is Not Banned,$4 Is Banned Here.)


elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > 0) {

;start of Admin level 1 commands.

if (!alias* iswm $3 || !pma* iswm $3) {

prs.alias $1-


elseif ($3 == !en) {

if (!$4) mta.text $1 Please Type In English Or You Will Be Kicked

else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ , You Have Been Warned - English Only!


elseif ($3 == !setupload) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Upload URL.

else {

writeini prsdata.ini prs url $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 URL Added: $4-



elseif ($3 == !setwarnlimit) prs.setwarnlimit $1-

elseif ($3 == !setdmlimit) prs.setdmlimit $1-

elseif ($3 == !warn) prs.warn $1 $2 %a $5-

elseif ($3 == !unwarn) prs.unwarn $1 $2 %a

elseif ($3 == !exportmaps) prs.remmaps $1-

elseif ($3 == !cancel) prs.endvotekick $1-

elseif ($3 == !lostmaps) mta.text $1 $lostmaps($1)

elseif ($3 == !addo) addo $1-

elseif ($3 == !o) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $iif($hget(prsstats,ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,Owns!,$v1)

elseif ($3 == !ip) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's IP: $mta.ip($1,%a)

elseif ($3 == !getip) prs.alias2 $1-

elseif ($3 == !redo) mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$mta.race($1))

elseif ($3 == !restartscript) prs.restart $1

elseif (($3 == !addcreator) || ($3 == !ac)) {

prs.addcreator $1-


elseif ($3 == !remcreator) {

!hdel prsmaprate details $+ %race

mta.pm $1 $2 Details Removed.


elseif ($3 == !deletetime) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.delete($1)) {

prs.deletetime $1-


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !kick) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !ban) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self!

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) {

!hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a)

!hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.ban $1 %a

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),)


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !banip) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) {

if ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Already Banned

else {

mta.addban $1 $4

!hadd prsbans $4 1

mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Added To Ban File.



else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To Ban


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unbanip) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (*.*.*.* iswm $4) {

if ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned

else {

mta.unban $1 $4

!hdel prsbans $4

mta.pm $1 $2 IP: $4 Removed From Ban File.



else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify An IP To UnBan


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !banname) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To Ban

elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Already Banned

else {

!hadd prsbans $4 1

mta.pm $1 $2 The Name ' $+ $4 $+ ' Is Now Banned.




elseif ($3 == !unbanname) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Name To UnBan

elseif ($hget(prsbans,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned

else {

if ($hget(prsbans,$hget(prsbans,$4)) != $null) !hdel prsbans $hget(prsbans,$4)

!hdel prsbans $4

mta.pm $1 $2 $4 $+ 's Name Removed From Ban File.



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !mute) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.mute $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unmute) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unmute $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !freeze) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.freeze($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.freeze $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !unfreeze) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.mute($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.unfreeze $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif (($3 == !qm) || ($3 == !stfu)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) {

mta.mute $1 %a

.timerunmute $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unmute $1 %a


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !qf) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.quick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) {

mta.freeze $1 %a

.timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 $prs.quickduration($1) mta.unfreeze $1 %a


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !setmode) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 5) {

if ($4 == deathmatch) || ($4 == dm) {

!hadd prsstats mode $+ %race Deathmatch

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Deathmatch Map


elseif ($4 == rsdm) prs.rsdm $1-

elseif ($4 == race) {

!hdel prsstats mode $+ %race

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Race Map


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify: Race, Deathmatch or RSDM


elseif (($3 == !nextmap) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1))) prs.nextmap $1-

elseif ($3 == !map || $3 == !changemap) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Map Name

elseif ($4 == random) {

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))


else {

var %a = $mta.races($1,* $+ $4- $+ *)

if (%a != $null) mta.startrace $1 %a

else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Not Found



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !remmap) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) {

!hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed

!hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race

!hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Now Been Removed

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

.timer 1 4 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !restore) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.remmap($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name To Restore

elseif ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4- Is Not Added As A Removed Map

else {

!hdel prsstats removed $+ $replace($4-,$chr(32),$chr(45))

mta.pm $1 $2 $4- Has Been Restored



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !setping) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.setmax($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Changed The Max Ping From %max To $4

set %max $4

set %setter $mta.nick($1,$2)



else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !addadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) prs.addadmin $1 $2 %a $5

elseif (($3 == !remadmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5) || ($3 == !deladmin) && ($prs.level($1,$2) >= 5)) {

prs.remadmin $1 $2 %a



if (%pgs == on) prs.command $1-


alias prs.command {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1))

if ($3 == !bethelp) pgs.bethelp $1-

elseif ($3 == !buyhelp) pgs.buyhelp $1-

elseif ($3 == !betcommands) pgs.commands $1-

elseif ($3 == !itemlist) pgs.itemlist $1-

elseif ($3 == !bet) pgs.bet $1-

elseif ($3 == !buy) pgs.buy $1-

elseif ($3 == !use) pgs.use $1-

elseif ($3 == !cost) pgs.cost $1-

elseif ($3 == !fund) {

mta.text $1 Current Lottery Fund: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1)

mta.text $1 Last Won By: $iif($hget(pgscash,lastlottowinner) == $null,No One,$v1)

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 The Lottery Will Be Drawn When Funds Reach $ $pgs.drawlottoat($1)


elseif (!cashstat* iswm $3) {

mta.text $1 Cashstats: $mta.nick($1,%a) - Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Spent On Items: $ $+ $pgs.tspent($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Spent On Bets: $ $+ $pgs.tbets($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Total Won From Bets: $ $+ $pgs.twon($1,%a)


elseif ($3 == !bets) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) - Betting on: $iif($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == $null,No-One,$v1 - Bet: $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a))

elseif (($3 == !cash) || ($3 == !money)) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a) - Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a)


elseif ($3 == !bidlevel) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Bidlevel: $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a) - Max Bid: $ $+ $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,%a))

elseif ($3 == !cointoss) pgs.cointoss $1-

elseif ($3 == !pms) pgs.pms $1-

elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1-

elseif ($3 == !cashcheck) mta.text $1 $iif($4 != $null,$4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$hget(pgscash,$4)))

elseif (($3 == !banword) || ($3 == !unbanword)) {

pgs.banword $1-


elseif ($3 == !banwords) mta.text $1 There are currently $lines(pgs.banwords.txt) banned words

elseif ($3 == !fine) pgs.fine $1 $2 %a

elseif ($3 == !unbet) pgs.unbet $1-

elseif ($3 == !spent) mta.text $1 $ $+ $iif($hget(pgscash,totalspent) == $null,0,$v1) Has Been Spent In This Server.

elseif ($3 == !fix) || ($3 == !repair) {

pgs.repair $1-


elseif ($3 == !drop) {

if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing To Drop!

