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MTA:SA --> [SHS] - Public: San's & House's Script's


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Hello people! :)

Me & HouseMD have started to make SHS scripts little time ago.

We are now done those stuff:


- Pingkick

- Admin stuff (!kick, !ban, !freeze, !unfreeze, !mute, !unmute)

- Money system (For Race maps and exclusively for DD/DM maps!)

- RCON and IP lock admin. (You are allowed to pick your favourite, and use it!)

- Custom welcome message

- Command to add commands (Only for admins!)

- Custom timed messages

- Stats (Wins, Visits, Kicks, Money, Deaths, Overhall time how long player have been in that server*)

- !seen command (To see when player has been in server last time)


Buy commands! List of them:

- !buykick (To buy kicks for someone)

- !buyfreeze (To buy freeze for 5 seconds for someone other player)

- !buyselffreeze (To buy freeze for yourself for 20 seconds)

- !buycommand (To buy own custom command for your name, like !setreply, but buyable)

- !editcommand (To edit command what you have bought before)

- !buyfriendlist** (To buy friendlist and see who is online)

- !addbank & !getbank (To get money from your bank, and add mone to your bank)

+ all normal commands, like !alias, !pma etc.


* = If we can make it working. ** = Not finished yet.


(We use writeini in SHS)

So ppl, please give us some suggestions what we can put into SHS !!!

More buycommands, and everything what is possible!

Hey, and this is not addon for GUS or PRS! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Btw, i have script to bet money with your friend. like !bet Player 10

bets $10 with your friend. Winner will get betted money.

And if you win DD map, you will get money.

SHS is now 80% finished, control panel is still under construction.


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Cannot edit my post cause unknown reason, but whatever:


- !bet (bet money with your friend)

- !givemoney (To give money for your friend)

And cool banking commands. Etc. you will get every hour + 1% money :D

its like in real banks...

Please, be patience! It will be released soon as possible! (I hope so!)

- Lil'San!

*Hoping you will be satisfed at our scripts*

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Yep, its in SHS...

Your rcon lvls:

Rcon lvl 1 > SHS lvl 2

Rcon lvl 2 > SHS lvl 4

Rcon lvl 3 > SHS lvl 6

Rcon lvl 4 > SHS lvl 8

Rcon lvl 5 > SHS lvl 10

-- OR --

You can just chose GUS style admins. there are few different choices...

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Im not sure yet, but soon.

We have some problems with control panel (It will be like you can set max ping rs detectors destination...) ey! im not gonna tell everything at it ;)

I wanna keep little suprise...

But i will promise it will be at least good as PRS is :wink:

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I also wanted to tell its not --ONLY-- mine script HouseMD have done lot of stuff... So i dont wanna ppl come to tell me: "EY MAAN, U PWNZ U ARE GREAT SCRIPTER, BEST I THINK!!!111" cause its Houses work too.

(I lied, of couse i want :lol: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey everyone!

Good news this time;

We have started again to make SHS. We had some problems with Control Panel, but now whe have finded out what was problem... So its almost finished! Almost all scripts are now, but some stuff in c panel should be added... Like setting max ping with it and more... :)

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