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@Scooby: Pls can you correct my script!


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Hi, i have got a problem:

I edited [uVA]Scooby´s Public Release Script 1.0 :oops: and I have a few version of my edited script. :lol: But in the latest version (in this I added some good features from Public Release Script 1.1) all the Admin commands don´t work! :? And I want to ask you, that you can help me to correct the mistakes? :lol:

Here you can download my script (sry, but it is in German, because I´m from Germany :wink: and it´s soooooooooooo long [i´ve added more than 40 commands to Scooby´s Script! :D ] ) :


( On the Download you must click with right--->"Save target as..."

THX for Help! :D

MFG [TbO]Gr00vE - the Leader of Tobaco-Gaming Clan

PS: Sorry for my bad english but I´m German! :roll:

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wel mayby i can help[ you whit your count down:

  elseif ($3 == !tcount) {
   .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) hat einen Countdown gestartet, er beginnt in 5 Sekunden!
   .timer 1 6 mta.text $1 Alles Bereit?
   .timer 1 7 mta.text $1 Auf die Plaetze!
   .timer 1 8 mta.text $1 Fertig!
   .timer 1 9 mta.text $1 LOS!!!^^

thats your but i think it shut be like this:

  elseif ($3 == !tcount) {
     if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0) {
       mta.text $1 Countdown starded!
       .timer 1 1 mta.text $1 Alles Bereit?
       .timer 1 2 mta.text $1 Auf die Plaetze!
       .timer 1 3 mta.text $1 Fertig!
       .timer 1 4 mta.text $1 LOS!!!^^

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  • 5 months later...

Hey Groove,

"on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:" you wrote:

  elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Hoechster Ping, denn man hier haben darf: %max - Set By: %setter . Der Standart-Ping ist 150.^^ 
  elseif ($3 == !maxund) mta.text $1 Moritz! 

The !maxund-Command won't work beacause all Commands who start with !max... will show the Max-Ping.

Use This One:

  elseif ($3 == !maxund) mta.text $1 Moritz! 
  elseif (!max* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Hoechster Ping, denn man hier haben darf: %max - Set By: %setter . Der Standart-Ping ist 150.^^ 

so if the command is NOT !maxund, all other commands who start with !max will show the Maxping.

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noo look the command duns't work because :

if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0) {

whitout that is don't works

if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0) means if the player level is greater than or equal to 0 then it will work, so all the players with no level can do the command aswell as the admins. which is kinda pointless lol

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noo look the command duns't work because :

if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0) {

whitout that is don't works

if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0) means if the player level is greater than or equal to 0 then it will work, so all the players with no level can do the command aswell as the admins. which is kinda pointless lol

That does no sense, if you DON'T write that (if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 0)), ALL people can use this command too.

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