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Dropped: $pgs.items($1,$2)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)



elseif ($3 == !own) mta.text $1 $iif($pgs.showownage($1,$2) != $null,$v1)

elseif (!item* iswm $3) {

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Items: $iif($pgs.items($1,%a) == Nothing,$iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) == 0,Nothing,$v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)),$v1 $iif($pgs.tickets($1,%a) != 0, & $v1 $iif($v1 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)))


elseif ($3 == !unregister) && ($prs.level($1,$2) > 3) {

if ($hget(pgsitems,register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,%a) Is Not Registered!

else {

!hdel pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Unregistered $mta.nick($1,%a)




alias prs.showtop3 {

if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times,$4,1,32)) {

if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) && ($4 == times) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No Times Set On DM Maps.



var %x = $4

mta.text $1 Best Ever Top $iif(%x == times,Times For $mta.race($1),%x)

if (%x == times) %x = best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

var %nick1 = $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %x),%nick2 = $hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %x),%nick3 = $hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %x)

var %sc1 = $hget(prstop3,1 $+ %x),%sc2 = $hget(prstop3,2 $+ %x),%sc3 = $hget(prstop3,3 $+ %x)

if (%x == best $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))) {

%sc1 = $prs.time(%sc1) | %sc2 = $prs.time(%sc2) | %sc3 = $prs.time(%sc3)


if (%nick1 != Unset) mta.text $1 $iif(!%nick1,None Set,1st: %nick1 $+ : %sc1)

if (%nick2 != Unset) && (%nick2) mta.text $1 2nd: %nick2 $+ : %sc2

if (%nick3 != Unset) && (%nick3) mta.text $1 3rd: %nick3 $+ : %sc3


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify, !top3 - 1st 2nd 3rd races finishes deathmatches dmwins points times


alias prs.checktops {

var %c = 0,%check,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

while (%c < 9) {

%check = $replacex(%c,0,1st,1,2nd,2,3rd,3,races,4,finishes,5,deathmatches,6,dmwins,7,points,8,best)

if (%check == best) %check = %check $+ %race

var %a = 0,%b,%nick,%z = $iif(%check == best $+ %race,<,>)

var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,$iif(%check == best $+ %race,12000000,0),$v1)

var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

while (%a < %loop) {

%nick = $mta.nick($1,%a)

if (%nick != $null) {

if (%check == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,%nick)

elseif (%check == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ %nick)

elseif (%check == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a)

elseif (%check == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif (%check == best $+ %race) %b = $hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick)

if (%b %z %1) {

if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick1 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick



elseif (%b %z %2) && (%nick != %nick1) {

if (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick



elseif (%b %z %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick



!inc %a


!inc %c



on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

!hadd prstemp randomrace $mta.races($1,$calc($rand(1,$mta.races($1)) - 1))

.timerendrsdm off

.timershow off

.timerbreakdowns off

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapnew) != $null) {

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$replace($hget(prstemp,votemapnew),$chr(63),$chr(32)))

!hdel prstemp votemapnew



!hdel prstemp mapvoter

!hdel prstemp votemapvoter

!hdel prstemp votemapname

if ($mta.race($1) == Unknown || $mta.race($1) == $null) {

mta.text $1 Unknown Map Detected, Restarting Script And Map.

.timer 1 5 mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1))

prs.restart $1


elseif ($3 == 0) {

if ($prs.map($1) == removed) {

mta.startrace $1 $rand(0,$mta.races($1))



if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) {

if ($prs.players($1) < $prs.dmlimit($1)) {

mta.text $1 Not Enough Players For This Mode!

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

.timer 1 2 mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))




.timeraddstats 1 13 addstats $1-

mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) - Ran $prs.mapcount($1) $iif($prs.mapcount($1) == 1,Time.,Times.)

if ($prs.rating($1) != 0) .timershowrating 1 10 mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1)

if ($prs.mode($1) == Race) {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) == $null) {

!hadd prstop3 1best $+ %race $prs.topticks($1)

!hadd prstop3 nick1best $+ %race $prs.topnick($1)


if ($hget(prstop3,nick1best $+ %race) != $prs.topnick($1)) {

var %a = $prs.topnick($1)

prs.reclaim $1 %a


prs.showtop3 $1 $2 $3 times


if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) {

prs.addalive $1-

if ($prs.players($1) == 1) .timershow 1 5 mta.text $1 This Is A Deathmatch Map, Type !new For A New Map.


if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) prs.rsdmstart $1-


if (%pgs == on) {

var %a = 0

while (%a 2) {

mta.text $1 Place Your Bets!

.timerbetting 1 $pgs.bidtime($1) mta.text $1 No More Bets.

if ($prs.mode($1) != Race) {

if ($pgs.breakdowns($1) == on) .timerbreakdowns 1 $rand(30,60) pgs.dmbreakdown $1-



if ($pgs.lottofund($1) > $pgs.drawlottoat($1)) {

mta.text $1 Its Lottery Time, $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1) Up For Grabs!

