Knuckles Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 It's been worse than before. On LW's server, we've been getting overloaded with maps that just... generally suck.... lots of freeroam DMs, races that are made for only 1 players, tight maps, bike skills maps where you can hardly do because of all the players, maps filled with barrels, "falling down" luck maps, maps overloaded with those bugged mines... It seems we cant get any good maps uploaded lately. It comes out that on each map testing sessions we do, we only keep like 3 to 5 of them :\ People, please read guides on how to make a decent maps for 32 players without everything you find in the editor that you find nice... Is it the same on other servers also or it's only on our server? ... Link to comment
Guest Posted May 30, 2007 Share Posted May 30, 2007 Does your server get new maps from the community center? Unfortunately, the tag in the configuration doesn't allow filtering out maps based on criteria like cp count, spawns, etc. Link to comment
zion Posted May 30, 2007 Share Posted May 30, 2007 Is it the same on other servers also or it's only on our server? ... Yes this is .. well much of on nearly all the servers i know about. Mictech.Server did get much crap maps. Dead-Inside is getting crap. So yes this is on nearly all the servers. Link to comment
PacMaan Posted May 31, 2007 Share Posted May 31, 2007 I'm currently sorting out all the maps on server - and dont allow people to directly upload maps straight onto the server, they all get evaluated and often edited first. Or binned. Its going well but its always ongoing - we have a good quality map stock, with a lot of originals/exclusives too. My guess is because the map center is still borked, idiots feel they have to inflict their awful map skills and upload somewhere that will let them. Guess where lol Link to comment
Maximusje Posted June 3, 2007 Share Posted June 3, 2007 Pretty sux, all those crap maps. With bugged spawns (32 spawns on like 4m² space lol), crappy placed cp's, bugged vehicle changes. Also the center is down . Link to comment
mrselfdestruct Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 its all my fault I guess, I can't stop churning out these crappy maps! sorry, heh. Link to comment
allah-cool Posted June 30, 2007 Share Posted June 30, 2007 A way to make new maps for your server which I have done. Take a map from your server and edit it on the map editor. H2so4 Race In Liberty is a perfect example, you could make a shorter race, a DM, a freeroam etc Link to comment
Maximusje Posted July 1, 2007 Share Posted July 1, 2007 A way to make new maps for your server which I have done.Take a map from your server and edit it on the map editor. H2so4 Race In Liberty is a perfect example, you could make a shorter race, a DM, a freeroam etc You can also make new maps lol Link to comment
thestrangestick Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 I presume by 'luck maps' you mean what other servers class as [Fun] maps that, oo guess what, aren't based on skill so you might not win this time! Aww, too bad. Well servers like Phrozenbyte put [Fun] tags on falling maps and dinghy maps and they are popular there and often voted for but all the maps on LW that are random fun like Jump2Death and the going-down or going_down are just deleted. Some of the maps on Phrozenbyte are really elite, or amazingly cleverly designed. Shame about the small amount of DM maps though. I can appreciate being annoyed by the n00bish maps that are just boring checkpoint only races with no added anything, but [Fun] maps take ages to make and quite often a lot of bugtesting and fixing are involved, but some people never appreciate this. LW maps are still so sh*t because the map testing is only done on maps that are uploaded now, not the ones that were uploaded before the testing began. Here follows the Gravestone text for my dinghy map, a bug free map that took me HOURS to make. -- DinghyDownFall -- - Back, and forth, back, and forth ([]Alpha) - to glitchy (plop) - Forth and back, forth and back, whoops I missed a check while falling ([]Alpha) - idea sucks (Cygnus) Voted yes: 0 / Voted no: 3 * Map deleted * IT'S A 100KB TEXT FILE PEOPLE, WHY NOT LET THE PUBLIC, THE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THESE MAPS, DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES! (As opposed to just trigger happy deleting.) Followed by a generic checkpoint map: -- miami400 -- + bit boring... guess its ok (Cygnus) + Nice and fast track ([]Alpha) + nice with nitro (plop) Voted yes: 3 / Voted no: 0 * Map approved * -- XWallride -- + classic (Cygnus) + bleh ([]Alpha) + even if I hate it (Knuckles) Voted yes: 3 / Voted no: 0 * Map approved * And.. this is going-down 7 narrowly missing deletion. going-down7! Jesus those maps are bloody amazing. But oh, they might come under the [Fun] category! -- Going-Down7 -- + not as good as 5 or 6, but still fun and original (Cygnus) - the the loop between cp3&4 is totaly unsuitable (Plop) + classic... but it's the one I like the less.. (Knuckles) - going_down is supposed to be fun... (Knuckles) - Consider my ideas and you win my vote ([]Alpha) + So far, I won more work, wehee ([]Alpha) Voted yes: 2 / Voted no: 2 Votes tie; moderator's vote is decisive * Map approved * It is this kind of attitude that has caused a dry patch in the amount of decent maps being made, people are putting lots of effort into their maps and if the admins decide they don't like it, out it goes. Map testing really should be done by public vote, I mean how difficult would that be to put into server script, giving a map a rank with a command (ie !rank 8 ) and any map that has a bad rank after say, 30 reviews will get put up for deletion, and only the admins can override the deletion if they want to. Get your act together Admins! Unless you have ever made a big complicated map, don't take them for granted! They are called [Fun] for a good reason... Link to comment
Maximusje Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 * A lot of custom maps are brilliant in design, very very original, but unplayable for 32 people. Like Dinghy falls (1): it is such a narrow slide that sometimes everybody gets stuck on the slide. Dinghy falls 2 in contrary is a wide track, brilliantly made, very original too. And the map Friction: A perfect custom map, which gets chosen a dozen of times in a row because it contains nearly any bug and is just original and smooth. Conclusion: Custom mapping is the hardest type of mapping there is - your map might be fun in map editor or with 5 people, but in most of the time it sux ass when playing with a larger number of players. So don't be mad if people don't like it. I agree with the !rank command. But when you check the server for how many people voted, it's mostly only like 10 people. And creating good Checkpoint races is also an art. It can also take a lot of time to create one: thinking of the best route, making the direction with fences, think about the vehicle changes and try not to bug them. A cp race must be smooth and give the right race experience (this can be done by just pick the right vehicle and for example making fences around the track). Link to comment
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