.timer 1 20 pgs.drawlotto $1-




alias prs.rsdmstart {

var %a = 0,%b = $hget(prsstats,modetime $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)))

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

!hadd prstemp lives $+ %a 1

!hadd prstemp time $+ %a %b

!hdel prstemp extra $+ %a


!inc %a


.timerendrsdm 1 %b prs.endrsdm $1-


alias addstats {

var %a = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

!hadd prsmapstarts %race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) + 1)

if ($prs.mode($1) == deathmatch) || ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

!hadd prsstarts deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a) + 1)


if ($prs.mode($1) == race) {

!hadd prsstarts race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.racestarts($1,%a) + 1)

mta.pm $1 %a Personal Best Time: $prs.besttime($1,%a)



!inc %a


!hadd prsmapstats race $+ %race $calc($hget(prsmapstats,race $+ %race) + 1)

if ($hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Map Made By: $hget(prsmaprate,details $+ %race)

if ($prs.rating($1) == 0) .timershowrating 1 3 mta.text $1 Rate This Map: !ratemap <1>


on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) !.signal prs.endrace $1 $2

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%time = $mta.time($1,$2),%split = $calc(%time - $prs.topticks($1))

!hadd prsfinish $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.finishes($1,$2) + 1)

!hadd prsmapfinish %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.mapfinishes($1,$2) + 1)

if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <4> 0,$+($chr(40),+,$prs.time(%split),$chr(41)))

.timer 1 1 prs.checktops $1-


if ($prs.players($1) > 1) {

var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - $mta.rank($1,$2))

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a)

if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2)


if (%time < $prs.bestticks($1,$2)) {

!hadd prstimes %race $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.time($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 New Personal Best! $mta.time($1,$2).text


if ($mta.time($1,$2) < $prs.topticks($1)) {

!hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race $mta.time($1,$2)

!hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - New Record Time! - $mta.time($1,$2).text


if ($mta.rank($1,$2) <7> 0) {

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a

pgs.pm $1 $2 Cash Earned: $ $+ %a - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2)




alias prs.tops {

if ($findtok(1st 2nd 3rd races finishes raceratio dmratio deathmatches dmwins points level lagger best score cash,$4,1,32)) {

var %a = 0,%b,%1 = 0,%2 = 0,%3 = 0,%x,%y,%z,%pwns = >

if ($4 == best) {

var %1 = 120000000, %2 = 120000000, %3 = 120000000,%pwns = <


while (%a < %loop) {

if ($4 == 1st) %b = $hget(prsrank,1 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == 2nd) %b = $hget(prsrank,2 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == 3rd) %b = $hget(prsrank,3 $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == races) %b = $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == finishes) %b = $hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == raceratio) %b = $round($calc($hget(prsfinish,$mta.nick($1,%a)) / $hget(prsstarts,race $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))),2)

elseif ($4 == deathmatches) %b = $hget(prsstarts,deathmatch $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == dmwins) %b = $prs.totaldmwins($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == points) %b = $prs.points($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == level) %b = $prs.level($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == dmratio) %b = $round($calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) / $prs.deathmatchstarts($1,%a)),2)

elseif ($4 == lagger) %b = $mta.avping($1,%a)

elseif ($4 == best) %b = $hget(prstimes,$replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a))

elseif ($4 == score) %b = $calc(($hget(prstemp,time $+ %a) * 50) - $hget(prstemp,extra $+ %a))

elseif ($4 == cash) %b = $pgs.cash($1,%a)

if (!%b) %b = 0

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) {

if (%b %pwns %1) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y | %2 = %1 | %1 = %b | %y = %x | %x = $mta.nick($1,%a)


elseif (%b %pwns %2) {

%3 = %2 | %2 = %b | %z = %y | %y = $mta.nick($1,%a)


elseif (%b %pwns %3) {

%3 = %b | %z = $mta.nick($1,%a)



!inc %a


if ($4 == best) {

%1 = $prs.time(%1)

%2 = $prs.time(%2)

%3 = $prs.time(%3)


mta.text $1 $iif(%x == $null,1st $4 $+ : No-One,1st $4 $+ : %x $+ : %1)

if (%y) .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 2nd $4 $+ : %y $+ : %2

if (%z) .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 3rd $4 $+ : %z $+ : %3


else mta.pm $1 $2 Specify: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - races - deathmatches - finishes - dmwins - raceratio - dmratio - points - level - lagger - best - score - cash


on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: {

newnick $1-


on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: {

if (%pgs == on) pgs.bannedwords $1-

var %a = $calc($iif($hget(prstemp,$2) == $null,0,$v1) + 1)

!hadd prstemp $2 %a

if (%a == 3) mta.pm $1 $2 WARNING - DO NO SPAM!!!

elseif (%a == 4) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Auto-Muted: 60 secs - Reason: Spamming

mta.mute $1 $2

.timerunmute $+ $2 1 60 mta.unmute $1 $2


!hadd -u2 prstemp $2 %a


alias checkpings {

var %a = 0

while (%a %max) {

mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,%a) For High Ping: %av - Max: %max

.timer 1 3 mta.kick $1 %a



!inc %a



alias pgs.repair {

var %a = $hget(pgstemp,dmfreeze)

if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: No one Needs Helping!

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Are Broke Down!

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Helped $mta.nick($1,%a) and Received 1 Point.

!hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 1

.timerdmunfreeze off

pgs.dmfixed $1 %a



alias pgs.banword {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only!

elseif ($3 == !banword) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !banword

else {

var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a <= %b) {

if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Word Already Banned!



!inc %a


!write pgs.banwords.txt $4

mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') added to banned words list



elseif ($3 == !unbanword) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !unbanword

else {

var %a = 1,%b = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a <= %b) {

if ($4 iswm $read(pgs.banwords.txt,%a)) {

!write -ds $+ $4 pgs.banwords.txt

mta.text $1 $+(',$4,') removed from banned words list

%a = $calc(%b + 2)


!inc %a


if (%a == $calc(%b + 1)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $4 Is Not Banned.




alias pgs.bannedwords {

var %a = 1,%b = $3-,%c = $lines(pgs.banwords.txt)

while (%a 0) {

var %a = $rand(1,$calc($ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0) + 9))

!dec %a 9

if (%a == -8) mta.text $1 Why Not Play The Lottery? - Item: lotteryticket - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ticketprice($1)

elseif (%a == -7) mta.text $1 Increase Your Max Bid Amount! - Item: Bidlevel - Cost: POA

elseif (%a == -6) mta.text $1 Need More Points? - Item: 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1)

elseif (%a == -5) mta.text $1 Item: Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif (%a == -4) mta.text $1 Item: Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif (%a == -3) mta.text $1 Want Your Own Custom !own Command? - Item: !Own - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif (%a == -2) mta.text $1 Item: Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif (%a == -1) mta.text $1 Want A Custom Join Msg? - Item: Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif (%a == 0) mta.text $1 Got A Static IP? - Item: IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1)

else mta.text $1 Item: $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a)



alias pgs.itemlist {

mta.pm $1 $2 Fixed Items: bidlevel - 50points - mapchange - landmine - !own - selffreeze - joinmsg - IPregister - Lotteryticket

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 For All Items, !cost - !buy - !use


alias pgs.buyticket {

if (($5 !isnum) || ($5 < 1) || (!$5)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy $+(,<4>,,)


else {

var %price = $calc($pgs.ticketprice($1) * $5)

if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) $pgs.maxtickets($1)) mta.pm $1 $2 You Can Only Buy $iif($calc($pgs.maxtickets($1) - $pgs.tickets($1,$2)) == $pgs.maxtickets($1),$pgs.maxtickets($1),$v1 More!)

else {

!hadd pgslotto $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.tickets($1,$2) + $5)

!hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %price)

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + %price)

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price

mta.pm $1 $2 You Purchased: $5 $iif($5 == 1,Ticket,Tickets)

mta.pm $1 $2 Cost: $ $+ %price - Total Tickets: $pgs.tickets($1,$2)




alias pgs.drawlotto {

var %a = 1,%b = $hget(pgslotto,0).item,%c = 0

!while (%a <= %b) {

%c = $calc(%c + $hget(pgslotto,%a).data)

!inc %a


var %a = 1,%d = $rand(1,%c),%e = 1

while (%a = %e) && (%d <= $calc(%e + %f))) {

mta.text $1 Lottery Winner: $hget(pgslotto,%a).item - Won: $ $+ $pgs.lottofund($1)

pgs.add $hget(pgslotto,%a).item $pgs.lottofund($1)

!hadd pgscash lastlottowinner $hget(pgslotto,%a).item

!hfree pgslotto

!hmake pgslotto 1000

!hsave -o pgslotto pgslotto.txt

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount 100



!inc %e %f

!inc %a


mta.text $1 Its A Rollover!!! Buy A Ticket!!!


alias prs.restart {

mta.disconnect $1

.timerrecon 1 3 mta.connect $1


alias prs.time {

var %a = $1,%b,%m = 0,%s = 0,%ms = 0

if (%a <0>= 1200000) !return --/--/---

if (%a >= 60000) {

%b = $calc(%a / 60000)

%m = $int(%b)

%a = $calc(%a - (%m * 60000))


if (%a >= 1000) {

%b = $calc(%a / 1000)

%s = $int(%b)

%a = $calc(%a - (%s * 1000))


%ms = %a

!return %m $+ : $+ $iif(%s < 10,0 $+ %s,%s) $+ . $+ $iif(%ms < 10,00 $+ %ms,$iif(%ms < 100,0 $+ %ms,%ms))


alias toptimes {

var %a = 0,%b = 0,%c = $2

while (%a 9) %a = 9

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Rank: $replace(%a,0,Noob,1,Rookie,2,Novice,3,Sunday Driver,4,Pro Driver,5,Excellent Driver,6,Drift King,7,Burnout King,8,Awesome Racer,9,Ultimate Racer!)


alias prs.addalive {

var %a = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a) != $null) !hadd prstemp alive $+ %a yes

else !hdel prstemp alive $+ %a

!inc %a



alias prs.dmcount {

var %a = 0,%b = 0

while (%a 1) {

var %a = $calc($prs.players($1) - %b)

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($prs.points($1,$2) + %a)

if (%a > 0) mta.pm $1 $2 %a $iif(%a == 1,Point,Points) Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,$2)


if (%b == 1) {

var %a = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($hget(prstemp,alive $+ %a) == yes) {

!.signal prs.endrace $1 %a

!hdel prstemp alive $+ %a

!hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%a) + 1)

!hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%a) + 1)

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($prs.points($1,%a) + $prs.players($1))

mta.text $1 The Winner Is: $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.text $1 Won $prs.dmwins($1,%a) Out Of $prs.mapstarts($1,%a) $iif($prs.mapstarts($1,%a) == 1,Time,Times)


!inc %a




alias prs.nextmap {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !nextmap

else {

var %a = $+(*,$4-,*), %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a))

if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found

else {

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set: %b $+ , As The Next Map




on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: {

newnick $1-

if ($hget(prsbans,$mta.ip($1,$2)) != $null) {

mta.pm $1 $2 YOU ARE BANNED! - KEEP OUT!

mta.ban $1 $2



if ($prs.welcome($1) == on) mta.pm $1 $2 $prs.welcomemsg($1)

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !commands For Script Commands.

if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

!hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 0

!hadd prstemp time $+ $2 $timer(endrsdm).secs

!hdel prstemp extra $+ $2


if (%pgs == on) .timerjoinmsg $+ $2 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !betcommands for betting commands or !bethelp For full details.


alias prs.login {

var %a = $mta.nick($1,$2)

if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) != $null) {

if ($hget(prswarns,AdminIP $+ %a) == $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)) {

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 %a Auto-logged In, Level $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a)

!hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $hget(prswarns,AdminLevel $+ %a)

.timerkick $+ $2 off


else {

if (($prs.clantag($1) isin %a) mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch, Login To Save New IP

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 IP Mismatch

.timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 $2 Auto-Login Failed.





if ($readini(prsdata.ini,prs,login) == yes) && ($prs.level($1,$2) == 0) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Please Login! $+([,$prs.logintime($1) Secs,])

.timerkick $+ $2 1 $prs.logintime($1) mta.kick $1 $2



on *:SIGNAL:mta.login: {

General/Script/Load and load PRS .

;$1 = Server ;$2 = PlayerID ;$3 = Level ;$4 = 0/1/2 (success/failed/already logged in)

if ($4 == 0) {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Manually Logged In, Level $3

!hadd prswarns AdminIP $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $gettok($mta.ip($1,$2),1-2,46)

!hadd prswarns AdminLevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $3

!hadd pgstemp loggedin $+ $2 $3

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 New IP Stored. ( $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ )

.timerkick $+ $2 off



alias prs.level !return $iif($mta.level($1,$2) > 0,$v1,$iif($hget(pgstemp,loggedin $+ $2) != $null,$v1,0))

alias prs.remadmin {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) 0) {

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Admin Commands: !alias - !pma - !ip - !getip - !setupload - !redo - !en - !addo - !o - !cancel - !total - !add/remcreator - !un/warn - !setwarnlimit

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Extra Commands: $iif(%a >= $prs.mute($1),!mute -) $iif(%a >= $prs.freeze($1),!freeze -) $iif(%a >= $prs.kick($1),!kick -) $iif(%a >= $prs.ban($1),!ban - !banip - !unbanip - !banname - !unbanname) - !setdmlimit - $iif($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1),!nextmap)

.timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 $iif(%a >= $prs.quick($1),!qm - !qf -) $iif(%a >= $prs.delete($1),!deletetime -) $iif(%a >= $prs.setmax($1),!setping -) $iif(%a >= $prs.remmap($1),!remmap - !restore -) $iif(%a > 4, !setmode -) !restartscript - !exportmaps



alias pgs.commands {

mta.pm $1 $2 Commands: !un/bet - !bets - !cash/stats - !cointoss - !pms - !fine - !topcash - !buy - !use

mta.pm $1 $2 !cost - !fix - !spent $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 4, - !transfer) $iif($prs.level($1,$2) > 3, - !unregister) - !funds - !itemlist - !buyhelp - !bethelp - !betcommands


alias pgs.bethelp {

mta.pm $1 $2 Place bets on who you think will win

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 !bet

.timer 1 10 mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Within $pgs.bidtime($1) Secs Of Start

.timer 1 15 mta.pm $1 $2 Only 1 Bet Per Race Allowed

.timer 1 20 mta.pm $1 $2 !fine if you think they've been abusive

.timer 1 25 mta.pm $1 $2 Try !cointoss when you have time.

.timer 1 30 mta.pm $1 $2 !pms off - if you Dont Want to see Betting PM's

.timer 1 35 mta.pm $1 $2 !unbet within $pgs.bidtime($1) secs if you need to

.timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 type !buyhelp for full buying details


alias pgs.buyhelp {

mta.pm $1 $2 !buy and !use items - Item details....

.timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 'Bidlevel' - Max bid is set to $ $pgs.maxbid($1) - Increase this by buying a bidlevel

.timer 1 16 mta.pm $1 $2 '50points' - Need Quick Points? Buy 50 For $ $pgs.50points($1)

.timer 1 24 mta.pm $1 $2 'mapchange' - pay for the next map to be the one you want for $ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

.timer 1 32 mta.pm $1 $2 '!own' - Display a customised ownage message with !own

.timer 1 40 mta.pm $1 $2 'landmine' - Maybe you can blow the tyres on someones car?

.timer 1 48 mta.pm $1 $2 'selffreeze' - Handy in a DM - Freeze yourself to stay alive

.timer 1 56 mta.pm $1 $2 'joinmsg' - Shows your customised message on entry to server

.timer 1 62 mta.pm $1 $2 'ipregister' - Got a static IP? Buy this to register your Nick & IP!


alias addo {

if ($ isin $4-) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Text!

else {

!hadd prsstats ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 Added: $4-



alias admincount {

var %a = 0, %b = None

while (%a 0) {

if (%b == None) %b = $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ )

else %b = %b $+ , $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ ( $+ $prs.level($1,%a) $+ )



!inc %a


mta.text $1 Current Admins: %b $+ .


alias prs.players {

var %a = 0,%b = 0

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($mta.nick($1,%a)) {

!inc %b


!inc %a


!return %b


alias prs.rating {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!return $iif($round($calc($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) / $hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total)),2) == $null,Unrated,$v1)


alias prs.playerrating {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!return $iif($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race) == $null,Unrated,$round($hget(prsmaprate,$mta.nick($1,$2) $+ %race),2))


alias prs.ratemap {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if (%race == Unknown || %race == $null) {

mta.text $1 Error: Unknown Mapname - Unable To Rate.


else {

var %nick = $mta.nick($1,$2)

if (!$4) {

mta.text $1 $mta.race($1) $+ : Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10

mta.pm $1 $2 Your Rating For This Map: $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10


elseif (($4 <1> 10) || ($4 !isnum)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Amount (1-10)


else {

if ($prs.playerrating($1,$2) != Unrated) {

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) - 1)

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) - $prs.playerrating($1,$2))


!hadd prsmaprate %nick $+ %race $4

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ total $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1) + 1)

!hadd prsmaprate %race $+ maxvotes $calc($iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ maxvotes) == $null,0,$v1) + $4)

mta.text $1 %nick Rated $mta.race($1) $+ : $prs.playerrating($1,$2) $+ /10

mta.text $1 Current Map Rating: $prs.rating($1) $+ /10 - Total Votes: $iif($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == $null,0,$v1)

; used to auto remove maps after 10 votes if map rating is less than 2. (the 10 votes and 2 rating can be changed to suit)

; if ($hget(prsmaprate,%race $+ total) == 10) && ($prs.rating($1) < 2) {

; !hadd prsstats removed $+ %race removed

; !hdel prstimes 1stnick $+ %race

; !hdel prstimes 1st $+ %race

; mta.text $1 $prs.mode($1) $+ : $mta.race($1) Has Been Auto-Removed

; }




alias prs.votekick {

if ($3 == !votemap) votemap $1-

elseif ($prs.votekicking($1) != yes) mta.pm $1 $2 Votekicking Is Currently Disabled.

elseif ($prs.players($1) < 4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Players - 4 needed.

else {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)), %b = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41)

if ($3 == !votekick) {

if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Votekick Already Running on $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1))

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !votekick

else {

!hadd prstemp votenick %a

!hadd prstemp voters %b

mta.text $1 Type !vote If You Want $mta.nick($1,%a) Kicking.

mta.text $1 Total Votes Needed: $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))

.timervotekick 1 90 prs.endvotekick $1-



elseif ($3 == !vote) {

if (%b isin $hget(prstemp,voters)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted!

else {

!hadd prstemp voters $hget(prstemp,voters) $+ %b

mta.text $1 Total Votes: $numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) $+ / $+ $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))

prs.checkvotes $1-





alias prs.checkvotes {

if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))) {

mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1))

mta.kick $1 $prs.votenick($1)



alias prs.endvotekick {

if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.text $1 Votekick Ended On $mta.nick($1,$hget(prstemp,votenick))

!hdel prstemp voters

!hdel prstemp votenick


on *:SIGNAL:mta.respawn: {


;$1 = Server

;$2 = ID

if ($prs.mode($1) == RS-Deathmatch) {

var %a = $hget(prstemp,lives $+ $2)

%a = $calc(%a + 1)

!hadd prstemp lives $+ $2 %a

!hadd prstemp extra $+ $2 $calc($hget(prstemp,extra $+ $2) + $timer(endrsdm).secs)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Has Spawned %a $iif(%a == 1,Time,Times)



alias prs.endrsdm {

mta.text $1 RS-Deathmatch Ended

var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d,%1 = 0,%x,%2 = 0,%y,%3 = 0,%z

while (%a %1) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y

%2 = %1 | %y = %x

%1 = %d | %x = %a


elseif (%d > %2) {

%3 = %2 | %z = %y

%2 = %d | %y = %a


elseif (%d > %3) {

%3 = %d | %z = %a



!inc %a


var %a = $prs.players($1)

if (%a > 1) {

!.signal prs.endrace $1 %x

.timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Winner: $mta.nick($1,%x) - Score: %1

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.points($1,%x) + %a)

.timer 1 2 mta.pm $1 %x %a Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%x)

!hadd prsdmwins $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.dmwins($1,%x) + 1)

!hadd prsdmwins total $+ $mta.nick($1,%x) $calc($prs.totaldmwins($1,%x) + 1)

if (%y != $null) {

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Second: $mta.nick($1,%y) - Score: %2

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%y) $calc($prs.points($1,%y) + (%a - 1))

.timer 1 3 mta.pm $1 %y $calc(%a - 1) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%y)


if (%z != $null) {

.timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Third: $mta.nick($1,%z) - Score: %3

!hadd prsrank $mta.nick($1,%z) $calc($prs.points($1,%z) + (%a - 2))

.timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 %z $calc(%a - 2) Points Earned. Total: $prs.points($1,%z)




alias prs.addcreator {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: sepcify details to add

else {

!hadd prsmaprate details $+ $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)) $4-

mta.pm $1 $2 Details Added.



alias prs.newmap {

var %b = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.25),%c = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41)

if (%c isin $hget(prstemp,mapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted!

else {

!hadd prstemp mapvoter $hget(prstemp,mapvoter) $+ %c

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted A New Map - Total: $numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) $+ / $+ %b


if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,mapvoter),41) == %b) {

mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)

mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))

!hdel prstemp mapvoter



alias votemap {

var %a = 0,%b,%c = $4-,%d = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41),%e = $ceil($prs.players($1) / 1.75)

if (!$4) {

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Name

else {

if (%d isin $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You have already voted

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32)) to be the next map

!hadd prstemp votemapvoter $hget(prstemp,votemapvoter) $+ %d

checkmapvotes $1-




else {

if ($hget(prstemp,votemapname) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Vote Already running on $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32))

else {

while (%a < $mta.races($1)) {

if (%c isin $mta.races($1,%a)) {

%b = $mta.races($1,%a)

%a = $mta.races($1)


!inc %a


if (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 No Maps Found For: %c

else {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Voted %b to be the next map - %e $iif(%e == 1,Vote,Votes) Needed

.timervotemap 1 5 mta.text $1 Type !votemap to vote.

!hadd prstemp votemapname $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

!hadd prstemp votemapvoter %d

checkmapvotes $1-





alias checkmapvotes {

if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,votemapvoter),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 1.75))) {

mta.text $1 Vote Limit Reached, Next Map: $replace($hget(prstemp,votemapname),$chr(63),$chr(32))

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $hget(prstemp,votemapname)



alias pgs.fine {

var %a = $hget(pgstemp,cuss $+ $3)

if ($2 == $3) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Invalid Name

else {

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: $mta.nick($1,$3) Hasnt Said Anything Wrong!

else {

mta.pm $1 $3 You Have Beed Fined!! $ $+ %a For Your Bad Language!

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,$3) Has Been Fined! - Cash Earned $ $+ %a

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %a

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$3) %a

!hdel pgstemp cuss $+ $3

.timercuss $+ $3 off




alias pgs.pms {

if ($4 == on) {

!hdel pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently On


elseif ($4 == off) {

!hadd pgstemp pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) Off

mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently Off


else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Turn Betting PM's On Or Off

.timer 1 4 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !pms on/off

.timer 1 8 mta.pm $1 $2 PM's Currently: $iif($hget(prstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) == Off,Off,On)



alias pgs.pm {

if (!$hget(pgstemp,pms $+ $mta.nick($1,$2))) mta.pm $1 $2 $3-


alias pgs.transfer {

var %a = $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$v1)

if ($prs.level($1,$2) < 5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Level 5 Admins Only!

elseif (($4 == $null) || ($5 == $null) || ($6 == $null) || ($6 !isnum)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Type: !transfer

mta.pm $1 $2 Use Exact names, no wildcards!

mta.pm $1 $2 Sends Cash From Nick1 to Nick2.


elseif ($calc(%a - $6) < 0) mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ %a

else {

pgs.sub $4 $6

pgs.add $5 $6

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Transfered $ $+ $6 From $4 To $5



alias pgs.bet {

var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%b = $timer(betting).secs,%c = $calc($pgs.maxbid($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))

if (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> %c)) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !bet <1>


elseif ($prs.players($1) <3> $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash!

elseif (!%b) mta.pm $1 $2 Betting Has Ended For This Race!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Already Betting On $hget(pgstemp,beton $+ $2)

else {

mta.pm $1 $2 Bet: $ $+ $5 $+ , Placed On $mta.nick($1,%a) To Win.

!hadd pgstemp bet $+ $2 $5

!hadd pgstemp beton $+ $2 $mta.nick($1,%a)

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5)

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5

mta.pm $1 $2 You Now Have $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,$2)



alias pgs.unbet {

var %a = $timer(betting).secs

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Bets Have Been Placed!

elseif ($hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Havent Placed A Bet

else {

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Bet Withdrawn, $ $+ $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ $2) Refunded.

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) - $2)

!hdel pgstemp bet $+ $2

!hdel pgstemp beton $+ $2



alias pgs.cointoss {

if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif (($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) || ($5 <1> $pgs.maxcointoss($1))) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cointoss heads/tails <1>


elseif ($5 > $pgs.cash($1,$2)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash!

elseif ($4 != heads) || $4 != tails) {

mta.pm $1 $2 You Flip The Coin Into The Air....

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) $5

!hadd pgscash tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tbets $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $5)

.timer 1 3 pgs.checkcoin $1-


else mta.pm $1 $2 Error: specify heads or tails!


alias pgs.checkcoin {

var %a = $rand(1,2),%b = $calc($5 * 2)

if (%a == 1) {

mta.pm $1 $2 $replacecs($4,h,H,t,T) $+ !!! You Just Won $ $+ %b

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,$2) %b

!hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + %b)


else {

mta.pm $1 $2 $iif($4 == heads,Tails...You Lose!!!,Heads...You Lose!!!)

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + $5)



alias pgs.checkwins {

var %a = 0,%b = $mta.nick($1,$2),%c = $calc($prs.players($1) / 2),%d

while (%a < %loop) {

if ($hget(pgstemp,beton $+ %a) == %b) {

%d = $calc(%c * $hget(pgstemp,bet $+ %a))

pgs.add $mta.nick($1,%a) %d

!hadd pgscash twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($hget(pgscash,twon $+ $mta.nick($1,%a)) + %d)

mta.pm $1 %a You Won $ $+ %d - Total Cash: $ $+ $pgs.cash($1,%a)


!inc %a



alias pgs.cost {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !cost

elseif ($4 == bidlevel) mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel - Cost: $ $+ $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))

elseif ($4 == 50points) mta.pm $1 $2 50Points - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.50points($1)

elseif ($4 == landmine) mta.pm $1 $2 Landmine - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif ($4 == mapchange) mta.pm $1 $2 Mapchange - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif ($4 == !own) mta.pm $1 $2 !Own Command - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif ($4 == selffreeze) mta.pm $1 $2 Selffreeze - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif ($4 == joinmsg) mta.pm $1 $2 Joinmsg - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif ($4 == ipregister) mta.pm $1 $2 IPregister - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.ipreg($1)

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-)

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4-

else mta.pm $1 $2 $pgs.itemname(%a) - Cost: $ $+ $pgs.itemprice(%a)



alias pgs.buy {

if ($hget(pgstemp,allow $+ $2) == no) mta.pm $1 $2 Plz Try Later - Accessing Details!

elseif ($findtok(ticket lottery lotteryticket lotto,$4,1,32)) pgs.buyticket $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) != nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use Or !drop Your Current Item First

elseif (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !buy

elseif ($findtok(bidlevel 50points landmine mapchange !own joinmsg selffreeze ipregister,$4,1,32)) pgs.fixedbuy $1-

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$4-)

var %price = $pgs.itemprice(%a)

if (!%a) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Nothing Found For: $4-

elseif ($pgs.cash($1,$2) = 20) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Bidlevel Max Reched!



else %price = $calc($pgs.incbidlevel($1) * $pgs.bidlevel($1,$2))


elseif (%item == 50points) %price = $pgs.50points($1)

elseif (%item == landmine) %price = $pgs.landmine($1)

elseif (%item == mapchange) %price = $pgs.nextracemapchange($1)

elseif (%item == !own) %price = $pgs.ownage($1)

elseif (%item == selffreeze) %price = $pgs.selffreeze($1)

elseif (%item == joinmsg) %price = $pgs.joinmsg($1)

elseif (%item == ipregister) %price = $pgs.ipreg($1)

if ($pgs.cash($1,$2) < %price) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Cash! ( $+ $ $+ %price $+ )

else {

pgs.addtotal %price

!hadd pgscash pgslotteryfundsaccount $calc($pgs.lottofund($1) + (%price / 10))

pgs.sub $mta.nick($1,$2) %price

!hadd pgscash tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($hget(pgscash,tspent $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)) + $pgs.itemprice(%a))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) - $iif(%item == mapchange,Next Race Mapchange,%item) Purchased! - $ $+ %price

if (%item == 50points) {

!hinc prsrank $mta.nick($1,$2) 50

mta.pm $1 $2 You now have $prs.points($1,$2)


elseif (%item == bidlevel) !hadd pgscash bidlevel $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($pgs.bidlevel($1,$2) + 1)

else {

!hadd pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2) %item

.timer 1 5 mta.pm $1 $2 Type !use to use your item.




alias pgs.use {

if ($pgs.items($1,$2) == nothing) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Nothing To Use!

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == landmine) pgs.uselandmine $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == mapchange) pgs.mapchange $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == selffreeze) pgs.freeze $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == !own) pgs.addownage $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == joinmsg) pgs.addjoinmsg $1-

elseif ($pgs.items($1,$2) == ipregister) pgs.ipregister $1-

else {

var %a = $pgs.finditemid($1,$pgs.items($1,$2))

mta.pm $1 $2 You Use Your Item....

.timer 1 5 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $pgs.itemeffect(%a)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)



alias pgs.ipregister {

mta.pm $1 $2 Registering Your Nick & IP

!hadd pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $mta.ip($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Youre Nick Has Been Registered To The IP: $mta.ip($1,$2)

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.addjoinmsg {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

!hadd pgsitems joinmsg $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added!



alias pgs.addownage {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

!hadd pgsitems ownage $+ $mta.nick($1,$2) $4-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)

mta.pm $1 $2 Message: $4- Added!



alias pgs.freeze {

mta.pm $1 $2 Using Your Self-Freeze....

mta.freeze $1 $2

.timerunfreeze $+ $2 1 30 mta.unfreeze $1 $2

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.mapchange {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !use

else {

var %a = $+(*,$4-,*)

var %b = $mta.races($1,$mta.races($1,%a))

if (%b isnum) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: %a Not Found

else {

!hadd prstemp votemapnew $replace(%b,$chr(32),$chr(63))

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Paid For The Next Map To Be: %b

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)




alias pgs.uselandmine {

mta.pm $1 $2 You Activate The Landmine And Throw It From Your window!

mta.text $1 Landmine Active!!!

.timermine 1 15 pgs.checklandmine $1-

!hdel pgsitems $mta.nick($1,$2)


alias pgs.checklandmine {

var %a = $rand(1,3)

if (%a > 1) {


%a = $rand(0,%loop)

if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $iif($2 == %a,Ran Over His Own Landmine!!!,Ran Over The Landmine And Blew A Tyre!)

mta.freeze $1 %a

.timerunfreeze $+ %a 1 20 pgs.fixed $1 %a


else .timer 1 10 mta.text $1 Everyone Avoided The Landmine!


alias pgs.fixed {

mta.unfreeze $1 $2

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Tyre Fixed - Racing Again!


alias pgs.finditemid {

var %a = 1,%b = $ini(pgsdata.ini,item,0)

while (%a 1) {


%a = $rand(0,%loop)

if (!$mta.nick($1,%a)) goto moo2

var %b = $rand(1,5)

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's $replace(%b,1,Blew A Tyre!,2,Engine Overheated!,3,Electrics Are On Fire!!!,4,Brakes Siezed Up!,5,Car Stalled!)

.timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Type !fix to help $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.freeze $1 %a

!hadd pgstemp dmfreeze %a

.timerdmunfreeze 1 $rand(5,15) pgs.dmfixed $1 %a



alias pgs.dmfixed {

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : Car Fixed!

mta.unfreeze $1 $2

!hdel pgstemp dmfreeze


alias prs.reclaim {

var %a = 0,%b,%nick = $2,%c = 0,%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45)),%check = best $+ %race

var %1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,1 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %nick1 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

if (%nick != $null) {

%b = $iif($hget(prstimes,%race $+ %nick) == $null,120000000,$v1)

if (%b < %1) {

if (%nick1 != %nick) && (%nick2 != %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %1

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick1

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick1 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick


mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 1st Place!


elseif (%b < %2) && (%nick != %nick1) {

if (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


elseif (%nick2 == %nick) {

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick


mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 2nd Place!


elseif (%b < %3) && (%nick != %nick1) && (%nick != %nick2) {

!hadd prstop3 3 $+ %check %b

!hadd prstop3 nick3 $+ %check %nick

mta.text $1 %nick Claimed 3rd Place!




alias prs.deletetime {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

var %check = best $+ %race

mta.text $1 Removing $hget(prstop3,nick1 $+ %check) $+ ' s Top Time.

var %2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,2 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,3 $+ %check) == $null,12000000,$v1)

var %nick2 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick2 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

var %nick3 = $iif($hget(prstop3,nick3 $+ %check) == $null,Unset,$v1)

!hadd prstop3 1 $+ %check %2

!hadd prstop3 nick1 $+ %check %nick2

!hadd prstop3 2 $+ %check %3

!hadd prstop3 nick2 $+ %check %nick3

!hdel prstop3 3 $+ %check

!hdel prstop3 nick3 $+ %check

!hadd prstimes 1stnick $+ %race %nick2

!hadd prstimes 1st $+ %race %2


alias prs.rsdm {

if ($5 == $null) || ($5 !isnum) {

mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify Map Duration In Seconds


else {

var %race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))

!hadd prsstats mode $+ %race RS-Deathmatch

!hadd prsstats modetime $+ %race $5

mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Set $mta.race($1) As A Respawnable Deathmatch Map ( $+ $5 Secs $+ )



alias prs.remmaps {

var %a = 0, %b = $mta.races($1)

!echo 1 Total maps: %b

while (%a < %b) {

var %race = $replace($mta.races($1,%a),$chr(32),$chr(45))

if ($hget(prsstats,removed $+ %race) == removed) {

!writeini -n removedmaps.ini mapname %race removed


!inc %a


mta.text $1 Removed Maps Exported to 'removedmaps.ini'


alias prs.warn {

;$1:Server $2:AdminID $3:WarnedID $4-:Reason

if ($3 == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !warn

elseif ($3 == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Warn Self

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) = $prs.delete($1)) {

prs.deletetime $1-


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !kick) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.kick($1)) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) mta.kick $1 %a

else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2


elseif ($3 == !ban) {

if ($prs.level($1,$2) >= $prs.ban($1)) {

if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Nick

elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot Ban Self!

elseif ($prs.level($1,$2) > $prs.level($1,%a)) || sco isin $mta.nick($1,$2) {

!hadd prsbans $mta.nick($1,%a) $mta.ip($1,%a)

!hadd prsbans $mta.ip($1,%a) $mta.nick($1,%a)

mta.ban $1 %a

mta.pm $1 $2 $mta.nick($1,%a) Added To Ban File. $+(,$mta.ip($1,%a),)


else insuf $1 $2


else insuf $1 $2



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